How to protect ourselves against a cancer risk

  • 2017

SALVATION COURSE Unit 2: The hereditary Learning Object 2: Cancer

Cancer is a legacy of Atlantean humanity to modern man, and the scourge of this disease was the main factor that devastated the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis. The roots of this terrible evil are deeply grounded in the emotional or desire nature, and grounded in the astral body. Cancer is partially the result of the reaction to diseases related to sexual life, which prevailed so much in the last days of lemuria and first atlantean days. People of such times, seeing the dreadful evils and the extension of the diseases arising from the fertile life in Lemuria, the result of promiscuous sexual life everywhere, in order to achieve self-preservation stopped the natural influx of desire (the influx of life when expressed through the centers of reproduction and procreation), and this in due time produced other evils. Cancer is primarily a disease caused by inhibition, as syphilitic diseases are caused by overexpression and excessive abuse of an aspect of the mechanism of man. Today, due to the enormous length of time involved and the incalculable generations that have died on earth, the germs of the dreaded cancer disease are found in the same soil we live in, infecting the plant kingdom and also the human family .

Cancer, in the current Aryan century, is definitely the result of the activity of the lower concrete mind and the stimulus that the mind can exert on the bioenergetic body. This is the main disease incidental to the stimulus, as far as the Aryan masses are concerned, as well as heart disease are also due to the stimulus, greatly affecting the evolved people, who - due to their leadership and interest in business - often they sacrifice their lives and suffer punishment for poorly applied and excessively concentrated energy, thereby developing various forms of acute cardiac disturbances.


  • Establish differences between the three diseases of humanity.
  • Establish relationships between risk factors and protection factors.
  • Define prevention and promotion actions against cancer.


Disease is the product of three influences and is subject to it: First, man's past, in which he pays the price of old mistakes; second, his inheritance, where he shares with all the human genre those polluted streams of energy of group origin; third, his participation, with all natural forms, of what the Lord of Life imposes on His body.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: From cancer to capricorn

Naomi, 39, is pregnant with 28 weeks, after losing three previous pregnancies. While driving the car with her husband as a companion, she loses consciousness for a few seconds. Stopped by a police officer, she faints when she gets out of the car. The diagnosis is conclusive: small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The symptoms he had shown were a paraneoplastic lung cancer syndrome. It is not operable and is extremely aggressive, with a five-year survival rate of 10 to 15%. Naomi needs to be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy right now. For this, the baby must be born before, by cesarean section, with an 80% chance of survival. The father agrees, but Naomi wants to wait another week, which would raise the baby's chance of survival to 90%, but reduce the mother's survival to months. House convinces one of the hospital's cancer researchers that the Naomi case (P53 gene mutation in cod 55) is perfect for the work they are doing on angiogenesis nesis, with a complete cure rate of 30%. But for this you must start the treatment in two days. Baby and bath water is episode number 18 of the first season of the Doctor House series.

Tyler Doherty is an eight-year-old child with cancer. As he cannot play with children his age and is aware of the problems he has to move forward, he looks for hope by writing letters to his best friend: God. The neighborhood mailman, Brady McDaniels (Jeffrey Johnson), who is going through a serious depression, finds in those letters the faith necessary to continue living and, incidentally, to recover his son and free himself from the disease of alcoholism.

  • After watching the series and the movie about cancer, solve the following questions: What is the relationship between the disease and the astrological sign? What situations can be life or death? What is the importance that faith is given to face disease?

Babies and bath water refers to an Anglo-Saxon proverb, similar to the Latin "separate the straw from the grain", to refer to the need to distinguish what is important from what is not important in each situation. The abbreviated expression babies and bath water is also often used to refer to the need to adopt a moderate decision that avoids extreme reactions, or to indicate the presence of two major approaches to each issue. Cancer is the astrological sign that serves as a portal for physical birth. The initiation into the kingdom of God is done through the "Capricorn Portal": the spiritual birth.

In cancer, the initiation of the soul is obtained in the experience of physical incarnation, in the existence of the physical plane and in the art of functioning as a human being.

