How the magician becomes ONE with the Creator

  • 2017

A COURSE OF MAGIC Unit 2. The soul Learning Object 4. Creativity

Astrologer and fortune teller, the magician communicates with God. By consulting the oracles and anticipating events, the fortune teller rises to the level of the divine, but not everyone can consult the oracle, the knowledge of the future is a gift given by the divinities. In intuitive divination the fortune teller is possessed by a god, or daimon who adds him to a trance or mania, word from which mantike derives, the Greek term that designates the divinatory arts, such as card reading, palmistry or geomancy. Divination and science have in common that both start from an aspiration to "dominate nature and find the truth about all things."

Astrology was evidently a science. It was based on the study of the relationship between natural phenomena and certain celestial manifestations, which reappeared at regular intervals. Most of the omens, established by our ancestors after carefully and patiently observing nature, became sayings or sayings. Omen are the origin of the divinatory arts, but perhaps they are also one of the first manifestations of the scientific spirit.

Psychology has placed excessive emphasis on the study of abnormal and subnormal minds that show certain manias, or in situations related to conditions and passions, as we see in the suffix patia of disorders such as sociopathy and psychopathy, or of medicines such as homeopathy and alopathy; without giving due attention to the divinely normal, nor to those states of consciousness that transcend the common human state of perception, such as technopathy, cyberpathy or telepathy.


  • Strengthen the emotional body from an energy diagnosis.
  • Strengthen the mental body from a psychiatric diagnosis.
  • Characterize the traits of a creative personality.


As the waters bathe the created form, they are absorbed and used. The form increases its strength; may the magician continue until his work is sufficient. That external builders cease their work and internal builders begin their cycle.

AXIOMA : Pain in the present is experienced as an offense . Pain in the past is remembered as anger . Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety . Unexpressed anger, redirected against oneself and contained within, is called guilt . The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: free-will-destiny

David Norris is a Brooklyn congressman, introduces himself with little success to the United States Senate in 2006. Inspired by Elise, David gives an unusually sincere speech that is well received, making him a favorite for the Senate elections 2010. The agents of Destiny intervene trying to get away from Elise and fulfill their Destiny. He is warned that without Elise's influence, David could become President of the United States and benefit the world, and that if he stays with her, he will ruin both his future and that of humanity. David argues that he has the right to choose his own path. To which they counter-argue that humans have not made good use of their free will and they have had to intervene several times. Agents of Destiny, is a science fiction movie of 2011.

John Nash is a math student at Princeton University. His inspiration comes when he and his fellow graduate students discuss how to approach a group of women in a bar. Nash argues that a cooperative approach could lead to better chances of success, this leads to a new concept of game dynamics. Nash becomes increasingly obsessed with the search for hidden patterns, developing schizophrenia. A brilliant mind is an American biographical drama film of the year 2001. Based on the homonymous novel by Sylvia Nasar, who was a candidate for the Pulitzer Prize in 1998, tells the life of John Forbes Nash, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994.

  • After watching the films Agents of Destiny and A Bright Mind, answer the following questions: What is the difference between destiny and free will? How has statistics contributed to future planning? What is the relationship between creativity and creation? How to recognize a bright mind? How to recognize a creative person?

ACTIVITY ONE: Energies and forces

The job of the mentalist and the aspirant, is to understand the forces and thus learn their nature and employment, power and degree of vibration. You must also learn to recognize their origin and distinguish between forces, energies and rays. The beginner can make a clear differentiation between forces and energies, recognizing the fact that personalities affect us through the force that emanates from their form aspect, but these same purified and aligned personalities can be transmitters of the energies of the soul.

  1. Physical forces They come from the life of the cells that make up the body. This cellular life responds to the cellular life of the environment.

These three could be described as the quality of cellular forces that act totally on the physical plane, producing a special type of physical body, magnetic attraction, between two physical bodies, and racial types. These three factors guide the Manu of the race in the construction of a new race and impress with His ideas the external Builders. They also guide a Master of Wisdom when he voluntarily builds His physical body, to perform His work at any time or place.

