Activation of the Divine Feminine on Moon Island

  • 2018

Sync samples at the ceremony held at Lake Titicaca

By Claudio Alvarez Dunn

Isla del Sol (Bolivia) .- It all started with a meditation during my first night by Lake Titicaca. There I asked my Higher Self to bathe me with the Violet Flame to transmute the pain of my heart scratched by life. After several deep breaths I perceived an intense energy where some women surrounded me with tenderness and invited me to visit the Temple of the Goddesses. There one of them asked me permission to activate the chakra of my upper heart and when I started to take a deep breath a wave of love covered me warmly.

Then I had a vision with Quan Yin who told me that I was transmuting any idea of ​​separation, abandonment and heartbreak in my heart; while the Archangel Gabriel and his beloved companion Hope (Hope) recalibrated a new joy in my Being. Then the lords of Karma told me about the reason for this present; of a new beginning and of continuing without judgments about the past.

Before falling into a deep sleep, the Goddess in charge of activating the chakra of my upper heart told me that I should go to Luna Island.

The next day I woke up early and asked about Moon Island and they told me that a boat was leaving at 10:00 hours. There I went and after an hour of navigation we arrived at the place. The people of the original community of what they call “Coatí Island” charged us an entry of 10 Bolivian pesos and explained the trails. When I heard that there was a Temple of the Virgins I knew that I should go immediately to the place.

Heading to the Temple of the Virgins

Upon arriving at the temple called Iña Kuyu, I spotted a group of women singing around a fire while several men with their wide-brimmed hats waited for them sitting in another circle. I sat down to meditate in the courtyard of the Temple of the Virgins and at the end I passed by the group of men in typical local clothes and thanked them for preserving their traditions.

The grandfather of the community, a man with a long white beard entwined, invited me to sit in the circle while he asked me where he came from. From Puerto Rico I said proudly. And what original people are there?, he asked. Ta nos, answered . And what political organization did they have the ideas? He asked again. Cacicazgos, responded . And who did they worship? He inquired. To the god Jurac n, that of the wind, I think, because then the conquest came and I don't know much more data, he answered with some shame for not knowing reply.

The grandfather began to speak that we must rescue the traditions because where the temples of the ancients were now we received a cross with a dead man on it. They called him the king of the Jews, when it was the Jews who chose to crucify him and put INRI on his head. They know what that means: LIZ IGNEA WILL RESULT US

“The time to wake up is now”

The time to wake up is now. We are the ancestors that our children and grandchildren will evoke. Democracy is the business of demons, where those who come to power only seek to profit, so today I invite you to return to Theocracy: a God, all for one and one for all, where the elements that nourish us are honored and may the center always be fire, recognizing the elementals of the earth; the purifying power of water and wind. With them we can follow the principles of good nutrition, purification and clear vision.

Today we never have to continue a life according to the principles of honoring the earth, as Evo Morales did in recognizing all the ethnic groups living in Bolivia and changing the name of the Rep blica to the Plurinational State of Bolivia, with the participation of all for a good government.

"We have to regain our power, organize the communities and start choosing politicians who represent us and want the common good over their business, " he explained.

When the women of the circle of fire arrived, a tobacco was lit which means that women recover their word after centuries of patriarchal domination. “This is the year of the woman - he said - this the century of the woman, this is the age of the woman ... things are coming to the end of an era that is marked by a Pope who has no woman or a Lama who does not He has a wife ... that's unsustainable now. ”

Then he asked the women what was the teaching that the fire had given them and one of them replied: "To live in joy" and the smile appeared on my lips and that of everyone present. "Any situation that life presents to us we must face with joy, that is the teaching to end the drama ... if your wife leaves with another, laugh, laugh loudly and think that something new is waiting for you, so we must do it instead of gloat with pain, ”the grandfather closed his metaphor to illustrate the moment.

The whistle of the boat reminded me that I should return, so we stood up and one by one we gave each other an emotional hug from heart to heart.

"Today we activate the Divine Feminine, " explained the grandfather in his red poncho with bright multicolored colors. “Now it's time to equip the energy. Go meditate to the Temple of the Sun to finish your mission, God knows why you came here, Taino, ”he ordered me while the boat whistle already announced his departure. We look into each other's eyes with the tenderness of those who know that coincidences do not exist. Running down the stone steps down the hill I realized that I never asked them their names or took a picture with them.

I boarded the boat while releasing moorings and announcing that the next stop was the Temple of the Sun ... the timing could not be better. I had to negotiate with the boatmen because my ticket did not include getting off there, but returning to the port of departure in Yumani. Once we arrived at the port, the guide explained that the conquerors called the Inca Palace to that place, since they never found the Temple of the Sun. “It exists, but it is an etheric place, ” he added. The Palace as such consists of several chambers that were built about 12, 000 years ago by the Tiwanacos and rebuilt by the Incas some centuries later. In one of the chambers there are several openings that show the exact sunrise during the solstices, while in another there was an underground cave that according to legend connected with the portals of Tiwanaco and Machu Pichu and gave access to the City of Light that is under Lake Titicaca.

I continued with the guide until the group moved away ... I looked for a higher place, near the energy center and there I sat down to do my meditation with the intention of balancing the polarities of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. According to many mystics, Lake Titicaca represents the sexual chakra of Mother Earth and from there the new humanity will be born.

At the end of my meditation I remembered with love my tribe of Puerto Rico, especially the dancers and my companions of the fire in the Dance of the Moon Atabeyra Metzteopoxchikaualiz. Almost out of breath because of the height of the place, I recorded an audio for them telling them that we are not alone on this path. At the end of a white-tailed eagle, it circled over my head as a sign that the Great Spirit is with us. The mission is still being fulfilled, the polarities are balancing and the heart that unites us every day is stronger. AH OR!!!

AUTHOR: Claudio Alvarez Dunn, editor of the great family of the

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