ACTIVITY ONE: The mental.

The best reaction that the open-minded doctor can produce or admit is that the psychological attitude, mental state and emotional condition of the patient help or hinder. When I say that cancer, for example, has its roots in an astral condition and that it began its career in Atlantean times, it means very little for today's common man. He does not understand that a large number of people have Atlantean consciousness today.

I would like to briefly address the most common cause of the disturbances: concern and irritability. Today they predominate more than ever and for the following reasons:

  1. The world situation is such, and the problems and uncertainty are so many that almost no person in the world is exempt from them. More or less everyone is involved in the planetary situation.
  2. Intercommunication between peoples has increased greatly and men live in collective groups - large or small - that inevitably produce a mutual effect as has not happened before, "If one member suffers, everyone else suffers with him", is an enunciation of the truth, old but new in application, and recognized for the first time.
  3. The increased sensitivity of the human mechanism is of such a nature that men reciprocally tune their emotional conditions and mental attitudes in a newer and more powerful way. To their own absorbent concerns and concerns add those of their peers, with whom they are related.
  4. Telepathically and also with a developed sense of foresight, today men add to the difficulties of others or some group of thinkers or people, the difficulties that might exist, although they are not sure that they exist.

The nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems are synthesized in a fourth system, the circulatory, vital or bioenergetic, manifesting the four aspects of matter that are the analogy of the four aspects of the personality and the spiritual Triad and its dual active relationship. In this statement the key to liberation is hidden.

  • If we are learners on the path of Christ consciousness, how will we help those who are on the path of active intelligence? How will we teach to master emotional intelligence? Create a diagram that interrelates the four systems mentioned.

ACTIVITY TWO: The emotional.

So much emphasis has been placed on the qualities and characteristics that man will develop, when the centers are properly organized and directed, that the effects of the energy they receive and distribute in the physical organism have been overlooked. Two factors linked to the centers and blood flow therefore justify the attention to the cardiovascular system.

  1. The bloodstream is the agent of the glandular system and in turn an effect of the centers; the bloodstream carries to each part of the body those essential elements of which we know very little, responsible for making man psychologically what he is and, consequently, physically controls his equipment.
  2. The bloodstream is also life, bringing to the whole organism an aspect of the energy accumulated by the centers that are not directly related to the endocrine system; this aspect of energy penetrates, through its radiation, into the bloodstream and into all the veins, arteries and capillaries within the area controlled by the center under consideration. This compenetrante energy of life, located and qualified, can be life-giving or death-provoking. The lungs are the ones that purify the blood.

Arteries are the vessels that carry arterial blood, from the heart to all parts of the body. The veins lead impure blood from all parts of the body to the heart. The right side of the heart contains impure venous blood, from which point it goes to the lungs for purification. Upon reaching the lungs the blood is distributed among millions of alveoli. Already in the blood, oxygen binds with hemoglobin with red blood cells.

Billions of red blood cells and white blood cells float in the blood plasma. The first, the most numerous, carry oxygen and carbon dioxide that waste cells from the body. White blood cells are part of the body's defense mechanisms. The mystery of the blood remains to be unveiled, but it will receive increased attention as time goes by. The anemia so prevalent today is also due to excess energy. Today we know that most cells take part in the breakdown of glucose, in order to create the energy needed for different activities. Red blood cells, platelets and many white blood cells form in the bone marrow before passing into the bloodstream.

Anemia is defined as a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Cancer is the result of two successive processes: the proliferation of a group of cells, called a tumor or neoplasia, and the invasive capacity that allows them to colonize and proliferate in other tissues or organs, a process known as metastasis.

