WINGS-June 23, 2009 ~ Sore feet and instant manifestations ~ by Karen Bishop


After the solstice and the new moon. Are there any ramifications and has something changed?

Because the solstice of 21 served to anchor us more fully in the earth, and thus create a new space for many of us as the official and legitimate guardians and creators of the new reality and new earth, some interesting manifestations have begun to occur.

Unusual pain in the foot, discomfort in the feet, pain, burning, nervous sensations, or perhaps a feeling of bruising ... all in the feet, are common symptoms of a new anchorage and grounding. There may also be discomfort in the lower leg. We are pulling a lot of energy to the earth now, and keeping it there, and our feet and lower legs are working overtime.

But there are also other interesting manifestations.

The energy of the immediate manifestation has returned with desire. They have a simple thought or desire, and can manifest almost instantaneously, or at least in a few hours. So many things have appeared to me in the last days, and in such an unmistakable form of immediate manifestation, I finally had to declare, “Okay, universe. If this is what we are finally doing, I would like this, and this, and this ...! ”And almost immediately, everything comes.

We have successfully passed through a new barrier, even piece by piece. Our new residence and new space are now available, but some interesting problems and situations are still occurring. There is still a knowledge and awareness that not everyone is taking advantage of this opportunity. Some have not yet woken up, they are not yet ready to move forward, they have not yet opened and given themselves to something new, they have not yet released or given up, and therefore they are still in the dark. Because most of us have a huge heart and we want everyone there with us, a part of us can fall behind lovingly and try with all our loving heart to move others forward. Most of us really don't want to leave our loved ones behind. But know that in time they will find their way, and we will meet again.

In this sense, we could have one foot in one reality, and the other foot in another reality. They will know that this is so if they are experiencing huge rises and incredible joy at one time, and then suddenly, a sharp drop in their energy with feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, and great pain at other times. Feeling very emotional when something wonderful happens, with great thanks, is another example. "I think I'm going to cry!" Along with "This makes me so emotional" can almost become new mantras.

Many of us have spent months preparing for this moment of departure, letting go as much as possible, whether voluntarily or not. Being tied to anything that is "back there" will undoubtedly hold and tie us. We have to be absolutely free and clear, without energetic lines connecting with the old in order to move through the dimensional frontier. If a sufficient number of us choose to stay to support, or stay to encourage the energies "back there" to move forward, then the critical mass will not be reached, and our experience of the transition will be reduced, or at least diminished in some measure.

But as always, it depends on us, since we are the absolute creators. So then, there is a real hodgepodge occurring right now, but again, as always, things however are in divine and perfect order.

Other manifestations of reaching the "other side"? An exciting welcome group arrives. For me, a gathering of souls so excited to have a new resident came in a non-physical way. And these souls that have already been living on the other side, revere the newcomers so much, since they know that we will be an integral link and connection with the old world, to be able to cross more souls and to serve humanity as the angels of the earth. The newcomers (we) have a more direct connection with the old world since we are the closest on the stairs to the place where we just left.

After breaking the barrier, great joy may be present, along with a new sensation of finally being able to open ourselves once more. Just go outside and open our arms to all that nature has to offer, it can feel so good again! And reconnecting with nature in a very new way feels absolutely divine. Yes, we can finally get out again.

Piece by piece, we have been taken to our new roles and new places in this new land. The closer we get to reach our new space, the more they begin to connect the pieces and make some real sense. And after we finally receive the great message of our new roles, or rather we connect with the new, everything accelerates and begins to manifest itself very quickly.

Other manifestations? I have never received as much correspondence from Norway, Finland and the Netherlands as I have received in recent months. These northern countries are now opening rapidly, and they are holding a very special space for the new world. With a very high vibration, one of my readers in the past considered that these countries represented the crown chakra of the new world, and I completely agree. Just reading the energy in these letters really feels great, and also know that each area of ​​the planet has its own energy and role.

Relationships between the African-American and Caucasian races are also beginning to repair and heal. This is happening quite quickly now, and it feels very magical indeed. It is surprising to see this new energy unfolding as if by magic. And Iran is, of course, experienced great movement and change as well.

What happens if you are experiencing very little of the new described above, and do not have much in the sense of the rapid manifestations?

Releasing any resentment is vital if we want to move forward. If we can accept that we agree to go into low vibration situations in order to introduce more light, and therefore we were tricked into really going, and we know that now we are done with that., and that was necessary at the time, then it may be easier to let go and move on. Continuing to retain resentment and negativity can stop us.

Delivery is also essential to reach a new place, and I know that many of you are delivering very well. Our new roles and new spaces may not be what we would have imagined for us. But if we choose to surrender and accept what is revealed to us, and if it feels quite good and quite appropriate, even if it is a big step or a good stretch for us, in the end, we will look back and be very happy to have agreed to accept the that was revealed to us, and what we had been asked to do.

Our souls are always at the helm. They always, but always, serve as the lighthouse that guides us to our next step, or rather, to the new place we had determined before our birth on this occasion. Now we are going to a very new territory . We are moving quickly and quickly to the positions of our soul's purpose. In this sense, much of our ego or self controller has to get out of the way, or at least be willing to accept something very new and different. Resistance from a less vibrating ego, controlling or angry, can wreak havoc on this process. It is time to go out to the ring, since we are now containing much more light energy and also containing the new planes for the new planet Earth.

