The cartoon: old villains new heroes

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 ABOUT HEROES AND VILLANOS 2 THE PROTECTED: the destroyer 3 THE FRAGMENTED: the preservative 4 THE FRAGILE: the builder 5 ABOUT APOCALYPTIC AND INTEGRATED

The comic strip has been considered as the ninth art, although in reality it is prior to those disciplines to which the conditions of eighth art, photography, or seventh art, cinema are usually attributed. And is that the comic leads us to free ourselves from the mirage in which we live, showing us that what we have called the astral plane, is really a mirror created by our imagination.

This can be seen in the sequence of films of the Unbreakable, a film that was initially conceived as a trilogy, whose sequels would be, Breaking and Broken. The second was finally released in 2016 with the title Fragmented or Multiple. The director declared to be writing a movie based on a comic with three parts: The birth of the superhero, his adventures fighting against evil, and finally the great fight against his archenemy. Finally he found the birth part much more interesting than the rest.


The gifted hero with powers superior to those of the common man is a constant of the popular imagination. Sometimes the hero's virtues are humanized and his powers constitute the highest realization of a natural power, cunning, speed, strategic ability or even syllogistic intelligence and simple spirit of observation as in the case of Sherlock Homes.

Villain is someone who lives in a villa, means servant or peasant, someone who is tied to the land of a villa, that is, worked in the equivalent of a plantation in ancient times, for example in Italy or Gaul. Villains are fictional characters, or perhaps novel characters, in dramas and melodramas that deliberately exert evil and face the hero. As such, villains are an almost inevitable plot resource, and more than heroes, crucial elements on which the plot revolves. So we can see it in Superman, whose human personality, Clark Kent, lives in Villachica.

THE PROTECTED: the destroyer

David Dunn is a security guard of more than 40 years who lives apart from the world, sad and without vocations, deeply distanced from his wife. One day, traveling on a train that crosses Philadelphia, an accident occurs: the train derails and its wagons are shattered, crushed and scattered to pieces several kilometers around. Later, surprising news is made public: only one person has survived this event, and for some unknown reason, does not have the slightest injury.

The protégé is a movie from the year 2000 starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson, in which we can see the origin of a hero, his instinct turned into intuition, so as the difference between strength and power.

Joseph, David's son, sees his father as a hero and encourages him to develop his skills. In these names we can see a script or the biblical story of David and Goliath as well as Joses, the father of Jesus.

The majority of villalanos or important characters that David knows in the film are characterized by wearing a striking colored garment that stands out in the protagonist's visions less color Eljiah stands out for his purple shirt, while Shyamalan's character stands out for the blue one. In the great hall, David will detect three criminals of red, green and yellow, and in the end he will follow one more bloodthirsty than the rest, who dresses in orange.

And it is that color is one of the subsidiary laws of the law of attraction, because color serves a double purpose: It acts as a veil for what lies behind, being consequently attracted to the central spark; It expresses the attractive quality of the central life. Therefore all colors are centers of attraction, complementary or opposite.

The light, on the other hand, is what the projector uses to illuminate the shadow and it is a blinding light, the one that Sa Sal de Tarso saw on the road to Damascus and the one that accompanied the discharge of energy Atomic bomb. The light always accompanied the true conversion and manifestation of all the lives that went through the human stage of consciousness. So that the new aspirants to the initiation in the mysteries, have to recognize what is the light that they are using: The light of the personality (substance), the light of the soul (conscience) or the spirit light (essence).

THE FRAGMENTED: the preserver

Kevin Wendell Crumb, a young man, victim of child abuse, who was diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder, kidnaps three teenagers, under the control of one of his twenty-three personalities: "Dennis." Kevin has been in treatment for the past few years, so he is apparently totally stable.

In Kevin's mind, each of his personalities sits in different chairs inside a room waiting for his turn "in the light" while being controlled by "Barry." Two personalities, "Dennis" and "Patricia", remain out of the light, because both have violent tendencies and obsessive compulsive disorder; In the case of Dennis, it is also because he likes to see naked girls. Dr. Fletcher, through her studies, has concluded that people like Kevin can overcome their disabilities by switching to different personalities. Later, in an attempt to explain his new personality, Kevin reminds him of a blind girl with double personality disorder that he could see when she became another personality.

Split is an American psychological horror and suspense movie of 2017, directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan and starring James McAvoy, with which we can understand the concept of multiple personalities.

