Saint Germain: Ascension Can Start Now, Gaia Is Ready

  • 2014

April 4, 2014

My regards to you - this is the Ascended Master St. German speaking. Today I return to you with another message of joy, the presentation of a new fundamental milestone in human history and that of Lady Gaia.

Some more important issues that happened last week. Gaia has been released, Gaia has been released from all the negative energies that had once been installed in her by the dark powers. Through the mutual collaboration of successful human persons they have achieved with various activities, mediations and their energy-energy workforce that Gaia has finally been released.

It was in this way that mutual work was announced before by many channels around the world - many well-known faces in the surroundings of the coordinated spiritual world of all these various activities. Many people actively participated in these movements and put their thoughts, their feelings of love and all their intention in it - as it was an important issue.

I am very grateful for everything they did, but Mother Earth - Gaia is still much more grateful. And that is why - my dear human beings here on Earth - this my message, and also that of your Mother Earth - is addressed to all of you in the path of some mutual channeling and the message of the two of us, so, I convey to you the word here of Mother Gaia:

My beloved human beings, this is me, Mother Gaia, speaking: I, Mother Earth, I am your ship - I carry you through our universe - dear human beings - I carry you on my surface, at the same level of my skin It took many thousands of years with the force embedded in the negative energies that were brought to me by human beings, dark powers and extraterrestrial races as well.

There were several possibilities for how this could have been done. And to describe this in detail it would go well beyond the scope of this message. But nevertheless. I would like to inform you about a particular issue here and this is why I am talking about the being of Mother Earth - Gaia.

Mutually in collaboration with your help and that of the Galactic Federation of Light, Archangels and Ascended Masters who have made their part necessary, in particular in order to effect my release. Please understand that, as your Mother, being Mother Earth, I have always been forced to support you, to take you and accompany you. This, however, I could not do to the limit of my strength since my potential capacity had been severely limited and reduced. Done so by The Dark Powers and by their human minions embodied here on Earth doing, with the intrinsic abuse of power granted to them.

Returning to Atlantis - there are many of you unfamiliar with its history - since many history books will designate Atlantis as a certain kind of hoaxes or nonsense - a fictionally woven story occupied by several philosophers or historians and lends itself to " strange fantasies ”if you wish to call it that. However, that is not so. Atlantis is and has been the true reality and all those who are familiar with Atlantis and its history know that IRELAND plays such an important role in that very process of my liberation ... There is a great variety of projects with different names, and also those various lines - designated in great variety also that human people can know or vice versa. But it is imperative that you understand that I - Mother Earth - am being entangled in some vast network across the planet through all those crosses that had been able to disperse all my energies among humanity and, alternatively, to receive this kind of return energies of humanity too.

Many indigenous human races such as Native Americans, Aboriginals, Mayans and many other high evolution people - considered as primitive by you - at least in contemporary times - who understood how to live with me as your Mother Earth and interact with me - To live with me in gratitude. All these people understood how to take proper care of me, which I also corresponded.

The people of today do not take care of their Mother Earth now - they rudely abuse me and make me bleed. They take the oil from my soils, all my mineral resources and fill me with toxic waste that I am not able to process and neutralize again.

Thanks to the support of the Galactic Federation of Light and thanks to the help of the many human beings here on Earth, after having applied the various auxiliary means outside the toolbox. In order to support all my efforts to cleanse myself and transform myself from many negative energies. Therefore my freedom has been achieved with the collaboration explained above. Also your multitude meditations made by all of you on Earth have affected my liberation. There are still some, very few kingdoms that so far have not dissolved the negative energy, so that they are clean, but this will be done and will be neutralized in some n course later. You will know and notice when it happens.

I want to mention something else here before the Word of the Ascended Master of Saint German returns: Beloved human beings keep in mind that change is going to happen now. Keep in mind also that all the energies have changed in such a way that you can now enjoy bathing all the way in this new energy.

I would like to express here that all those who were never careful to work with the energies will soon have some kind of problem. Please do not take it as a threat, but it is the reality of the facts. Please understand this really: Whether you have had opportunities to process all the energy to come or have not been able so far to prepare yourself according to them. In these cases you will be washed away since you did not do enough in yourself to be compatible with this type of new energy that has spread virally throughout the Earth since last weekend. It is this very new energy that will wrap and shake and make all the fundamentals and walls nervous. At first you may think: This is not possible because everything will continue as it did before, however, you will realize that this new type of energy will be scattered and will affect totally to all humanity and the whole system. This also means that everything that was covered with negative energy will impress as part of its consequence.

All those who are being prepared for this type of event after having mastered in the past; Knowing how to ride the new energy waves so, you can enjoy all this everything will be fine. You will enjoy everything because you will feel all this change, get excited and take you away altogether. You will realize a happiness never known before something that will compensate you to move forward that will help you get up too. This energy is going to push them to a great mobilization strengthening and will make them grow as well.

Do you really understand what I mean?

How this type of change is going to be part of your reality from now on You still do not feel this new energy that must enter your sacred hearts, in the same way as the Ascended Master Saint enters German and the Arc Michael Angel, with all urgency have your recent messages expressed it have been very close to their hearts what do they have to let go completely? What do we have to let only you do?

We are here to accompany you, guide you, as well as to protect you - we could give them all; the necessary impulses, but nothing more or more. But the most important issue is that IRELAND has been released and that is why I have come here also to speak to you. IRELAND has finally been released as well and with such effect; the totality that our world can therefore be liberated as well. All the readers of a certain channel - who know what kind of change starts now with IRELAND and in adhering to what I want to make known to you a little secret too: Many of you actually assume that my heart - chakra, is found in England - it's not really about correcting some correct hypotheses. And many of them have directed their work on the basis of such an assumption and this has been communicated to you with all intentions and consciously.

