The Candles of Mercy, flowers of comfort and hope

  • 2012

“Each spiritual excursion of these was followed for many days of endless comments, annotations, hypotheses, which sometimes reached the most fantastic and sublime flights of our imagination, which sought to broaden the vast horizons that the ecstatic soul saw at such greatness. And we never did a new excursion without leaving perfectly the previous one, and with the approving control of the Superior Intelligences that had served us as a Guide. It was not, then, that we would have believed to see this or that thing, in this or the other way, but that it was necessary for the Guides who had accompanied us to say: “–What you have seen, is the whole truth of what happens in the dwellings that you have visited.

“Okmaya, who presented himself for the hypnosis of our sensitives, to give his control to the last notes, before recording them on the papyrus for the archive, gave us beautiful extensions on what we had seen on the last excursion through the astral sphere of the earth. We wanted to know in depth the evolution class of the Cirios de la Piedad, and my alliance brother spoke like this:

“There are beings that because of their origin since the beginning of their evolution have the feeling of compassion in such a predominant degree in them that without violence and almost without noticing it they carry out their first stages in a chain of these small or large acts of commiseration for their inferior or equal. And in such a way a habit is formed in them that becomes like a force that is leading them in that sense. It is of course one of the most beautiful forms of evolution, because apart from the merit that such souls conquer for themselves, they drag many souls towards the real path of Universal Love. We all follow more easily those who pity us and love us, than those who show us severity and punish us.

“But this is a form of voluntary evolution because the Cirios de Piedad belong to one of the great phalanges of advanced Intelligence, which you have already known when traveling through the abodes of light and enduring glory. Either they are Guardians, or they are Splendors, or Victories, or Live Harps. They could disengage having taken their place among those glorious phalanges, being part of the great concert of Creative Intelligences and Governors of stars and suns. They are entitled to do so if they have reached the evolution necessarily required by the Law, but prefer to remain in the astral spheres of the balloons in which they have acted, only driven by their compassionate love towards the thousands of souls in suffering and in order of shortening the time of their atonements.

“That is why in all the worlds inhabited by humanities, they have great respect and a great love for the Cirios de Piedad. They also seek something else by staying in the astral spheres of the worlds they inhabited, and it is the possibility of taking matter at any time, in which they judge that their performance as incarnates is necessary in this or that place of the globe in which they lend your service. And this could not be done with equal ease, if they had taken a position in the balloons of superior evolution where the spiritual Hierarchy to which they belong resides.

“It happens, sometimes, for example, that a being of advanced evolution is incarnated on Earth that has brought a spiritual mission of great importance, and this being is at serious risk of failing because of the dejection and disappointment caused by misunderstanding and ignorance of those around them, or of humanity in general.

“Then they incarnate near him, one of these Cirios de Piedad, sometimes for a few years sometimes for more, until the danger has passed and the missionary spirit has taken the necessary strength and decision not to fail in its mission. Almost always from the Cirios de Piedad the great Messiahs of Merciful Love arise, and it is the high Intelligences that can most easily be manifested by the sensitive in the moments of invocation to the Divinity, and it is they, also, who tie the fluidic threads necessary for the Messiah to make the incarnate feel the vibration of Love, Comfort and Hope, the portions of humanity that cry out for them with fervent and selfless love.

“Such was Okmaya's explanation about the Cirios de Piedad. To my question of whether they were numerous in each balloon, he replied that: - No, but on the contrary, very few, and although they do not have a fixed number they do not ordinarily go from two to three tens. They are attracted, as to all, by affinity, that is why around you, beloved brother Antulio, they walk very often, since every soul of merciful and tender tendency, is very frequently a meeting point of the Cirios de Piedad.

“All these experiences opened to our Intelligences so vast and radiant horizons that, with childish enthusiasm, my disciples used to say in our delicious intimate evenings:“ - We are already owners of the great secrets of Infinity. Who can ever tear the priceless treasure of the Eternal Truth that we have, kept in the intimate chest of our self?