This then takes us to the next phase. Many are receiving information that it is finally time to create communities on land plots. Without much left and with almost nothing to cling to, the moment is finally here. The desire in many is very strong now. His vision is strong, and this is because it is finally the time. The Gate of Heaven describes in great detail this process of creating the new and the way in which it will develop. Residing in Heaven on the one hand (the new communities), while offering our services to those who request them at the dimensional frontier (our new roles), places us in two realities. In this way, we will really know how to navigate these waters with ease, if we want to be effective in fulfilling our roles.

Last November I announced the sale of my land here in New Mexico. I was in need of a larger plot and therefore, I knew that I had to sell my current 8½-acre lot (for those of you who have been asking, yes, it's still for sale). The new land that I have bought has a very unusual energy, and it will be for a specific purpose in relation to the new Angels of the Earth who are leading the way, but it is not yet time to announce their entire purpose. Connecting fully to this purpose and starting the creation of this space, has resulted in great support from non-physical realms and an experience of advancing at full speed without a doubt. Star beings and angels are very involved and I am also very excited.

I tell you this because I know that many of you will have, or are already having, similar experiences in relation to the spaces you want to create for the new residences. These new spaces will be different for everyone, and they will look different for everyone, but they will come from memories and re-connections with our souls and the purposes of our souls. (When I start talking, I will reveal the plans for these spaces, and some other things too, since this information will only serve to validate what many of you already know or have imagined.)

So then, many will be guided or even receive as parcels of land in times to come. And in addition, the skills and knowledge of many will be used to support and create these very special spaces. In this way, the loneliness and separation that many of us have felt for so long will begin to dissipate quickly. If we can choose to be willing to open up once more, just what we need and those we need will undoubtedly reach us effortlessly.

This new scenario described above is now opening rapidly and almost like a freight train, reaching our spaces with great strength and magical energy. It is as if something very powerful and knowledgeable is in charge, making sure things are manifested perfect in every way. In this way, we will feel support like never before, and support for our shop windows too.

As we begin to connect with our new roles and new spaces, the energy of manifestation begins with a snowball effect. Our new roles and new spaces may simply be waiting patiently for us to find them, and perhaps even wondering where we are. If they are not particularly good at talking to non-physical beings and asking them, or maybe they feel blocked because the non-space space can be very challenging, they can always ask for a signal or for this information to be revealed in an unmistakable way. . What we need to know usually comes to us in ways we can identify with, or in ways that are the easiest for us to receive.

So now, after having had experiences in the past of being invisible, disrespected and abused, we will have the opposite. I have experienced a new respect and new reverence like never before in the last weeks and months, but also know that I will not accept anything less. With anything else, I will refuse to participate or recognize. And this, sigh, is the way to remain in the highest vibrations. I am sure that many of you are experiencing the same.

When these new spaces of greater vibration begin to open for us, they feel so divine with so much love always present, it is like being in another reality completely.

The day before the solstice I was babysitting my twin grandchildren who just turned one year old, while my granddaughter had a pool party for her ninth birthday, which is at the solstice. Only the three of us, the twins are now trying to stand alone, and are very good at crawling. Crawling in my lap (we were all on the floor), they hugged and kissed me, they wrapped me with their bodies, smiles with smiles, joy and delight that illuminated the room, and then they crawled to explore. Soon they were coming back for more re-connection and love and hugs and more smiles and kisses. With tears rolling down my face, I thought I had reached Heaven. The superior vibrations of these new little ones, their ways of connecting, their ways of communicating telepathically, and simply just their energy is something to really experience. I feel so blessed ... and they are physically fit! The natural joy they possess is truly amazing.

For a long time, there was a huge angelic being standing in his living room, and Solomon repeatedly crawled to where he was and looked at him. This went on for weeks. I was obsessed! We all saw this so many times, that we began to say "permission" when we had to cross its path. Immediately before the great transition at the solstice, my star companion was also constantly by my side. These loving companions serve to “take care of us” while we are in transition. I have seen this many times. We are always protected during our process. And when we are in a very critical transition, like the most recent one, we are always more vulnerable than normal, and therefore, we need some additional protection.

But now we are safe again, while residing in a new reality, and when we are visiting the old world, we just have to vibrate love while choosing to ignore any energy of less vibration that could surround us. Yes, we are finally here, in a new space with great support, and it feels divine!

(Would you have ever imagined that vibrating higher would mean that we can no longer spell or have good grammar? Thank you to so many of you for writing me about your similar experiences, and thus validating mine!)

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From Entering the New Reality :


Several years ago I was in a group where we practiced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). EFT is a healing and energy balance modality that derives from the basic belief that "The cause of all negative emotions is a disturbance in the body's energy system." And "Our unresolved negative emotions are the main contributors to most physical pain and illness." (For more information please visit - in English) Through a process of tapping the meridian points of the body, these energy interruptions or blockages can be released and re-framed.

