The Sacred Rose, part 2 by Celia Fenn


The Energy of the Twin Flame and the Light Geometries of the New Earth

Report on the Group Retreat in Montségur and Visit to Lourdes. South of France, October 2008


More Spaceships ... María Magdalena ... The Power of the Twin Flame Union, the "Sacred Rose" and the New Golden Grid of the Twin Flame

Translation: Paloma Fernández .

After writing the first part of this report, I was reviewing some of the images of the Monts gur retreat when I crossed it. It was taken the day after the Ceremony of Monts gur, in the medieval citadel or cit of Carcassonne. The cit is a peculiar place, being in it is like getting into a temporary loop and being transported back until the 11th century, but with restaurants and souvenir shops that, in In reality, they are another contribution to its medieval market atmosphere. The first time I saw this city, in 2007, it was at 1 in the morning, since we spent the night. The city has monumental night illumination, so it floats on the night landscape like a ghostly spectrum of another past time. The basilica or church of San Nazaire is a strange place yet, and every time I go, surreal things happen to me. It is like being trapped in a whirlpool of vertices and temporal frames. How this photo!

It is the photo of a l pida that is on the floor of the basilica, to the left of the central nave. What is it? Well, it seems to me like a spaceship that was anchored on the mountains, adorned with simple and beautiful knots that look like symbols of the infinite.Possibly with propulsion. Warp? ( De Star Treck, speed higher than that of light ). Now, you should understand that I studied Art History, a specialty of medieval art, so reading medieval iconography is usually easy for me. But this ... well ... what else can it be! And those skulls with crossbones so notoriously contemporary? In medieval art it is common to find bones and skulls, but it is not so much that they are like these. Was the person lying under the lipid a pirate? If so ... what was he doing this (I guess it is a este ) in the mountains of France?, But, again, the pirates were historical richly later. Maybe it's a medieval danger signal, or maybe the person in that grave was an astronaut and his bones are radioactive. Hmmmmm ... I think I've seen too much Indiana ... Jones ... .but I still don't know what else this can represent. Actually, I have no doubt about the presence of extraterrestrial influences in our past evolution. This was shown to me for the first time this year in San Ignacio, in Misiones, Argentina, where it was revealed to me that Beings of Light from Sirius directed the construction by the Jesuits of the Mission of San Ignacio in what constituted the first experiment of creating a community of "Paradise" in the "New World". This explains why the energy in San Ignacio is still so strong today. So it may be true that there were also extraterrestrial influences on evolution in Languedoc.

Well, after having been looking at her for a quarter of an hour, some members of our group gathered around her and we got to see if we were able to find any explanation. In the end we all agreed that he was traced to a spaceship!

This is an image of the medieval "cité" of Carcassonne when the group was approaching the entrance. After the fall of Carcassonne in the hands of the Albigensian crusaders it was when the last Cathars fled to the mountains of the South, to Montségur. And with this, our story continues ...

The Presence of Mary Magdalene and the History of the "Sacred Union"

As I mentioned in the first part of this report, it was Mary Magdalene who introduced the energy and teachings of Christ Consciousness into Western Europe through France. It is believed that there it touched down for the first time in what is now the town of Stes. Maries de la Mer, the French Camargue. One of my best memories of this trip was sleeping on the beach of Stes. Maries with some friends, watching the sun rise over a calm Mediterranean Sea in the place where Mary Magdalene first stepped on the floor of France. Here are two photos of that area. The first is from the town itself, with the monument to the Camargue horses; the second, taken in the Camargue Reserve itself, is one of these horses. I always feel that these lovely little horses must be the descendants of the Unicorns that populated the forests of Europe at the time when those forests were still places of Elemental Power, Magic and Miracles. It is also interesting to note that, in medieval art, the "Lady" is often represented, Mary Magdalene, accompanied by a Unicorn.