No one can tear away from us what the Divine Will has made us depositories contest bales I, absorbed like them in the eternal greatnesses of Infinity .

But, there are of us if we are not faithful depositors and let the selfishness disguised as convenience lead us to hide the Truth, under clouds of dust and smoke, so that ignorance makes this humanity a reba Easy to arbitrary impositions of various ideologies, created by men for purposes of interested utilitarianism!

Since this time we set out to establish spiritual contacts with the Circles of Piety, who displayed great activities in the astral sphere of the Earth, with the purpose of supporting them from the physical plane, in the great task of cooperate efficiently to the redemption of souls.

One of them came one evening to our evocation, and made beautiful revelations of what his life was in the bluish mist of the astral sphere of the planet.

We are the Messenger think about the great intelligences that are in charge of the redemption of the humanities

Every work of Piety, of Mercy, of mutual Love, falls within the radius of our activities. The great clairvoyants of the past called us Flores de Consuelo y Esperanza because such is our true mission. Currently we are only two tens, but they are here to disembody another ten who still live in the matter; three among the last White Prophets of the old School, founded by King Anfi n de Orozuma; three others live among the Sumerian civilization, in the region called the Five Seas; and the other four among the Fl menes, last remains of the School founded by Juno, in the lost Lemuria, and that today reside on a forgotten island in the South Serene Sea.

They are all children or adolescents between six and fifteen years of physical life, which they needed to take, to help missionary spirits embodied in those places. When they come to the spiritual plane we will be three dozen Cirios de Piedad, to comfort the souls that suffer on Earth and in their astral sphere.

"Well, " I said, "while they come to you, my disciples and I will replace them as soon as we can." What should we do?

“- And you ask me?… You, who are the Instructor of this humanity! You can no longer be a Candle Candle, because the Law made you a living lamp of the Eternal Light. Your mother and your disciples, they can try to be from this moment.

"Well, " I said, "tell me what we should do."

“–To do this I must update you with all our work. Listen to me that I will explain to you: As we are so few today, we are looking for affinity incarnate beings in order to centuplicate in this way, our ability to do good. But even so, we encounter great difficulties, due to the heaviness of the astral currents of the physical plane, which almost always prevent us from approaching for manifestations such as those I am doing at this moment. With you I can do it without difficulty, because your presence here, and the mental purity of your partners has made your environment so diaphanous and subtle, that all this contour appears as an immense ethereal and radiant globe, to which the currents of thoughts cannot penetrate rude and criminal that infect the physical plane in general.

“Our task is both in the astral sphere and in the lower physical plane. Our favorite places here are the cemeteries, temples, prisons and hospices of patients in general. In the necropolis we start from the corpses, the souls in disturbance when they are beings of certain advancement, and who are only still attached to their matter, because a sudden death prevents them from waking up to the reality of their new life. We went to the Temples to collect the complaints of anguish, which beings carry to the altars of their idols, sometimes laden with gold and precious stones, but of course unable to feel the complaints of their devotees. Through the thoughts of pain, we understand if those sufferings can and should be remedied, and if so, we look for the combinations leading to alleviate their pain, and put them on the road to improvement.

“If your anxieties are consequences of crimes or serious mistakes, we send you this thought:

"- If you regret your crimes, and with good works you repair the evil caused, you will be relieved." Sometimes some are sensitive, and they see or hear figuring that it is the God of wood or stone that has heard them, and they run to execute our inspirations.

“We go to the presidios in case some innocent person has been held in those clubs of horror and horror. If his sentence is for a lifetime and we see that his ability and progress would make him a great element for good in a free state, we seek a being of primitive evolution, who disembodied lives in a state of embarrassment looking for matter again; During the innocent prisoner's dream, we make him take the matter that is an element of progress to the inferior being, while for the other it was the cause of a great waste of time. Thus we sometimes undo human errors with divine favor, when special circumstances coincide that allow us to do it; the incarnated who ignore these works done by us in the astral sphere, go from error to error, when making studies and affirmations based on a clay foundation.

