Births under water. Midwifery dolphins Drunvalo Melchizedek.

  • 2015

A Russian named Igor Charkovsky has been involved in underwater birth for a long time, since when his 20-year-old daughter was born underwater.

Charkosvsky and his team had taken a woman to the Black Sea for a birth. They were there prepared, with the woman lying in the water about two feet deep.

As I recall, three dolphins approached, pushed everyone to the side and took control. The dolphins did something that looked like a scan, from the top down of their body, something that I have experienced and that produces something in the human system.

The woman gave birth almost without pain or fear. It was a phenomenal experience!

That experience of childbirth underwater began a new practice using dolphins as midwives, which has spread throughout the world.

There is something about the sonar that dolphins project at birth, which seems to relax the mother. Dolphins have preferences with humans. This is not an absolute rule, but it is generally true.

If they go swimming with dolphins and there are children around, they go first with the children. If there are no children, they go with the women. If there are no women, they go with the men. And if there is a pregnant woman, everyone can forget, she gets all the attention! That little baby to arrive, is the greatest of all! Dolphins get very excited when they see a human birth They just love it !.

Dolphins can do really amazing things. Babies born with midwifery dolphins are extraordinary children. Of all that I have read so far, these babies, none, have an IQ of less than 150 and all have extremely stable emotional bodies and extremely strong physical bodies. They seem to be superior in one way or another. France has also had births underwater.

They have used large tanks, with ready instruments and emergency equipment and a doctor in case there is a problem. When a woman is floating in the water, it seems that most of the complications resolve themselves.

An assistant woman from Charkovsky, brought footage that were taken during births. I watched two films of two different women giving birth, who not only felt no pain, but experienced total pleasure while giving birth.

I've also seen some movies, where babies and children of two or three years sleep under water, at the bottom of the pool, and approximately every ten minutes they surface while they are asleep, turn their faces over the water, take one breath and return to settle down again. These children live in the water, that is their home. They are being given a name, almost as if they were a different species. People are calling them "homodelfinus" ... It seems to be a mix between humans and dolphins.

Water is becoming their natural environment and they are extremely intelligent. I have great respect for the birth under water. And the possibility of having dolphins there, at the same time, is truly a gift.

I think that the way many countries are allowing a new way of birth is a healthy trend. The more women see others give birth without pain, they will try.

By : Drúnvalo Melchizedek

Taken from his book:


Births under water. Midwifery dolphins Drunvalo Melchizedek.

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