  1. Vital forces. Man shares the vitality aspect with animals and with all created forms, and the most important realization of that aspect is his ability to move freely in a three-dimensional world. The self-conscious aspect is the prerogative of the human family.
  1. Astral energy Emanating from:
  • The astral or sensitive body of man himself.
  • The human family as a whole.
  • The astral plane, in a broad sense.
  • The "heart of the Sun".
  1. Mental energy Emanating from:
  • The individual mental matter.
  • The mentality of:
    • The whole human family.
    • The particular race to which man belongs.
  • The whole mental plane.
  • The universal mind
  1. Personality energy. Emanating from:
  • The coordinated form of man.
  • Advanced human beings, the characters that stand out.
  • The groups, namely:
  1. The Hierarchy of the planet. Subjective.
  2. The group of Mystics. Objective.
  1. Planetary energy. Emanating from:
  • The seven planets This is the basis of astrological practice.
  • The earth.
  • Moon.
  1. Solar energy. Emanating from:
  • The physical sun
  • The Sun, acting as a transmitter of cosmic rays.

The most primitive representations of a magical power, considered as an objective force, demonstrate to what extent the origins of the formation of religious symbols are linked precisely to a concept of energy. In the exclamations we use when we see something surprising or incomprehensible, such as "My God" or "How the hell", we are referring to the following:

  1. the soul of man, which in life is light and in death becomes shadow.
  2. The whole world of spirits.
  3. the quality or force of magic action inherent in an object of any species, such as life and body health;
  4. the active principle in everything magical, mysterious, incomprehensible and unexpected;
  5. the great spiritual force that creates the universe and everything alive in it.

Many concepts that scholars interpret with animistic criteria, such as spirits, demons or numbers, correspond to the primitive concept of energy. In Hinduism these spirits are called devas, which means "bright", they are the builders of all forms. The lower types of builders are violet, followed by green and finally white devas. Agni controls the fires of the earth and governs the mental plane, Indra controls the air and governs the plane of intuition.

The four Elements (fire, earth, air, and water) were the most understandable inventory of human personality. THE FIRE represents Will and Enthusiasm, THE EARTH shows concern for the Material World, AIR is the element of Abstract Thought, WATER is the source of emotions. I add to them the oriental elements WOOD AND METAL, asserting that wood is what communicates the earth and air (The tree) and metal is the one that relates water and fire, being a good conductor of electricity.

Fire and Earth focus on the "me." Air and Water are derivative and focus on “the others.” Fire and Air are naturally outgoing, optimistic, or very active, and oriented towards freedom of expression and thought. Water and Earth are basically introverted, pessimistic or very passive, and oriented towards security, emotional or material. Wood and metal are interactive. Wood is related to the liver and anger, Metal with the lung and sadness.

  • Prepare your energy diagnosis by determining the percentage of each element in your astrological chart.

Astrology makes use of the principle of the four elements that constitute the base of the zodiac, there are derived from there eight elementary lunar types, where the planetary types come from.

The Venusian type is lymphatic and blood at the same time, corresponds to the propagating moon. The Jupiterine type is blood and corresponds to the waning quarter of the moon. The Martian type is blood and choleric at the same time, corresponds to the waning moon. The solar type is choleric, corresponds to the new moon. The Mercurian type is choleric and nervous at the same time, corresponds to the crescent moon. The saturnine type is nervous, corresponds to the crescent of the moon. The Martian type is nervous and lymphatic at the same time, corresponds to the gibbous moon. The lunar type is lymphatic, corresponds to the full moon.

ACTIVITY TWO: Astral Energy

To begin with, it should be borne in mind that all astral energy is part of the astral energy of the solar system and that, therefore:

  1. The sensory body of a human being is an atom in the sensory body of the planetary Being.
  2. The sensory body of the planetary Being, is an aspect of the sensory body of the solar Being,
  3. This in turn is a channel for sensory forces emanating from large energy centers totally outside our solar system and under its influence.

This astral body contains in itself the counterpart of the bioenergetic centers, and through them the previously treated forces and energies pass to the bioenergetic body. These centers carry, to each part of the astral organism, energies of the seven planets and the sun, thus putting man in relation to all parts of the solar system, and resulting in the determination n of the destiny of man, until the moment when he realizes his immortal inheritance and becomes sensitive to the forces that until now the majority does not know.