Once Mary Magdalene had settled in France, she undertook the work of sustaining the Christ Light through her presence as part of the Energy of the Christic "Twin Flame", as well as sharing the energy of the message of the Consciousness teachings Christ. This basic message consisted of Peace, Abundance and Unconditional Love, as well as the knowledge that the day would come when the Earth would be filled with species of Humans that would be carriers of that Christ Consciousness and that would manifest the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony. In order to share this energy and these teachings, Mary Magdalene traveled extensively and worked as a Leader and Teacher. The legacy of the Spiritual Leadership of Women and of the Divine Beauty that constituted its energy still remains in the tradition of the "Amourcourtoise" and in the heritage of the troubadours, musicians and poets who extolled the joys of courteous love and the radiant beauty of the Lady. Of course, after the Catholic crusades and the Inquisition, there was very little left of that legacy, and today the energies of "courteous love" and stories about the "Holy Grail" have a poor reception and poor understanding by scholars current.

In its simplest form, this is the essence of what Mary Magdalene brought to France. He taught his knowledge of the Sacred Union or the Twin Flame as a model of Union. She knew that such a form of "Spiritual Marriage" based on the Service to the Light would become a model or Template of the union or relationship in the coming Golden Age or, as we might call it, the "New Earth."

He also taught that the human body itself is, in itself, that "Holy Grail, " the vehicle or vessel of the Soul, the Spirit and the Divine Essence of God. When the Consciousness contained in the Sacred Vehicle of Matter vibrated high enough, that Matter would be transmuted into Angelic Light and the Human Being would become a Human Angel. These Human Angels would have an aura or energetic body of Golden Light, becoming the authentic Golden Chalice, the "Holy Grail."

According to his teachings, every human being would be able to raise his conscience to that level where such angelic transmutation was possible. But I also knew that it would take time for this vibrational frequency to penetrate the Collective Consciousness, just as it would take time for Humans to evolve enough to be able to contain this Golden Light of Divine Consciousness within the Human Chalice. In fact, it would take two thousand years before there were a sufficient number of humans inhabiting the Planet and before these humans had developed enough to be able to create a way to become a single Heart and a single Planetary Mind, so that the entire Planet could be elevated to that Golden Light and the Earth itself became a Grail of Golden Light.

Mary Magdalene knew that there would be forces and energies that would work against the new evolution of Consciousness, but she also knew that her teachings and her energy would survive in that place and would be transported to that New World when the time came for humans to migrate across the Oceans from Western Europe to discover the "family" of the Humanity of the Indigenous Peoples of the Planet, who still continue to hold the teachings of the Holy Land. He knew that, at the right time, the teachings of the Holy Land would be shared with the peoples of the West, which would help them raise their conscience and learn to become custodians of the Planet in this new Golden Age.

And so, she left us her legacy for this process of transformation, left the teachings of the Sacred Union and the Twin Flame. She knew that this would be necessary in this time of change of consciousness, since the Male Energy that was required to populate the Planet would become dominant to a point where it would be necessary to bring back the Female Energy to generate balance required in order to create a true "Sacred Union", as well as to place the Golden Grid of the Twin Flame Union that would hold the Template or Geometric Pattern of the Golden Energy of the Twin Flame Love.

But, as a Wise Woman she was, María Magdalena also knew the importance of respecting the energies of Nature and working with the Elemental Energies. In Languedoc and in certain regions of Southern Europe where his teachings became stronger, there is still a powerful Elemental Energy that is manifested from time to time in the form of "apparitions" of the "Divine Feminine", associated to powerful healings and miracles. These energies are related to the natural "magic" of the Elementals that still vibrates in those areas, hence the power of the Divine Feminine is still able to overcome the repressions of the Conscious Mind, despite the dark energies of times past.

Therefore, in our group work we concentrate on connecting with the powerful energy of the Divine Feminine that is alive in the energy of the Heart of Languedoc, as well as in the awakening of that energy within our own Sacred Hearts. We use the Sacred Heart Meditation to generate the internal balance between Spirit and Matter and between Heaven and Earth, with the Heart as the center point of that Concentration and that Balance. And then we create a “grid” of Heart energy that links the entire Group, establishing the intention of connecting that energy with the Grid of the Heart of the Planet. Because "Christ Consciousness", as taught by Mary Magdalene, is based in the Heart. It is the Heart that contains the Higher Frequencies of Love, Peace and Joy, and only through the opening of that Heart can we reach the Grail Consciousness that is within us to, thus, be prepared to share it with others .