When the race has achieved correct emotional control, the cancer phenomenon will gradually disappear. I said correct emotional control; the inhibition and repression of the impulses of desire, by the force of will, is not correct control. It is interesting to note that although both men and women suffer from cancer, the general cause is not identical, but the basic cause is (the reaction for an excessive expression of sexual life through the development of the nature of desire). Due to the risks that women face during pregnancy for having directed the emphasis of life to the sexual aspect of it, they have rebelled on a large scale (as did the Atlanteans) against this type of expression of life, and in this line -the sex- are its main inhibitions. They do not suffer so much the inhibition of the expression emotion-desire-feeling, but man does, and has a tradition or marked tendency to have better emotional control than women in the management of life. Men do not require or acquire such marked control of sex. The field of its inhibited vital tendency is, therefore, of greater length and consequently (if statistics can be trusted) more men than women suffer from cancer, although all of them They fear this terrible disease.

In the correct transmutation lies the secret of the cure of cancer, and over time this will be understood.

Cancer is a genetic disease caused by mutation in certain genes that can be of three types. The process by which cancer occurs (carcinogenesis) is caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the cells. These abnormalities can be caused by different carcinogens, such as ionizing radiation, ultraviolet, chemical products from industry, tobacco smoke and pollution in general, or agents Infectious diseases such as human papillomavirus or hepatitis B virus

All diseases - except those due to accidents, infected wounds and epidemics - can ultimately be attributed to some condition of the centers, and therefore to uncontrolled energy, to excessively active and poorly directed energy, or insufficient and total lack, or else retained instead of being used and transmuted to the corresponding higher energy center.

  • Create a comparative table of risk factors and cancer protection.

ACTIVITY THREE: the physical

Cancer is a disease very clearly related to the centers, and we will find that the center in the area where the cancer exists is excessively active, with the consequent increase in the influx of energy through the related body substance. The energy and the overstimulation of a center can not only be the result of the activity of the center and its subsequent radiation, but of the suppression imposed by the mind on any activity of a given center. This produces an accumulation of energy, and therefore we have again the excessive accumulation of energy, concentrated in a particular area. One of the main sources of cancer, related to the sacral center and therefore with the sexual organs, has been the well-intentioned inhibition of sexual life, and of all thoughts connected with sexual life, by poorly oriented aspirants; these are those who find in the teaching of the Middle Ages - monastic life and celibacy - the line of least resistance.

At that time, good people believed that sex was something evil and sinful, that it should not be mentioned, and that it was a powerful source of disturbance. Normal reactions instead of being controlled and transmuted into creative activity were violently suppressed and all thoughts about sexual life repressed. However, energy follows the direction of thought, with the result that this particular magnetic type of energy attracted a growing number of cells and atoms and hence the origin of tumors, cysts and cancers, so prevalent today. The same can be said about the violent inhibition, by the aspirant, of all emotional reactions and feelings.

In his effort to control the astral body he resorts to a process of direct inhibition and suppression. This suppression turns the solar plexus center into a large reservoir of drastically retained energy. When emotions are not transmuted into aspiration and love and when there is no directed control, the existence of this reserve of vibrant power produces stomach and liver cancer and sometimes the entire abdomen. I simply mention these causes (excessive center activity and energy retention, unexpressed and inhibited) as fruitful sources of cancer.

In the last analysis, most of the body's ills originate from having responded to a certain extent to group activity. It is necessary to understand that the phrase “group activity and life” must include, not only the inheritance of the past or the inherited tendencies of the group, but also the current contacts of the world, which weaken or increase resistance, much more than generally It is believed. One of the causes of cancer, which did not predominate so much in the primitive and calm days of racial life - because then the FLOCK instinct was not as powerful as today - is due to the growing stimulation of the body. This stimulus is produced by the close contact with others, during our daily life, due to the agglomerated group existence, particularly in urban centers.

If cells are living organisms (and they are) they respond to group life and to emanation and massive cellular irradiation. This constant flow of energy that flows from the conglomerate of corporeal cells in the human mass, can produce, in certain type of people, an overstimulation in some part of the corporeal cellular structure. This commonly occurs when there is a bioenergetic or vital body weakness, which means that these cellular defenses are deficient, frequently resulting in cancer or a general cancerous condition, this is the fundamental cause, although the modern investigator deals with the causes. and side effects of this bioenergetic weakness.

  • Prepare a list of actions for health promotion and disease prevention.

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