“A spiritual transmigration of this order, we have carried out in these last days, the court that condemned the innocent giving up the gold offered, tries to justify his crime, seeing that the prisoner is in fact a being of low instincts, capable of having committed the crime of which he was accused. And they sink into a labyrinth with no way out, since having had evidence that he was a righteous man whom they condemned, after a very short time they prove with facts that he was a being of embryonic mentality and very low moral.

“Others affirm that the pain of being unfairly reduced to the condition of a vulgar prisoner, for common crimes, without counting on the spiritual principle and the superior forces that act when the Divine Law allows it. Both fall into error.

“Lately in the great temple of Zeus, on the other bank of the Avendana, an unhappy woman of honest and laborious life, mother of five young female daughters and three little boys, was found by a Candle Candle crying bitterly in the silent temple, prostrated before the statue of his god. He wore a dagger in his clothes to cut his throat, right there, as a voluntary sacrifice of his life, to implore the salvation of his children from God. Picking up his thoughts, the Cirio de Piedad understood all the tragedy. He made use of all the accumulated mental force, ordinarily, around the statues worshiped by the believing souls of that cult, with which he could build a vague luminous astral form, enough to be seen by the desolate woman, at the same time as He made this thought penetrate his mental body:

“–With your sacrifice you will get nothing. Hope that today you will have a remedy for your evil.

“Believing herself attended by the statue of the god of her faith, she runs to her house and finds her husband fallen to the ground, with a faint like death; and she explains to the doctor named, as follows: “–My husband was not a fair, to the truth, but despite his defects we have lived in peace until he was called to work in the graves of the old cemetery, of the Augures de Mabarí, in Cerro Negro, and has returned from there so changed that it does not seem the same. I badly mistreat my three little boys and persecute with bad ends, like a runaway beast, my five female girls, who even want to, run away from home. If I give him a protest warning, he takes the whip and whips me like an angry mule, desperately I went to the temple of Zeus to offer my life in sacrifice to save my daughters. I have seen the clarity of Zeus who heard my plea and promised me the remedy. I arrive and find my husband half dead on the ground.

"The doctor, if he is aware of the forces and means that the Higher Intelligences use to do a work of Good and Justice, will understand, perhaps, the fact, but if it is not, he will interpret it only from the point of view of physiological laws, which lead him to accumulate a series of scientific arguments, based on the wrong principle.

“The Cirios de Piedad that we know the good and bad forces, that are debated as swells in conflict in the astral sphere of the planet, we immediately discover the phenomena that these forces produce. Ordinarily, in the old cemeteries or funeral pantheons that have served for a long generation and for centuries of burial, to beings that belonged to groups dedicated to lower-order mental works, cases of more or less strong or persistent vampirism are very frequent, according to the degree of moral backwardness of the incarnates that are within their reach, and according to the special circumstances that arise. The subject in question had had a violent altercation with one of the members of the group that owns the graves, and as the worker had sunk him, he threw a fierce curse, under the circumstance that among several workers opened a funeral urn by mistake, believing it already occupied only by very old remains that could be emptied to the common ossuary, and found instead a corpse that remained without beginning the decomposition process. Circumstance is due to the custom of the group of washing the bodies inside and out with aromatic and alcoholic liquids; and also due to the fact that the spirit that animated that corpse had an extraordinarily strong will to continue existing in the physical plane.

“These are the cases of vampirism, not very frequent, but real, especially in places where the hidden and sinister arts of black magic are practiced.

“Such was the true background of the drama that was unfolding in the home of the aching woman, devoted to Zeus. The doctor did not understand this phenomenon, and applied drugs that gave no results. The Cirios de Piedad carried out the work of tearing the vampire spirit from the body that had usurped and used for two consecutive moons, while its true owner lay deep in lethargy in the immediate astral sphere to the graves, where the initial event of the tragedy occurred . To carry out the work, two of the female daughters and the mother served as auxiliaries in the matter, who were beings of a certain evolution and united by a long alliance with their father.