The Twin Flame Grid and the New Earth

The New Earth is a multidimensional energy experience anchored in the Fifth Dimension. Each Dimension of Consciousness is a sequence or series of Templates or Energy Grids "built" of Light and Sound. These serve as the basis or mold for the Manifestation in Material Form. We use basic Sacred Geometry or Light Geometry to shape our conscious desires in the form. We highlight what is in the energy matrices in order to create and experience the reality of the Earth. In addition, given our role as Co-creators with the Spirit, we are also being granted the privilege that we be able to decode new templates and grids for the New Earth. We did this in 2005 when we created the Paradise Grids for the New Earth, as well as in 2007 when we activated the Planetary Heart Grid. Already in 2008, we activated the Golden Twin Flame Grid that will serve as a Template for the experience of the Twin Flame Union on the New Earth.

This Grid is based on the "Golden Star" that manifested during the birth of Christ. It is not known when Magdalena was born, but she must have been older than Jesus. In any case, it is likely that the Golden Star that guided the "magicians" from the East was the etheric manifestation of the First Golden Star of the Twin Flame that was generated with the Union of Mary and Jesus at the soul level. Their Union was already encoded at soul level when they were born. Their lives consisted in bringing that Almic Union to manifestation and living the experience of an association within the Higher Consciousness as a model for Unity and Sacred Life on the New Earth.

When I work with the meditation of the Sacred Heart, I use what I call the Cross of the Magdalene. It is similar to the c tara cross, but I think its shape is much older and perhaps the basis of the subsequent C tara Cross.

Here are photos of two crosses that I bought in a shop in Rennes-le-Chateauespecialized in esoteric jewelry. The first is the typical Cruz C tara, which is different from the Latin Cross typical of Eastern Christianity. It has four arms of the same length and is similar to the cross of the Crusaders, which were also adopted by the Knights Templar:

This is the Cruz de la Magdalena :

Basically these are two figures of the symbol of eight, one vertical and the other horizontal. Both form a cross of four loops. This represents the perfect balance of the Sacred Union within the individual. However, if two of these crosses are taken and overlap, an eight-pointed cross or loops is obtained. These are the symbols of the Sacred Union and the Geometry of the Twin Flame Grid. This Cruz was given to me in a channeled way long before I found this piece of jewelry in that small business of the French Languedoc, in a town associated with the tradition of The Holy Magdalene .

The flor of eight loops is the Sacred Rose. We must remember that the rose we know today is a modern hybrid. If you look at the medieval roses, you can see that they were of the del rosa canina type, a flat flower, occasionally eight petals, of a beautiful and intense fragrance.

The eight-pointed star is also associated with the Divine Feminine, but it is a symbol of the Sacred Union, as it combines the two individual stars balanced in a Golden Star. Here are some golden eight-pointed stars that I found in Burgos, in the North of Spain. These stars were encoded inside a chapel that, in addition, contained an image of Mary Magdalene and another of Mother Mary dressed in red, powerful clues to the secret of the Sacred Union placed right there, inside a Catholic church for those who have eyes to see. These pistas usually appear inside churches and cathedrals, where they were left by those artisans and builders who knew the sacred secrets and added them to their work.

But for me, these images that I took in Toledo in a traditional art form made with gold and silver thread applied on metal plates are even more interesting. The designs contain influences from the Moors, the Muslim peoples of North Africa and the Middle East who conquered Spain in the middle ages. Muslims are forbidden to reflect human images in their art, so their sacred art creates patterns and designs. I have a friend who works with Sacred Geometry and who spent some time in Morocco studying Islamic art and how these designs create grids or dimensional energy. He showed me photos he took of entire rooms decorated in this way and that, when viewed in a holographic way, "dissolve" in grids and dimensional thresholds that guide consciousness to perceptions of Infinity. I felt the same energy when observing those dishes in Toledo, so I took some photos to be able to observe them later.

Well, when I did, I saw that many of them were really based on the eight-pointed star and that, in reality, they created a dimensional grid that should look a lot like the Twin Flame grid that is now acquiring nature card. Perhaps it is an advance of the Golden Age, in which this energy could determine the Sacred Relationship and Sacred Love!

The Twin Flame Relationship in the New Earth

So, how is a Twin Flame relationship supposed to be experienced? This is something we investigate in our Group Retreat and, in addition, it is also something that people usually ask me and write to me about. What I am going to share with you here is nothing more than my own perspective and what, in turn, has been shared with me throughout my work with María Magdalena and Archangel Michael.