So the vital energy has subordinated the so-called psychic energy as one of its specific forms. The areas of the brain belong to the physical body (matter) and the energy centers belong to the psychic body (consciousness). The mind as electricity and animating principle of consciousness itself, creates a magnetic field to work by gravity (matter) and magnetism (consciousness).

The most common manifestations of psychic energy are:

  1. Fear.
  2. Depression or its opposite pole, rejoicing.
  3. Desire to satisfy animal appetites.
  4. Wish of happiness
  5. Desire for liberation. Aspiration

These summarize practically most of the sensory experiences of man, and we will consider each one from the following angles:

  1. The cause.
  2. The effect.
  3. The method of direction.


It is one of the most common manifestations of astral energy, and it is listed first because it constitutes, for the majority, the Dweller in the Threshold and, in the last analysis, basic astral evil. Every human being knows fear; The scope of the vibrations of fear ranges from the instinctive fears of the wild man, based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and his terror of darkness and the unknown, to the fears, so prevalent today, of losing to loved ones, friends, health, wealth, money, popularity, and so on until the last fears of the aspirant - fear of failure, fear rooted in doubt, or the last rejection or annihilation, fear of death (shared equally with all mankind), fear of the great illusion of the astral plane, the phantasmagoria of life itself and also fear of loneliness on the path, even fearing fear itself.

The sensory souls of animals and men subconsciously realize factors such as:

  1. The vastness and, therefore, the felt oppression exercised by the All.
  2. The pressure of other lives and stocks.
  3. The inexorable performance of the law.
  4. The feeling of imprisonment, limitation and its consequent incapacity.

In these factors, which arise from the same manifested process, and persist and increase in potency during times, reside the causes of all modern fear and the basis of all terror, primarily the strictly psychologist and not just the instinctive fear of the animal.

  1. Fear of death It is based on:
  • Terror, in the final process of tearing in the act of death.
  • The horror of the unknown and the undefined.
  • Doubt regarding immortality.
  • The regret for having to abandon loved ones or be abandoned by them.
  • The ancient reactions to past violent deaths, deeply rooted in the subconscious.
  • Clinging to the life of the form, for being mainly identified with it in consciousness.
  • The old and erroneous teachings concerning heaven and hell, both being unpleasant perspectives for certain types of people.
  1. Fear of the future . This is a fear that still demonstrates a growing tendency to develop and will cause much distress in the world, before being eliminated. It arises from three human faculties:
  • The habits of thinking, instinctive and psychologists, deeply rooted in animal nature, and dating back to the primary instinct of self-preservation.
  • The flashes of foresight, emanating from the soul that dwells in the consciousness of the Eternal Now.
  • A conglomerate of sufferings and fears of other people can affect an individual, without having anything to do with him.
  1. Fear of physical pain . In some people this fear is the root cause of all their anxieties, even if they don't recognize it. It is actually the result of the three previous fears, of the pressure exerted on your astral body and of the tension caused by imagination and reasoning, in the physical nervous system.
  1. Fear of failure . It affects most people for many causes. The fear of not being able to fulfill and not achieving the love and admiration of loved ones, the fear of contempt of others as they conceive it inferior, and the fear of not seeing or seizing the opportunity, are all aspects of the fear complex that colors the lives of so many worthy people. It can be based on an unpleasant and incomprehensible environment, on an instrument unsuitable for the task, and often has its origin in the fact that man is a disciple or an elevated soul, already prepared to tread the path of probation.