“In the hospices of the sick in general, there is almost always one of us to receive those who disembodied, whose spiritual and moral conditions allow us to immediately remove them from that heavy atmosphere of horror and anguish that surrounds those places, facilitating them at the beginning of their new life an environment conducive to facilitate your lucidity, and do not waste years of time in an unnecessary and sterile suffering.

"Such is, " said the Cirio de Piedad who visited us, "our work in the astral sphere of the Earth, in terms of overloaded environments of distressing pain and sometimes of great evil.

“Between environments and higher beings morally and spiritually we perform another kind of work, more subtle, more beautiful, if you want in their deeply emotional and sentimental aspects.

“We seek and provoke the encounters of souls that by alliances and mission should appear together on the stage of physical life, and that by unconsciousness and error of the incarnated, were born far from each other, sometimes even in different countries and even in different continents How many difficult combinations we must weave and weave around them, until we lead them next to each other!

“Great poems of love, heroism and faith made by such unions, are the divine compensations that we collect the Cirios de Piedad for our hidden and unknown work of the same that they receive, as rain of flowers the benefits of that work.

* - The lyrical songs of the great poets. The wonderful harmony overflows of the great musicians. The silent poems of chiaroscuro, of light, of shadow, emptied of the brush to the canvases of the magicians of color and form, are reflections of the Cirios de Piedad that empty, like flowers of an eternal amphora, the beauties of that their voluntary renunciation of the radiant happiness of their own sky made them owners, in favor of those who suffer in the astral spheres of the little evolutionary planets.

“It is true that we have voluntarily renounced centuries of ineffable bliss in the upper spheres, which our effort had conquered us, but we have the advantage of making with the rapidity of a giant flight, the route that we would otherwise do in a long chain of Ascension cycles When the Eternal Law calls us because it was time to take another path, we find ourselves with such an amazing flow of merits, that we marvel at ourselves, daring to interrogate the Law: - But why all this? ... When and how have we conquered it? And the Eternal Love responds to us with the triumphant chant of their Living Harps of the Seventh Heaven:

“–You are blessed because you have loved above all things. The worlds belong to you. You are lords of yourselves. Choose your abode because you are living lamps of Eternal Wisdom. You are the Individualized Thought of God in a personality. You are the Love of God concentrated in the amphora of your individual Self. You are the Word of God that you can carry as your own essence. Your is the choice.

“But even then the Cirio de Piedad renounces those conquered rights and asks the Eternal Law to point its way forward. Then it emerges from the crowded multitude of nebulas, stars and suns, like a flower of light in the sidereal abysses that must be its dwelling, its inheritance, its field of labor for future ages. He is already an Anointed. Messiah of a humanity is already consecrated, to which he is bound from that moment, until he becomes consolidated in the Great Universal All.

“You already know what the Cirios de Piedad are, and the way we carry out our evolution.

"- Thank you! - I said - for the great knowledge that your confidence brings to the treasure of wisdom that we keep for future humanity.

“A moment of deep silence, very soft as a melody without sound, spread in our enclosure. A white clarity flooded the gloom and we could all see a score of Cirios de Piedad that came, no doubt, to a call that had been our confidant. And the twenty said with their thoughts: “-You are in love with the Cirios de Piedad because the Messiah here present was a Cirio de Piedad, in the remote ages, and because you, all, following his footsteps will also be in the distant future. Those who were, who we are, who will be, are all a single vibration of Merciful Love in the Infinite Eternity of God. ”

“The beautiful vision disappeared in the violet gloom of the sacred enclosure, leaving us at the bottom of the soul the ineffable sweetness from which an amphora of honey has drunk, whose divine softness can never be forgotten, even though the centuries roll over us, like dust of luminous atoms dragged by the wind.

"- This is, " I said to my companions, "the immeasurable sea of ​​Divine Love that floods us in an instant, that the Circles of Mercy pour into the astral sphere of the Earth. And there are only twenty spirits that carry that immensity! What will a legion of them do?

Fragment of the book “Moisés (The Seer of the Sinai)”, written by Josefa Rosalía Luque Álvarez

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