Zenith Cosmic Master. Channeling of Lourdes Rosa. Part III

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 For a flower, for a being of nature, a tree, a small plant, an animal, a bird it is easy to move these energies so dynamically that from one day to another they reach more subtle levels of this unit. 2 The soul is addressed by universal laws, as well as by the spirit. 3 The levels of consciousness in matter, that is, in physical, astral and mental bodies, are still very limited. 4 The universe of life is intelligent and makes it possible for all one day to be founded in the same cosmic universal divine life unit. The laws that govern life and creation are not punishing, but they are expansive. 5 The energies that humanity is receiving are of a very strong character, they are Trine energies, they are creative energies that move and energize life. 6 Planet Earth is in the process of a great transformation, like a big cleaning, a big reorganization in energy levels. 7 The result of this is a very intense action, internally and externally, in human life. 8 Every soul and every spirit has its own directive, its action and a plot of a much larger one, because its Light starts from a Great Divine Unity. 9 Try to be for an action of this internal liberation, by unscrewing the labels, soulmates and personality difficulties, with awareness. 10 It is necessary to work for the souls that are lost within the illusion and you can only do this through your inner work, with your souls.

Channeled Teachings of the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

Read first part in: Zenith Cosmic Master. Channeling of Lourdes Rosa. Part I.

Read second part in: Zenith Cosmic Master. Channeling of Lourdes Rosa. Part II

For a flower, for a being of nature, a tree, a small plant, an animal, a bird it is easy to move these energies so dynamically that from one day to another they reach more subtle levels of this unit.

Humanity also only evolves when it moves energies that expand and strengthen unity in the Light, in Universal Love.

Humanity is a set of incarnated souls, in mission, in probation, immersed in experience of matter and turned to evolution in the Path of Light, the Path of Divine Unity .

Experience in matter is a means through which the soul uses to create and recreate other energies that favor divine evolution. The soul needs to create several levels of energy in matter to divinize it and turn it into Light . All this is processed in major, medium or minor cycles that make up the evolution.

The soul is addressed by universal laws, as well as by the spirit.

In the current evolutionary moment, all cycles are always favorable for the action of the soul for the levels of matter, for the fields of force of the bodies and of their Trina Crà ©stica Force . This is a great revolution, and throughout the cycles or you were never the soul received a great opportunity like this.

There is a great joy vibrating in all the souls that are in this planetary system, because of the fact of being able to energize and manifest these Trine Critical energies. They open true energy corridors, through which every soul can act in very exhaustive horizons.

Personalities create frictions or resistance to all new energies and, in this case, generate conflict with the soul, like a battle. In this internal battle, there is pain, suffering, and disappointment, because the densest levels of matter resurface in the transformations that the new energies cause .

But, you can question:

-If life is evolutionary and if everything has to ascend, how can personality react against its own evolution?

The levels of consciousness in matter, that is, in physical, astral and mental bodies, are still very limited.

In the lower levels the movement of matter is unconscious or semi-unconscious and in the higher levels or movement of the conscious matter.

The divine consciousness that resides in the soul needs to penetrate the higher levels of matter to energize and expand it, so that there is an intense transmutation that mobilizes the lower levels, creates transformations in the frequencies and in the vibratory rhythms until they are introduced into other octaves superior. Consciousness is mobilized in the levels of transmutation of energies and in them it is awakened.

All this seems complicated but it is not. All souls are helped in various ways, every day, but it is up to each human being to decide, within the levels of consciousness in which they are; Your inner consciousness is who determines which side you want to go to.

The universe of life is intelligent and allows all one day to be founded in the same cosmic universal divine life unit. The laws that govern life and creation are not punishing, but they are expansive.

It is through free will that the soul conquers its experiences, its strength needs to penetrate all levels of consciousness in matter so that the densest levels are transmuted and elevated to higher octaves. The personality builds the vehicle of the soul but is immersed in very dense vibratory fields, its levels of consciousness are turned towards matter, for the satisfaction of desires and vices, for illusions, and not for the life of the soul.

Your universe is divine, there are divine rhythms within you, there are divine melodies within you, but at the densest levels of matter all orchestras are in tune, without rhythm, and there needs to be a minimum of tuning for the music be touched, so that these rhythms move, on all levels, the beauty of life. And using this orchestra symbology, your main, secondary, tertiary and all other minor farms, and even your energy meridians are the instruments that make up this orchestra. You need to fine tune your rhythms and align them.

The energies that humanity is receiving are of a very strong character, they are Trine energies, they are creative energies that move and energize life.

They are on the direction of the Third Aspect, which is the Aspect-Mother, and the energies of the Second Aspect, which is the Aspect-Son, that is, the Christ Energies. These two energize the First Aspect, the Father-Aspect, that is why the driving actions in this humanity are Trine .

The First Aspect energies are being highly moved by the actions of Love-Wisdom (Second Aspect) and by the action of the active and creative energies they are revolutionizing life within man and woman, realigning the masculine and feminine energies in all the levels, also in the farms. The farms are being recalibrated by the action of these energies, which are also awakening other farms that are dormant. This causes a purification at all levels.