It is like a miasma, a fog that covers man and makes it impossible for him to see clearly, walk safely and know reality. It is part of the great astral illusion, and if this is understood, it will be evident why there is depression and why its cause is astral or physical, and incidental to a world or personal situation. Therefore, we will study depression in individuals and look for its causes:

  1. The global mirage that drags into the depths of the global reaction to isolated unity, which is free from those individual conditions that produce depression. This global mirage with its revitalizing and depressing results, has its roots in various factors, which I will only briefly describe:
  • The astrological factors that affect the planetary horoscope, and consequently the individual or primarily racial, and these are generally overlooked.
  • The path of the Sun in the sky. Their transit tends to decrease the vibration of their influence, and applicants must take this into account in autumn and in the first months of winter.
  • The dark part of the Moon, the final period of the waning and the first phases of the new Moon, affects the work of meditation.
  • Psychological factors and mass inhibitions, no doubt due to forces outside our planet and plans whose intention is unknown to the common human being.
  1. Astral polarization As long as man continues to identify with his emotional body, interpreting life in terms of whims and feelings and be carried away by desire, he will also have his moments of despair, darkness, doubt and intense suffering and depression. This is due to the illusion and the mirage of the astral plane, which distorts and deceives.
  1. Physical weakness It is due to various causes:
  • A depletion of the bioenergetic or vital body.
  • A physical illness, inherent or brought from another life, or accidental, due to equivocal emotional reactions, or produced as a result of group karma, such as an epidemic.
  • An atmospheric condition. This is sometimes overlooked, but the weather, density, humidity or dryness, heat or cold, have a definite effect on the psychological perspective.

They will find, if they study, that all the subsidiary and temporary causes of depression and their opposites can be grouped under one of these three sections, and when the cause is discovered, its cure is evident.

I have dealt somewhat with the first two manifestations of the astral force - fear - fear of death, the future, suffering, failure and the many lesser fears to which humanity is subject - and depression -, because these two fears constitute for the man the Dweller in the Threshold in this era and cycle. Both indicate that there is a sensory reaction to psychological factors and cannot be remedied by using another factor such as value. They have to be faced by the omniscience of the soul, acting through the mind - but not by its omnipotence.


The astral body with its desires, appetites, modalities, feelings and vehement desires, shapes the physical body through the attractive forces that flow through it, and infallibly leads it to satisfy its desires. If the appetites of the sensory nature are predominantly animals in their objective, we have the man of strong appetites, dedicating his life to satisfy them. If your wishes are of well-being and happiness, we have a sensual man, lover of beauty and entertainment, governed almost completely by selfishness. The same happens with the innumerable types of desire, good, bad and common, until this reorientation takes place that refocuses the astral energies in such a way, which leads them in another direction. Thus desire becomes aspiration and man is freed from the wheel of births and the need to reincarnate.

The power to satisfy all desires is an ideal that all men of all times share, it is the omnipotence that all religions have attributed to the deity. Omnipotence is an ideal, which if it could be achieved, would ensure the fulfillment of all desires and, consequently, of all other ideals. Therefore, it is a metaideal.

Hindu teaching holds that the states of mind-consciousness are seven. The mind being used produces seven modes of thought, modifications of the thinking principle.








The tendency of the seven states of mind is to take us to a point where we feel that the processes of thinking, feeling and acting on the physical plane have nothing to give and cannot satisfy us at all. It will help a lot to know how to differentiate between happiness, joy and bliss:

First, happiness has its seat in emotions and is a reaction of personality.

Second, joy is a quality of the soul, felt mentally when alignment takes place.

Third, bliss is the nature of the spirit, on which it is useless to conjecture, until the soul realizes its uniqueness with the Father.

A psychiatric diagnosis determines if the individual has coordinated the three components of the personality, being the mind that controls it, if it has merged them into an effective personality or if it tends to fuse the personality with the soul. Mental disorders are related to the states of the mind, while personality disorders are related to traits. A person with generalized anxiety can develop an obsessive personality disorder. A person with major depression can develop a narcissistic personality disorder. The number of men who need to be right or feel superior is greater; women tend to dramatize or fear rejection; and in the case of anger, women tend to project it inward and reach depression, while men tend to project it outward and become paranoid.

The introversion of people concerned with self-created mental forms, centered on a dynamic mental form that they have built, makes them forget their emotional part.

When the brain stops producing Serotonin and Endorphins, the body replaces those chemicals with Adrenaline, this produces an imbalance generating the personality antagonism. This leads to autism, psychopathy and schizophrenia.

Sadness, heartbreak, abandonment, helplessness, violence etc. derives from the deep feeling of such separatist emotion. Plato explains that the prophetic gift is based in the liver and manifests itself in states of consciousness such as dream and trance.