The problems of obsession are due to the withdrawal of the self-conscious aspect of the resident of the body. This process of abstraction leaves a living shell, an empty house. In the case of the double personality, there are two people who take possession of the body: one provides the current of life introduced into the heart and the other the current of consciousness introduced into the brain. In the case of multiple personalities, it is due to the weak energetic connection of the original dweller, or also to the enormous dislike that the original dweller feels for the physical incarnation, it can also be caused by some shock or misfortune that suddenly breaks the bond of consciousness and, in this case, there is no hope of restoring it.

If we look at a human design, we can see that the personalities refer to each of the access doors, door 25 being that of authenticity that connects us to 51, that of commotion.

THE FRAGILE: the builder

Elijah Price is an art dealer who suffers a dangerous disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, which causes his bones and joints to weaken, making his skeleton extremely fragile and somewhat deformed. Having spent a third of his life in hospital beds, Elijah noticed superhero cartoons and made them his passion, and that passion led him to believe in a universal balance related to them. Elijah's theory is that, if there is a person as fragile and battered in the world as he is, there must also be someone who is diametrically opposed: strong, healthy and unbreakable, someone who has been sent without knowing it to protect those around him. . Elijah Price, under the name of "The Crystal Man", emerges as the orchestrator of certain events and who keeps important secrets for both the protected and the fragmented.

Dr. Ellie Staple interviews patients as well as her closest ones: David's son, Elijah's mother and Kevin's love. Try to rationalize skills as delusions of various types and some of them begin to believe the possibility of being true.

Glass is an American superhero, horror and suspense film written, co-produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, released on January 17, 2019, with which we can contrast the concepts of light and shadow, and understand how the mastermind works in the construction of possible worlds. Elijah's mother motivates him to achieve his ideals and often tells him that he is a special being, and that is how thanks to the reading of comics, the mind began to create its own, virtual texts, giving life to characters, designing their own time lines

If we look at a human design, we can verify that each of the numbers corresponds to a time line and consequently to a personality. The correct use of the mind is essential to eliminate personality separations, but the same mind also has its own disorders, in case of excessive lighting as in situations of hyperactivity, hypersensitivity or psychism. In the latter case it is known as illusion, mirage or maya, depending on whether the mind, emotion or body is stimulated. The mirror must therefore not be broken, but polished by integrating the various beams of light.


Analyzing deeply the trilogy we can find the reference that is made to the triad formed by the destroyer, the builder and the preserver, or between chaos, order and organization. The human body exists in total challenge to entropy, its opposite force is intelligence, which at quantum levels is much more than a mental phenomenon. A living being is characterized because its entropy is negative, evolves and increases the internal level of information, extracting it through data flows, coming from an external medium.

History, on the other hand, is the story of the growth and development of consciousness. It tells what man has captured from the creative ideas that have shaped the race and are establishing their destiny, and it is in the interpretation of the facts that we understand the world of meaning.

Reflection, meditation and visualization gave way to scientific thinking and the necessary manifestation on the physical plane. This took place under the impression of the Masters, in the three main rays: The Ray of Will, destroyed the old and outdated conditions and crumbled the old civilization, so that the new order could be really expressed. As Christ said when he instituted the Piscean civilization: you cannot put new wine in old wineskins . The second ray of Love, through innumerable existing educational processes and the modern conflict of ideas, is opening the minds of thousands of people. The third ray of Intelligence has given rise to technological innovation and the use of healing techniques used by caregivers of the soul: therapists. With the third ray began the construction of the new social order, which integrates the other four rays.

Thus, two main lines of thought emerged: the apocalyptic and the integrated. The former look to the past and cling to old customs, ancient theologies and reactionary methods of rejection to find the truth. The latter look to the future, invested with a constructivist spirit, since they are the builders of the new era, who have been entrusted with the work of preserving the spirit of truth and reorganizing human thought. Among them are the new generation of young people whose ideas are fragmented and who we invite to sing the song of Jos V lez:

Come and toast with Greek wine from my homeland, the red wine that will remind me of a white town that left behind the sea.


Alice Bailey: Education in the new era.

Alice Bailey: Discipleship in the new era.

Alice Bailey: Treaty on the seven rays.

Deepak Chopra: Bodies without age, minds without time.

Jerome Bruner Mental reality and possible worlds.

Umberto Eco: Apocalyptic and integrated.

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