A Twin Flame relationship is a Spiritual or Sacred Union in which two Souls of compatible or similar frequency or vibration meet to serve the Light. The primary purpose of this relationship is not romantic, although it includes that level of expression, but it will be a Romance Romance. It will include sexuality, but its nature is not primarily sexual. It will be an expression of the Vitality and Passion of the Soul through the Material Form, whose purpose will be to serve, in some form or manner, the energy of Unconditional Love.

Well, people often ask me if their partner is "predestined" before birth. It is hard to answer. This is true in many cases, two souls may agree before their incarnation to establish a relationship of this kind for their development and service. But it is not essential. The model that is most frequently seen is that, to people who are prepared to enter that Amorous frequency, they are usually sent more than one potential partner to choose the one who “fits” best in what they are in the Time to make that choice.

At this time, this choice should not be taken lightly. Those who imposed "be" the "Golden Star", will encode their energy in the Grid and manifest from it. We must be completely happy with the person with whom we connect, because we are going to become “one” with her and we will carry in our being everything she is. We will become a unique "Grail" of the Light of Unconditional Love, two expressions of the Golden Frequency of Unconditional Love in Perfect Balance.

But it is also true that the “selection” of a potential Twin Flame partner is made by the Higher Self and the Spirit. Don't look for her, she will find you when you're ready. In my own case, I conducted many "interviews" with potential candidates, but I always ended up giving up and decided that my destiny was to conform until the Spirit brought the "good". It happened when I least expected it and it doesn't look much like what I expected. In fact, it took me several days to notice him, because I was very busy and focused on other things, but when I noticed, I noticed. Indeed, after that, nothing was going to separate us. I met him traveling and, after saying goodbye three times, thinking it was over, something ended up happening the next day and we were together again. Only when I finally took a plane and returned home, the attractive forces between us were unable to keep us together, so, until that day comes, we settle for the phone!

What I'm trying to say is that, if you're looking for a Twin Flame partner, don't look. Work on yourself. Only when you are in yourself the "Grail, " that perfect balance of energies that express Unconditional Love, will you be able to attract a partner that expresses similar energies. And this attractive force will be so powerful that, when the connection is made, you will know. Even then, you don't have to accept that union. Your job is to find Love and Joy within the Union, because the Sacred Union is pure Joy and Love. Your mutual acceptance has to be Total and Unconditional. At the moment when you start with "she or he is not prepared", you are not in Unconditional Love or accepting the other person as he is, which constitutes the first step. In my own case, when I met my Twin Flame, I was not behaving the best, because stress was driving me out of my mind; Besides, he told me some of his things that led me to wonder what I was doing there, but we were both ready to move forward in Love and Acceptance, and it worked out well. It still remains that way, since we are both in the same Golden Energy and I think we are both very grateful for having found in the other the reflection of that energy, as well as for the possibility of creating the Golden Star of One through our Love .

Of course, it will be increasingly easier to create these Unions, as the Golden Grid of the Twin Flame settles down and more and more of them manifest themselves, thus adding more Golden Stars. In addition, the more people wake up and express the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness, the easier it will be to attract a partner in the Grail Frequency of the Twin Flame Grid.

All this is a great adventure of evolution that is unfolding. What will the Divine Human Beings or Human Angels be like and how will they express their mutual love? I am sure that people will continue to maintain many kinds of wonderful love relationships, but the Sacred Union based on the Golden Star of Jesus and Mary will be a Blessing and an Adventure for Souls who want to express the Power and Creative Energy of the Divine Union of the Masculine and the Feminine in their own Lives and Relationships.

Therefore, in our work in Montségur, we really concentrate on awakening again the Divine Feminine Love in our Hearts through the energy of Mary Magdalene, in Creating Balance in our own interior and, for those who so desired, in use that balance as a starting point for the manifestation of a Sacred Union or Twin Flame relationship in the New Grid of the Eight Star Tips of the Twin Flame!

Very soon: Part Three ... Miracles, Elemental Magic and Healing ... a Visit to Lourdes.

You can download the channels of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, at and in.

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