  • Establish differences between temperament, personality and character and develop your psychiatric self-diagnosis based on fears or desires that try to control you

Psychology as a science focuses on the study of the psyche, which means breath, breath, life force. We use the term psychology to designate the social behavior of a person, his mentality and the morality he adopts. While temperament is the set of components of a person's psyche, his psychology is his expression.

The predominance of Fire corresponds to the choral temperament. The predominance of the Earth corresponds to the nervous temperament. The predominance of Air corresponds to the blood temperament. The predominance of Water corresponds to the apathetic temperament. What temperament would you add to the predominance of metal?

ACTIVITY THREE: The creative personality

In this rule, two facts about the form are presented, which are related to all forms, and three important precepts are also given in the following terms:

The facts are:

  1. The form absorbs and uses the waters where it is submerged.
  2. As a result this increases its strength.

The three precepts are:

  1. May the magician continue to build his form until he assures that his power is adequate.
  2. Then, that the "external builders" cease their work.
  3. That the "internal builders" begin their cycle.

Personality integrates three types of energy - three types fused, mixed and coordinated in a single functioning organism. Therefore, a personality is a mixture of mental energy, emotional energy and life force, and these three are concealed, hidden or veiled (observe this terminology), by an external shell or form of dense physical matter. This outer cortex is itself a form of negative energy. The result of this union of three energies in an objective way constitutes self-awareness. Its fusion produces that sense of individuality that justifies the use of the word "I", and relates all events to a self. Where there is this conscious central entity that uses the mind, reacts sensually through the emotional body and energizes the dense physique (through the vital body), then we have a personality. It is the self-conscious existence in the form.

The psychological types proposed by Carl Jung start from the way of reaction to the inner or outer environment, giving rise to the variables of introversion-extroversion. Centered or balanced people are considered self-conscious. As for the sensitivity with which the environment is reacted, the variables are subjectivity (intuition) -objectivity (sensation). With regard to decision making, people can be rational or emotional, people centered themselves, are showing firmness. In relation to human relationships, people can be apathetic or sympathetic. Empathy is a sign of altruism. These four variables gave rise to 16 personality types known as the Myers-Briggs indicator. Other authors reduced the list of traits to five basic categories that include extroversion, awareness, emotional stability, affability and openness, the latter being understood as receptivity to new experiences, which shows a certain feature of ideology.

Although creativity can be related more to intelligence than to personality, not all smart people are creative, not all geniuses have been prodigious. Creativity shows levels of novelty of ideas and is more related to talent, while pure creation with genius. The creative personality is related to the fourth ray of harmony, but the artist can belong to any type of ray. Creative activity is possible in the field of art when harmonic intelligence is activated. The creative work is done when the first two vortices of the triad of knowledge (law and discipline) have been developed. Then man, through knowledge and creativity, will create something on the physical plane that will express the creative power of the soul. When the two vortices of love are activated (collaboration and understanding), genius appears.

Creativity (Talent)

Creation (Genius)




It does





Genius combines inspiration with an accumulation of knowledge, firm determination, exceptional motivation and great talent. The results are original creations of importance to humanity. When the two vortices of wisdom are activated (participation and purpose) the pioneer leader appears.

Creative people are characterized by:

  • Be persistent and persistent.
  • Follow your own instructions and your own plans.
  • Certain dose of nonconformity, bordering on eccentricity.
  • Tolerance to ambiguity.
  • Prefer long-term rewards than short-term gains.
  • A well developed aesthetic sense.

All forms construction techniques are fundamentally the same, and the rules and embodiments can be summarized in the following aphorisms:

That the creator is known as the builder, and not as built.

That he desist from dealing with the raw material of the physical plane and study the canon and the blueprints, acting as agent of the Divine Mind.

That it uses two energies: the dynamic energy of purpose, according to the Plan, and the magnetic energy of desire, which attracts builders to the center of the effort.

Let these three laws prevail: the law of synthetic limitation, vibrational interaction and active precipitation. The first relates to life, the second to construction and the third produces the manifested existence.

Let him deal first with the external builders, sending his call to the periphery of his circle of influence.

