I will explain it by myself - Lao Tse

  • 2011

(February 26, 2011)

I could ... and I thank all the brothers of human blood who did their best to explain. Incalculable, incalculable books and writings to explain what everyone is still looking for, inexplicably seek the inexplicable. Incessantly, without stopping, without resting ... and what is not sought and does not ask such a thing, perhaps they live in the superficiality of the world.

I could start with a book or many more, many writings or books, some ... many more, of so many that I see, inexplicably, many. I can see them writing, thinking, trying to see, to discover such a thing, from immemorial times of man, so many books, so many religions and so many philosophies to search and explain what is explainable by itself. And even some suffer with it, even some suffer because they found no answers and left the physical plane.

Some left written such a thing in the stars, some left it written in biology, others left it written in religions, and others ... do not ask, because wondering could be suffering since they have not yet found answers and try to explain what Which is explainable by itself.

Men strive to explain, because not explaining leads them to the emptiness and emptiness of the suffering man endures as long as the man does not find his answers, They seek and seek and what do they find? Always the same: mysteries. They seek and seek and what do they find? Always the same: there is no answer.

And man perishes in his own emptiness, because there are no answers that can satisfy man with his inexplicable search for what is self-explanatory. You can rely on many philosophies, you can rely on many writings and you can rely on your own story, but don't try to explain what is explainable by itself. You know why? Because your search will end in emptiness again and again until you are really empty. You fall into a vacuum when you intend to explain what is explainable by itself and ends up being inexplicable, there is no explanation for what is coming. There is simply delivery, or there isn't.

However, I thank my brothers with human blood, for having sought so many explanations for something that alone can be explained.

But man is not content to feel, man is more concerned with explaining.

Man is not content to love, seeks to explain his love.

Man is not content to die, seeks to explain death,

The man is not content to thank, seeks to explain what he is grateful for.

And even man is not content to live, he seeks to explain the mystery (hear!) The mystery of life. What mystery are you talking about? If I have not yet explained what is explainable by itself.

Yes, you stand in front of life and what do you do? You seek to explain it because you think that when you explain why you are happy you will be happier, and because you think that when you explain your sadness you will be less sad. And it is proven that some men are sadder because they seek an explanation for their sadness. And your eagerness to explain is so great and your mind is so great, a big mind like the seas, like the universes that even seek to explain the inexplicable, or what is even worse: what is explainable by itself. Some say: I do not understand, others say: I do not believe in it. And some say: I don't mess with mysteries, mysteries don't fill my life. Sustainable, sustainable, mysteries do not fill life, however your life is full of mysteries and one of the greatest is: the one I will explain.

Right now, you know, right now many people are dying and I will tell you that many of them die without explanation of what I am going to explain. And how do you think they die before this lack of explanation: they die empty, saddened and have lost the power of potential gods ... you discovered your God and you want to explain it. Go explanations. All are thoughts and I will tell you that today I suffer for it. I suffer because you seek emptiness many times you do not make it conscious but you seek emptiness when you immerse yourself in the thought that everything is explainable, with your words, with your languages ​​and your religions. Seas and seas have transcended. Thousands of times of human beings and the sea do not seek any explanation to continue flowing in its waters. I can hear the mountains, I can hear the earth and its mantra and I don't explain it. I can simply hear it. Do you get it Or do you want to explain it?

A word that you say, or a word that you may be missing and the magic of what is inexplicable for many or of what is really explainable on its own goes on.

Today we can call it "mental behaviors." And listen well: man can explain what water is, but he cannot perceive its essence with his mind. And you will say, how does man perceive the essence of everything around him? And I will tell you that man perceives what is explainable by itself. So many books, so many philosophies, so many people desperate to not enter into emptiness. And how do you think your souls are? They are empty.

You cannot live yourself. When you seek to explain and find a satisfactory answer, what do you do? You calm your body, you calm your mind but your soul has not yet understood. But when you capture the essence of your own life, your soul perceives it, and what does your mind do? Rest in peace. And explain what is explainable from the mind. And that which is explainable by itself will live in you.

You will want to hear perhaps the name of the explainable by itself, and you will want to hear the name of perhaps the one who speaks to you. And tell me when you have explained your own person, when you have explained what your own person is. "Mental behaviors."

He remembered the words of a very old philosophy: man seeks to know what he does not know, seeks to live the impossible, but does not live the possible.

Man has not learned to live as much as possible, which is why I hear suffering in his death. Man dies in many cases with many mental explanations and words but not in the simplicity of what is self explanatory.

Today we can say that man finds the greatest of emptinesses in the deepest designs of creation.

The man wonders who that person is.

The man wonders what will happen tomorrow

and man wonders how water is composed.