Aquiarian energies lead humanity to go through various stages of internal and external purification. As the energies of nature are the most sensitive to this purification, through the contract with nature, its beings and its elements, all human beings feel this purification being energized.

The planet Earth is in the process of a great transformation, like a big cleaning, a big reorganization in energy levels.

All individual, physical, emotional and mental internal processes need to be analyzed on the light of this transmutational action, which brings a very healthy purification in the evolutionary sense. The energies that represent the garbage, the rotting, the moving, that is, all the heavy, dense, black, dark, ashen energies that obstruct the soul's action, to the expansion of mind and consciousness, they are intensely about a transmutation and purifying action. It is essential, at this stage, that the personality is in tune with the soul, or return to the soul in search of the truth that resides in it.

Several Beings of Light, on all planes and sub-planes of planetary life, are moving these energies and helping humanity and the planet to make the journey to other degrees of consciousness.

The result of this is a very intense action, internally and externally, in human life.

The energies are moving all the bodies and all the energies for evolution, for the internal union. Obstacles and evolution are becoming more aware, internal difficulties become increasingly transparent to a good part of humanity . Everything is rising to the surface, to the Light, and there everyone is in front of the responsibility of deciding the path to follow, as follows and where to follow.

The energies that we are bringing today come to add and multiply your chances, so that you are certain that you are alone, that we are here working on several levels, in several aspects, help Turning them on, and attracting them to the great Universal Cosmic Light Unit . All our spiritual children, our partners, know that we are closer . We do not manifest, or we do not identify with more frequency because we respect your collective individual evolutionary processes. But our action is increasingly alive within the unit to which you belong, this planetary system.

Every soul and every spirit has its own directive, its action and a plot of a much larger one, because its Light starts from a Great Divine Unity.

Every soul feels completely free in the Unity of Light, and it is in this Eternal and Infinite Unity that it reaches brighter and more exhaustive horizons where its great realization can be conquered .

The laws of life do not limit the soul or spirit or personality, on the contrary, they only release them. Personality needs to unify in a superior consistency that resides in the soul to understand the laws that govern life and evolution. In this way, the inner experience and awareness of the soul and spirit is very important. The experience with the energies that reside the soul and with the Masters that act through an alliance of love with the soul is fundamental. Without that living experience with divine energies there is no liberation.

The more you immerse yourself in the strength of this inner unity, the freer you are, and the freer, the more you can accomplish in favor of your brothers and companions of this planetary system. Liberation is an internal conquest.

Try to be for an action of this internal liberation, unscrewing the labels, soulmates and personality difficulties, with awareness.

Look for all your brothers, for this humanity as part of your spiritual family . Unfortunately many erroneously titled movements of esoteric are dividing, destroying, imprisoning consciences, minds, limiting rather than liberating; they are fanatizing personalities, speaking on behalf of the Planetary Hierarchy, on behalf of the Angels, and even on our behalf. They are forces contrary to the Light that desperately seek to impede the spiritual advancement of this humanity.

Definitely, no Being of Light works with groups where energy is so destructive. Unfortunately, many of these groups got to be known worldwide, they have a language full of distortions to confuse and divide, even translated into several languages. Some of these movements are trying to destroy what many disciples took decades to build.

You must not listen to these negative forces, or let yourself be dragged by them. The word esotericism serves as a flag for the illusions and fantasies of personalities who fear preserving the old world, with its dogmas, concepts and preconceptions, who do not know and are not interested in the true meaning of life and evolution. None of that matters. The important thing is that your spiritual work is the growing union with the Light; It is your consciousness that you are part of a divine unity.

You have to know how to receive all your brothers who are imprisoned for fanaticism, which spread chaos, destruction, which are not considered radical but really are. Try to receive them with your heart, be committed to working with souls and not with personalities.

It is necessary to work for the souls that are lost within the illusion and you can only do this through your inner work, with your souls.

The greater your internal union, the more easily you will know how to receive your brothers and partners, and look at them in addition to their appearances, in addition to what they do, in addition to the movements they frequent, in addition to their negative actions, in addition to their origins, their races, their believes.

You will be turned to the awareness that you are part of a large planetary family, and that as such, you can help yourselves among your brothers with the love that resides in your souls. What each one will do with your donation, with your love, with your love, with your attention, that does not matter. Important is that the seed thrown into human hearts, in divine sanctuaries, this is what matters.

This must be your action, your task within the unity of Light. May the language of Trina and Una Universal life flow in your hearts and in your consciences, in favor of your brothers and sisters of this humanity!

May my Light remain with You!

Zenith Cosmic Master. Great Being of Light of the Orion Constellation.

Spiritual Channel: Lourdes Rosa.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of hermandadblanca.org

SOURCE: "Journal of Esoteric Sciences." A Universal Wisdom gives Sit. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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