Let him set in motion the waters of the living substance through his idea and impulse, subjecting the builders to his purpose and plan.

That he build with judgment and skill, always keeping the "director's seat" and not descend to establish intimate contact with his mental form.

That he projects his form, in time and space, through visualization, meditation and dexterity in action, and produces what his will orders, his love desires and his need creates.

Let the builders remove the external form, and the internal builders of dynamic force propel it into manifestation. Through the eye of the creator these internal builders are led to a directed activity. The builders were guided by the word of the creator. Through the ear of the creator the volume of the greater Word vibrates through the waters of space.

Remember the order of creative work. The waters of space respond to the word. Builders build. The creation cycle ends and the form is suitable for manifesting. The cycle of action follows, and its duration depends on the power of the internal builders, which constitute the subjective form and transmit the vitalizing life.

Remember that the cessation of the form comes when the purpose is achieved, or when the impotence of the will causes the operation to fail during the execution cycle.



Wood feeds fire Fire produces earth Earth albera minerals Minerals feed water Water vitalizes wood


The wood is nourished by the earth The earth retains the water The water extinguishes the fire The fire melts the metal The metal cuts the wood
DESTRUCTION (recycling) Fire burns wood Wood absorbs water Water oxidizes metal Metal hardens the earth Earth stifles fire

Students would do well to study these cycles of creative construction, execution and their consequent disintegration (recycling). They govern both a solar system and a human being, as well as the mental forms of the creative thinker.

The secret of all beauty lies in the proper functioning of these cycles. The secret of all success, on the physical level, lies in the correct understanding of law and order. In the control of emotions we find the central cycle of creativity: Love and hate mutually fight each other and from it emerge happiness and misfortune. The true and the false influence each other and from it the useful and the harmful arise. The far and the near harm each other and from this come repentance and humiliation. Things happen in such a way that when what keeps an intimate relationship with each other does not harmonize, the consequence is misfortune, from which damage, regret and humiliation derive.

Para el aspirante, la meta de su esfuerzo es la correcta construcción de formas en materia mental, recordando que “como el hombre piensa, así es él”, que el control de la sustancia mental y su utilización para pensar con claridad es esencial para el progreso. Esto se demostrará en la organización de la vida externa, en el trabajo creador de cualquier índole -ya sea al escribir un libro, pintar un cuadro, dirigir un hogar, conducir un negocio, sólida y honestamente, salvar una vida o cumplir con exactitud el deber externo, mientras que los ajustes internos prosiguen en el silencio del corazón.

Para el disc pulo el trabajo se acrecienta. Debe comprender el plan y prop sito grupales y no simplemente su propio problema espiritual e individual. Debe tener conformidad con el prop sito de su ciclo y per odo de vida inmediatos y subordinar sus ideas y deber personales al servicio y necesidad de ese ciclo. Debe adquirir conocimiento, fortaleza y coordinaci n entre el yo personal y el alma, de lo cual obtendr la capacidad de construir formas y grupos organizados en el plano f sico, y mantenerlos coherentemente unidos. Esto no lo har mediante la fuerza de su propio car cter y equipo, sino porque stos le permiten actuar como transmisor de las energ as principales mayores de la vida y servir como colaborador eficiente en un plan, del cual s lo percibe un fragmento.

  • Determine su tipo de personalidad, defina si es usted una personalidad creativa o tiende a Ser UNO con el Creador, dise e una manera creativa de reciclar su alma.

El I Ching, es la m s antigua de las artes adivinatorias.

La Creaci n es iniciada por la fuerza de voluntad del Cielo.

Lo Serenidad viene dada por El lago, la alegr a. Lo Adherente es lo luminoso del fuego, la claridad, Lo Suscitativo es el movimiento del trueno, la conmoci n. Lo Suave es la penetraci n del viento, la persistencia. Lo Abismal es lo peligroso del agua, la angustia. El aquietamiento es la detenci n de la monta a, la serenidad. La receptividad es lo abnegado de la tierra, la sensibilidad. Lo Creativo vendr aa ser la s ntesis (fusi n) entre viento y trueno, tormenta e influencia.


Walter Riso. Cognitive Therapy

Judith Sills. Exceso de equipaje.

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