Well, part of my heart is in the UK as a matter of fact - this we have to tell you ... However, we could prevent and exclude the truth where my most essential farm is - my true heart - farm - has been anchored in the Earth. However, - it is not in England, but in IRELAND. There is some small mountain there - there are only a few of these hills or mountains that are found - known as "Wicklow Mountains." There you can find my true heart, since it is the entrance of my heart.

It is in joint connection with England - Glastonbury somewhere in England. Many people have meditated there and accompanied me and gave me substantial support. Both are Chacras - they are being connected to each other - imagine as if it were an exemption - which is the joint connection of both places. It is also some kind of backup system - with some corresponding effect.

All who are aware of my true nature and who are connected to me too - they have known about it until the end. It has been a secret that my true chakra heart has been located in Ireland. And this was the reason for all communications to you that with any release from Ireland I will be released as well.

And once I am free - you will be too - my beloved peoples. Nowadays it is essential that you have to include in your thoughts that this same "fresh out of the press" messages fresh from News. First my heart - farm had been opened and then it was flooded with love and light from our Central Sun.

Please imagine, my heart - chakra is connected to the center of the Earth and it is possible to visualize it as follows: ”It is a gigantic conglomerate of crystals and once again I am emphasizing this point - it is the question of crystals of gigantic size very important for our planet earth here.

This is my heart ... and that is where every transformation takes place at that precise moment when you connect to Me. That's where all the experience is shared and stored.

All the experience of humanity and all these same crystals were connected together to our central sun for the same day and the next one will also take place over the next few days to come: All these crystals will now be charged by the energies of our central sun and should reach my full potential and capacity through this type of energy. This is the special capacity of the mind.

All those who are familiar with the history of Atlantis know that a part of our Earth was destroyed in that event of Atlantis in its fall. And this shook the entire network - my energy too: which means that it had been minimized and reduced in me, due to the manipulations of the Dark Powers.


In the next few days I will be flooded with enough energy to support you too, my people of beloved humans - Do you understand what I mean here?

Now I am free - thanking you with all my heart - I love you so much - and I am by your side as you listen to this message and beyond this moment now too and now I return the word to Ascended Master Saint Germain, I am very grateful to him also for the preparation of this platform for me in order to be able to speak through this channel.

My beloved human beings, here I am again I am Saint German to speak with you. I guess you are a little surprised, I would also like to communicate about NESARA, the news that you have expected. Now, I want to mention this: By releasing Gaia, NESARA has also come closer to you. A very fresh and new energy is expressing itself throughout the Earth now. It is new and fresh - it is prepared and enabled for the first time for interference. Many of you have meditated and spent some time to work in the heart of Gaia either now in England or if you really knew - in Ireland itself.

The power supply from central sun - it is a process - that is huge. For all especially sensitive human beings - during the recent weekend they could truly feel that the Earth had been flooded with incredible powerful energies everywhere.

Many of them had great energy difficulties. They shook and shook - they felt pain in the body because of these incredible strong energies. But my comment is as follows: THIS WAS ONLY THE PRINCIPLE OF YOU.

All those energies - which you felt last week - were nothing more than a kind of sample - as snacks - in order to give you a certain suitable picture of it. There will be much more.

Yes, you will be surprised because the difficulties will get worse and deal with this type of energy will not be easier - quite the opposite. I want to say in this context that they will become so large and powerful and that they will make their bodies squirm under all this energy-discharge.

Most of you humans are preparing for it. Because their bodies have been prepared for it - even now we are entering the decisive phase of it - that will alter everything. And something else - of the essential meaning was added to it, so, it is another message already here that will be continued by Archangel Michael at the time.

My beloved human beings, during the next days and weeks to come all messages will decrease in number - that is, the Light, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and members of the Galactic Federation will withdraw for a while. I want to express here explicitly that the time to talk and the messaging now finally ends ... you will tell us that this may not be possible, but my answer to the present is: Wait and see.

Many of the renowned channels here on Earth are not going to receive any more messages. Both have already been informed about this. All of you, after taking this type of work as a channel - did it mainly for love of your fellow man. It has been his very personal mission in this incarnation according to his true soul contracts. Consequently, they had agreed on the contracts; be "Ambassadors and Messengers of the Light" here a good day.

Now, what will life be like with my channel here? You will see that time is ripe for it. But understand and prepare, there will be fewer messages tomorrow - because the time to talk; It is completely sold out.

The time has come for something to happen - something that is going to happen in your heart - something that has to happen all over the world and that is why we don't want to bother you with too many messages.

We have presented to you all the most important news and information during all the previous years - pointing to the very inferior lines as a quintessence of your ascension. Now we don't want to repeat anything else and this goes to Archangel Michael too ... GAIA IS FREE and humanity has to be released in a short time- Now - do you want to be free too?

If your answer is YES; Focus on your heart, step forward and show: LOVE LIVE - AS YOU ARE LOVE - REALLY LOVE.

If you don't act and behave with love - you will never be able to express love too. And everyone will not be able to receive love - consequently, they will not be able to ascend either. It's so easy and simple - for how easy it is.

I am the Ascended Master of St. Germain and yet I will return to you - back with another new message, but after Archangel Michael has commented on his own part as well.


The English to Spanish transcript is from Susannah

Saint Germain: The Ascension Can Start Now, Gaia Is Ready

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