Service Opportunity | MahaChohan Paul the Venetian

  • 2015

Beloved children:

.Every non-ascended being must reach the point in the path of life in which he becomes the master control of the energy of his own life stream, sending Node forward to the universe harmoniously. This is the reason why people incarnate, and there will be no happiness, contentment or rapture until each stream of life becomes the controlling power of the energy that is its essence of life .

.If you raise your call to the Ascended Masters, to the Angelic Host and to the powers of the Light, They will anchor His energy in your inner bodies, and they will help you by radiating His feelings through you, which will gradually transform and transmute the momentum of energy that you have collected and qualified imperfectly.

At this time, very few non-ascended beings in the Western Hemisphere have achieved the mastery of the energy of their life currents. Most people are striving, according to their particular abilities, to reach the point of harmonious expression.

.In the course of their own experiences, a person contacts not only their own discordant energy, but also that of life around them. However, it is useless to be discouraged by the presence of disharmony when all conscious students know that it is their duty and responsibility - of each and every one - to try to harmonize as much as possible the thoughts and feelings of their own life stream, and give what they can of silent radiation to the people around them.

………. Ascended Masters and Perfected Beings are willing to give soul and refuge to any life stream that sincerely desires harmonious expression. They will cover it with the fullness of His love and Light, all of which will disconnect said person from any unpleasant vibration that can be directed to him, and also dissolve the nuclei of inharmony that are prone to manifest as unhappiness and anxiety.

………. There is an established Law for non-ascended beings, all of whom will remain on the path of experience, struggling with the results of cause and effect, until the time comes when the tonal key of Balance, Love, Light, Harmony, Tolerance and Understanding flow through the radiation of harmony that each of Us - Ascended and not-promoted equally - has drawn directly from God-Father, and therefore each one has to render an accounting personal and separate.

………. With every opportunity you have to tune into the Masters, with His words, His images or His songs, you give us an opportunity to pour the necessary spiritual nourishment to sustain and sustain all those who are there where you is it so.

This is a more important service than the external mind can conceive, since Our ability to help depends on the self-conscious invitation that comes from you; and in view of the fact that the human veil has been largely removed due to this intercommunication between Our octave and his, we have been given a broader invitation than at any other time since the sinking of Atlantis.

However, given that the human mind and heart have not yet learned perseverance and tenacity, this means that there will be a greater effort on the part of those of you who are aware and have faith in Our presence to discharge the energy that the Cosmic Law requires before humanity is fully awakened. A Call to Ascended Host by humanity will not only increase your own soul light by a thousand, but it will give us an opportunity to provide the service for which we have renounced Nirvana.


Service Opportunity | MahaChohan Paul the Venetian

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