And very few are those who wonder: who are they themselves.

Because such a question brings emptiness, because they try to answer it

With your mind And what will your mind do? It will make you feel empty.

Because maybe he doesn't have the answer he is looking for.

Because the answers he looks for do not exist.

There are only the answers that are without explanations, without doubts and

With a lot of delivery.

Give yourself to your own dialogue, with your own essence and you know what you will discover? You will discover that you don't need colors or shapes. Neither the shapes nor the colors of your brothers. Those who annoy you so much when you're empty. Because the sages of this culture said: that men find their emptiness when they cannot explain their own fear and their own contempt. So what are you doing? You justify your own fear and your own contempt. Mind traps.

Because your soul does not weave you traps, it is empty or full. Your soul carries the most sincere messages, which you can sometimes explain and sometimes not. And when you explain you are still empty and when you explain it you suffer too much. Meanwhile your soul what does it do? It still exists, and in the meantime your mind what does it do? Keep explaining. And what is your body doing? Still suffering. And your Masters, what do they do? They keep coming so that you are not empty and for your souls you are your soul.

The ancient peoples said that the greatest men are the men who find their greatness and not explain or seek it.

It's simple: your greatness is and you explain it, your essence is and you explain it. Your soul is and you hide it, with what? With explanations Again and again and what surprises you? One day of your existence, what surprises you? Your death surprises you. Something that was pending, by the way. Explain your death. Nothing is more improper in the human being than to explain death.

And while you look for thousands of explanations to death many more are dying.

And while you are looking for thousands of explanations to life, many more than thousands are being born.

I don't understand what you want to explain.

"A single glimpse of your soul to search and find your essence is enough for all the rest of your incarnations."

And when your mind hits, what happens? You are human again, and what happens? You disconnect from your soul. Your soul cries out for you to listen to. And what do you do? You hear the noises outside and you hear the noises of your mind, what does it do? Look for explanations of what happened, what happens or what will happen. Meanwhile all this is happening.

Pass your present and you try to find explanations of your past.

Pass your present and you try to find explanations of what might be your future and your soul suffers. And you don't notice and your soul is full and you don't notice because what do you do? You are explaining the smallest thing that could be happening to you in the world.

Thinking, creative minds by the way. But when these minds cannot create what is already created, what happens? Emptiness. Empty, empty, inexplicable moments, by the way.

Listen well to these words: when you can't find an explanation, just relax and enjoy yourself. And tell yourself that you are full, that you are no longer empty and that you are more than a human being, that you are a soul experience, that today you have a very dignified mind, but that you cannot explain everything because what is explainable by If you just have no explanation.

And what is explainable by itself has only one name:

It has no explanation, it has no understanding and it is a mystery

Only for those who seek explanations.

He is wise as the best of the gods,

It is perfect love as the best of all the love of creation,

It is perfect purity because it has no human explanation,

It is transcendence of your soul because it does not die,

He doesn't explain death because he doesn't have it,

Nor does it explain life because it is pure life,

He does not suffer because he does not seek to explain

Don't get hurt because it's perfect purity

He is not sad because he does not know joy either,

It is perfect equanimity.

It never has shadows,

Because it is pure light.

It has no emptiness because it has everything that exists.

And what is empty, for him is perfect fullness too.

It has no books, it has no specific philosophies. It has no religions.

It has no color because they are all at the same time.

He has no experiences because he has no body.

It has no explanations because it is explainable by itself.

It has no enemies because it belongs to everyone

And he has no friends because he belongs to everyone.

Don't look for it either below or above

Neither on the side nor inside your body because it has no space.

Don't look for it today or tomorrow or the day because you don't have time.

Do not look for it because it is.

Don't question him, because he won't answer you.

Do not doubt him, because you will not feel it.

Do not be ashamed of him, because it is pure love,

And it protects you even when you are too busy

With the explanations.

Do not worry if it is or is not because it always is.

Don't complain about life because you disconnect from it,

you split and separate from it.

Do not criticize or judge your partner because you separate yourself from your own essence,

And you separate your pair and split yourself from Creation.

Do not get attached to the world, because you will not be able to live it with intensity.

Do not believe that it is separated from your body because your body too

It has the essence of him.

Do not put it in a religion because you will suffer with fanaticism.

And finally: don't give it a name because it has thousands of them,

or maybe none at the same time.

What is explainable by itself is simply: YOUR SPIRIT

Some call him GOD and others call him: TAO.

Your path is everyone's path and you separate it by explaining it.

The brothers with their philosophies and their books.

I open my heart and thank you for wanting to explain what is explainable by itself. They will never succeed.

The Road Server: LAO TSE


Raúl Aráoz

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