What happens after point "0"?

  • 2018

Beloved beings of Light,

I greet you on this occasion because I come to tell you about the ascent, with the purpose of not losing sight of your objective and that is that at the moment you reach point 0, that stage of emptiness That they have been experiencing will finally end. However, the feeling of always being filled by his Divine Presence is still not conscious; Apart from that, it is possible that the alternation between consciousness and non-consciousness is a bit confusing and could even make you doubt everything you have lived so far.

So that they can understand it better, children are fully in their Divine Presence and everything is inside, however, they are not able to speak, express themselves and especially, to progressively elevate.

For all this awareness is the key word

First warning:

The first three months and after having reached point 0, you can still experience the void, since in the same way as the little ones of at least three months, their presence will be at the edge of their bodies, so in certain cases they will sleep for a longer time in the case of children, because this is going to be essential to descend totally within your physical body and in yours, already adult people, this process will be essential so that you can ascend completely and continue with your spiritual learning in another place. After those three months, your consciousness will progressively begin to become more precise and to be more present, the following months, you will experience the awakening of new perceptions, senses and energies . In addition, each month that marks the anniversary of having reached its 0 point, new codes of light will arise in you which will be integrated with your knowledge, allowing you to experience greater glory when you meet with the Source.

Second warning:

Now they are responsible for their energies, so they must allow others to continue on their path without judging anyone ; They already have enough things to do just like you. Since if your judgments caused some impact in the past, reaching point 0 becomes a tsunami that mainly affects you . Upon reaching their point 0 they have the obligation to be responsible for their energies, so they cannot blame those around them; on the contrary, they must pay attention to the energies they use, since they can act quickly and powerfully according to what they have emitted.

Third warning:

The emptiness through which they reached point 0 also affects their brains and everything that their minds manifest. However and for obvious reasons, the bark they possess remains intact. Which in a nutshell means that when your Divine Presence invites you to something, your minds have the strength to "row" in a different direction because they still act according to their old habits: fears, beliefs, etc. That is why after reaching point 0 they can listen carefully to their body and their Presence, which will cause their cells to start to vibrate strongly, overcoming the vibration emitted by their minds and continue like this until their brains also reach the point 0.

Then, when they reach their 0 point, they should listen to their Divine Presence with each part of their bodies, allowing their minds to be impregnated with the divinity of their spirit, to be totally free from any conflict that may exist between the physical body and the body. spiritual, which will give them the opportunity to fully join their "I Am" and increase their energy power.

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