An Akashic perspective on the nature of children

  • 2016

What are indigo and crystalline children? how many there are? Are they still being born?

The terms "indigo children" and "crystalline" are used to describe the idea that children born in the last two or three generations have been bringing a new kind of light to planet Earth. This is something that was new 30, 40 or even 50 years ago. Essentially, humanity has been born for thousands of years with the same basic contract in relation to what it means to be human. Any given person who is born brings part of the energy of his being, and part of his energy is veiled by a veil. They have forgotten who you really were in order to become human. That dynamic of remembering a little of your being, but of forgetting most of who you were, has remained relatively constant for thousands of years in the average human baby born. In the early 1960s and 1970s, and increasing in the 1980s and 1990s, occasionally a child was born with a different type of contract. Their contract stipulated that they would forget less about who they were. They would remember more of their being and their purpose, and therefore would bring more light to planet Earth. But it would also be more difficult for them to be here because they would feel that this world was a little awkward; they would feel that it was very dark for them, more than it is for the other children.

In the 1960s and 1970s the number of these children began to increase. One could say that in the 1960s it was one in every thousand children, and in the 1970s rather one in every hundred children. By the 1990s about 70 or 80% of children were born with indigo energy or an indigo contract. Indigo is just a help name to describe that something was changing in the human contract. In the fundamental contract that a being makes when it becomes human, it is now possible to include more of its being. It is now possible to remember more about who they really are and remain a human being . At some point along the way in the 1980s and 1990s it was possible to make even bigger, more expansive and enlightened contracts, so you gave them a different name - the crystalline children. There have been different iterations. Now that the indigo and crystalline children have opened the door and stabilized the experience of holding more light in their human form, they have opened the way for all kinds of new contracts. A being born now in a human life can create an indigo contract, a crystalline contract or something different - a rainbow contract, a violet contract. There are all kinds of agreements made by a person when he becomes human. These contracts describe or reflect various levels of forgetfulness - how much they will forget the wisdom of their being. Different levels of light that you will be able to bring with you when you are born.

All this is part of the evolution of humanity, but we can say that now, at this point, it is that if you are alive on planet Earth then you are connected with the energy of enlightenment. There are enough human beings going through enlightenment now, and that means renegotiating your contract in order to include more light, in order to remember more about who you really are. That it doesn't matter anymore if they were born indigo or crystalline. You can become indigo or crystalline through your lighting process. It was important that you recognize that all of you are special. Each of you has chosen to be alive on planet Earth at this time because humanity is evolving into the light and you play a fundamental role in that evolution.

It can be very useful to look back and realize that you were an indigo child or a crystalline child. It could be very useful to recognize the children in your life and what contracts and special needs they might have because they are indigo or crystalline children or something different. But in the end, the most important thing you can do is recognize that indigo energy is simply a change in who you are and how much light you can bring into your life and carry in your body. That light grows as they heal what has held them back, as they let go of their own darkness and their shadow and enter into greater love in their daily lives. You, all of you, can be indigo or crystalline. In fact, you are becoming that daily as you go through enlightenment.

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For these answers and more, join the Akashic Transformations! Members have access to the full channeled topic every week.

AUTHOR: Jen Eramith MA via Akashic Transformations


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