Plan your alkaline recipes

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 What can we do to combat this problem? 2 1. Make your Alkaline Recipes with root vegetables 3 2. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Vegetables crucibles 4 3. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Green Leaf Vegetables 5 4. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Garlic 6 5 Make your Alkaline Recipes with Cayenne Pepper 7 6. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Lemons 8 Plan your alkaline recipes

We have talked a lot about the “normal” acidifying diet that most people consume, and the truth is that we could continue doing so for a long time. The large amount of processed sugars, artificial sweeteners, meats, fats, acids and genetically modified foods it contains is really alarming.

To this we must add other external factors such as pollution, day-to-day stress and those nervous situations with which we have practically got used to living. For what is already seen as something normal to see how every year the cases of chronic diseases and health complications increase that current medicine is not able to solve.

What can we do to combat this problem?

In order to avoid this harmful eating rhythm, it is only necessary to apply a few modifications to our habits, and of course, continue enjoying the food, as we have done so far.

As we know it is essential that the body always tends towards a state of equilibrium with a slight tendency towards alkaline, hence the importance of eating certain foods that will help us achieve it. We can get rid of heavy metals and we will ensure that the main organs do not see their functioning altered even over the years.

To help you achieve this, here are 6 foods that you should introduce in the planning of your Alkaline Recipes.

Note: Remember, as for all vegetables, the ideal cooking point is just before beginning to lose the strong and original color they have before cooking. In this way the loss of nutrients is minimized.

1. Make your Alkaline Recipes with root vegetables

They have a large amount of minerals and a long tradition in traditional Chinese medicine.

Thanks to them, Asian society has always had a vital tool to improve the health status of those who suffered from a multitude of ailments and anyone else who wanted to find a balance. Carrots, beets, radishes, turnips or kohlrabi are some of the examples. You can steam them for about 20 minutes and eat as many as you want, as they will make you feel satiated and you will be eating based on natural and alkalizing products.

2. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower, these are vegetables that we all know and have access to in any fruit shop or supermarket. You can prepare countless dishes with them, take advantage of it and start today to add them to your daily menus.

3. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Green Leaf Vegetables

Chard, kale, spinach or turnip greens. Just by consulting any recipe book you will have a wide range of options to cook some tasty spinach; They contain vitamin K and folate, in addition to phytochemicals and antioxidants, that is, you will not lack anything to improve your health.

4. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Garlic

For many it is considered as a miraculous food, so it is not surprising to see how it appears in countless food lists that promote health. In the recommendations to reach an alkaline balance your presence is always guaranteed. It lowers blood pressure and allows the liver to purify all substances, so it becomes a powerful ally to fight many diseases.

5. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Cayenne Pepper

They contain enzymes essential for endocrine function, they belong to a really interesting family of peppers and, in addition, cayenne is considered one of the most alkalizing foods of the moment. It has antibacterial properties and contains vitamin A, that is, it fights against free radicals that always lead us to a state of stress that is not recommended and even the appearance of occasional illness.

6. Make your Alkaline Recipes with Lemons

Although it is somewhat acidic to taste, ingesting lemon juice often allows disinfecting the body, healing wounds and relieving cases of hyperacidity. Although it sounds strange, lemon is one of the most alkalizing foods that currently exist. If you want to improve your health status, it becomes a top priority to apply that maternal recommendation that we have all received on more than one occasion: "Eating vegetables is healthy." Apply these tips and in a few days you can perceive the change to another level in your state of health.
For your health ... !!!


Plan your alkaline recipes

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