Two messages from the archangels Michael and Uriel: we protect you in these troubled times

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Archangel Michael: I am protecting you at all times 2 You know that I would not allow anyone or anything to hurt or harm you or your earthly soul in any way ... 3 Archangel Uriel: these are unstable and agitated times 4 There are many who are out there acting in fear because they are still half asleep and do not want to change the status quo ...

Archangel Michael: I am protecting you at all times

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, September 14, 2017

You know that I would not allow anyone or anything to hurt or harm you or your earthly soul in any way ...

Greetings my peaceful and brave warriors of light! I am Miguel, your dear family, and yes, I am the Archangel of love and truth, Archangel of peace and light, at the service of the Mother and all of you.

I am your loving brother, but I am also your best friend, because I am protecting you and I have my eyes on you and my heart accompanies you at all times. You know that I would not allow anyone or anything to harm you or your earthly soul in any way, and when it comes to children, I especially want to get up and protect you with my life.

These precious children who come to Earth in these present times of changes and transformations are extremely powerful and are in tune with their higher selves and guardians. They are very evolved beings, with only a small luggage that must be ordered and cleaned. They are, in effect, formidable generators of love and light, strategically placed in certain places, homes, schools and institutions that urgently need light and improvements.

That said, you understand why you are very valuable and are closely guarded by me personally and by all my legions of light. All they need to do is love them and show them the ways of light, help them navigate these dense energies with joy and confidence. They need your loving guide to sharpen their discernment skills, and to follow the truth of their heart without complicating.

Being aware of the truth, looking beyond the surface of matters, this is what you are constantly looking for, and this is how you help others including your children and loved ones.

Your light will attract many who want to join you in your mission. Because when light meets light it expands exponentially and brings even higher levels of enlightenment and joy, and expands and undulates well beyond universes and multiverses.

But there will be others who will try to come to you through the back door, through the innocent and unconscious, and when you are alert, in tune with your senses and realize this fact, then it will be easy for you to make the decision to call me . I am with you, my bravest brothers and sisters. I come to escort you and make you follow your supervised paths closely, because as you know, the rules of living and interrelated with others have changed and everyone needs to obey. They are being given one more chance to correct their paths and I am very strict in making sure that the rules are clearly understood and followed.

You are powerful enough to do it on your own, but I am always happy to come and assure you that you are always safe and protected, but above all to reinforce your awareness that you are impeccable warriors of truth and love and that I am Extremely pleased to work and travel with you.

Stand firm and upright, remain in your power, beloved, and know that you are loved and appreciated beyond measure.


Archangel Michael

Arc ngel Uriel: these are unstable and hectic times

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, September 10, 2017

There are many who are out there acting in fear because they are still half asleep and do not want to change the status quo

Greetings, dear ones! I am Uriel, the Angel of Love and Silver Light, the one who brings the Truth and the Future bright in this present moment, your friend and ally, always.

They are times of intense changes and turbulence. These are difficult and hectic times, because everyone is being challenged in one way or another while the structures of the old are being dismantled and sometimes they are sinking with loud and disturbing noises.

All this is worrisome and frightening for those who do not want to change the status quo, because they know that their time to use and manipulate others through fear is over. So they hold on, desperately trying to stop the progress of the light using all the means they have in their arsenal to bring more confusion, fear and pessimism and dismay.

There are many who are behaving in fear, because they are still half asleep or are about to wake up. And so, the physical symptoms, the pains and diseases that come with the release of their own dense energies, combined with the same type of energies that come from their Close family, their distant friends and the entire human group, makes them more vulnerable and vulnerable to the most terrible influences, mental fog and brainwashing.

Most of the time they do not have medical insurance and the medical care gratuita comes with a very high price. There is a growing fear regarding their financial stability, whether they have a job at this time or not, it doesn't matter. Everyone seems concerned with the cost of health care and life, and at the same time with the high unemployment rate due to technological advances that replace the need for human labor.

Relationships can get tense and unstable when the parties unnecessarily attack each other and / or close their hearts in pain, feeling rejected and misunderstood. This can be applied to families and the work environment, and that includes communities of lightworkers.

There are many who use this Tsunami of Love and its side effects, trying to catch and hold on to those who are being dragged underwater by their own emotions and confusion.

That is why it is imperative that you, the precursors, the brave pillars of light and anchors of the Divine Authority, and the love of the Mother, remain balanced and connected with your higher selves and your guide. They have been widely prepared and trained for these times of testing and unexpected challenges.

Use all the gifts and tools that have been given to you in love to shine through the veils of illusion. Look more deeply and at all levels what is happening around you and see the benefits, light and freedom at the end of the challenge . Even if you cannot understand the reason or if you cannot see the full picture and where you are going while facing a "unfair and unreasonable" personal judgment in particular, hold on to your faith. Know that you are part of the demolition of the old, and that while you are passing through it you are holding the light on high.

Yes, they are advancing in their Divine Authority and forging the new path of freedom for all, knowing that their intentions are to bring light and truth, knowing and feeling that they are fully supported by the higher realm, by Mother and Father / One.

Does this give you a minimum idea of ​​how powerful you are?

They are unstoppable, my dear and brave peaceful warriors of light, when they remain in love, be calm in your confidence and apart from personal and mundane events.

You are the portentous workers of love, you are the silver angels of light and truth, you are the champions of change and graceful transformation, you are the leaders of the new life on Planet Earth!

I will surround you and wrap you in my silver light and in my love. I will leave you with the deepest knowledge and peace.

Until next time, bye.

Archangel Uriel

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood


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