When I began to experience the discomfort of higher energies by hitting my energy points blocked by child rapes, abuse, and much trauma in my life, this process was very useful in the initial stages. (Keep in mind that as we progress through the ascension process, many types of healing serve to take us back to spaces where we are no longer vibrating, and therefore, healing is no longer necessary and is even harmful, and we eventually see that nothing should be fixed or wrong once we reach a certain vibration. new children who receive vaccines is another example of energy that is totally out of alignment and with too much difference.The vaccines contain very low level energy and this energy is extremely uncomfortable for these new babies with more vibration and the vaccines exist totally in another reality! I am not suggesting or telling anyone what to do here, in this sense My grandchildren still receive vaccinations, because my daughter feels that this is the right thing. go with what feels right to you at the moment, as this puts you in alignment with yourselves.)

While we were tapping one night, something suddenly became vibrantly clear. One of the many wonderful things about EFT is that it serves to give a person the clear and "real" version of things (without the errors of human perception and density). What became so evident was that what so often holds us back is the human pattern of taking things personally. This is because we tend to see things from the position of our ego, or disconnected position, more or less, through the filter of our blocked energies. We believe that everything is about us.

How can we not take things personally, when we only attract what we are vibrating with in the first place? What is valid for all creation, how the creation works, is that we create from both sides. For example: Most of you who are reading this, realize that we are undoubtedly going through a spiritual evolutionary process, while we are here in the form. What created this process, and why did it start in the first place? It is being fed from the outside and from the inside. Our positioning in the universe, and the position of the planets, is creating it outside. As well as solar eruptions, and basically the entire cosmos. This translates into an elevation of our vibration. At the same time, we as human beings, and all non-physical beings, are invoking this process from within. So then, everything is happening at the same time culminating in a great creation that meets in a creation portal in the middle.

Did the chicken lay the egg, or did the egg lay the chicken? What was first? In every creation, everything happens at the same time when the vibrations reach a certain level of frequency. It is then that the manifestation occurs, when things culminate through energies attracting similar energies. As well as always having everything we need, the pieces always joining more easily when there is less density. So, do we attract our experiences, or do our experiences attract us? And how does this relate to not taking things personally?

As we vibrate higher and higher, we get rid of our density, or of the less vibrational aspects of ourselves. Higher and lower energies cannot exist in the same space, and we now reside in a higher realm. We only react to things if they trigger something within us that coincides in vibration. As we begin to vibrate higher, then we begin to embody higher ways of being, and not reacting to the outside environment is one of those ways of being. Like the entire natural kingdom, we eventually reach a place where we simply are. The most purified version of ourselves is composed of our special gifts and talents, our connection to the Source, and almost nothing else. In this way, we can be shining our most radiant light most of the time. Everything else belongs to someone or something else.

There are times when we must visit the aspects of less vibration of reality, because everyone on earth is not yet in the same space of vibration and evolution. As always, we can spend time in the densest vibrations, but not for long, since it is too unpleasant and sometimes intolerable. This is how it should be. One way to "survive" while descending and visiting the lower vibrations is simply to shine our light as bright as we can. This implies not taking things personally, nor reacting or getting involved with the dramas that may be happening. When we interact or respond to these dramas of less vibration, we become part of them ourselves, and that only serves to feed and support them. In addition, reacting to any drama (or creation) of less vibration also activates it within us (as it does receive certain types of healing). Eventually, the energies that we have not yet released or balanced within us simply become latent. So when we find ourselves in a reality of greater vibration, they are not activated; It is similar to the natural selection process.

Simply by being who we are at our highest level, just as a flower would, for example, we can then raise the vibration we are in, as well as maintain ours. Staying focused on who we really are, while maintaining a connection with the Source, is the best way to survive any visit to the densest realities. Most things abroad, eventually never belong to us…. point.

When we attract situations in our lives that create an emotional response or burden, this is because we have a corresponding energy pattern that is connected to our disconnected ego-self. As we begin to evolve, we can still attract situations or see them develop around us, but if we don't have any particular feeling or emotion about them, then we are free and clear to be who we are at the highest levels. Not taking things personally is a way of doing this. The energies we find do not always have to do with us. This is one of the reasons why I love writing energy alerts. The energy alerts serve to show us that we are all one, having the same experiences. In this way, we do not need to take things personally. When we all experience the same thing at the same time, we know then that we have not done anything wrong, we are not attracting a bad experience because we have a "problem", and everything is as it should be. We are only vibrating higher and going through the same stages of ascension at the same time. Everything is in perfect order, and this is what we came to do.

Staying Aligned Without Taking Things Personally

There are two ways that I have found useful to remain connected with the higher realms or vibrations when we encounter a situation that provokes an unpleasant reaction in us.

1. Suppose someone who is embodying an energy that you consider annoying or unpleasant comes into your reality. They seem to become a chestnut under your saddle, so to speak, and you find that you would rather avoid them. In this case, it may be useful to do this: Ask yourself what defines your energy in your energy. What is it about? Then identify that energy within yourself. This is no new news, and it is not a new process.

After identifying what that particularly annoying energy is about them, then you have the opportunity to adjust that energy within yourself. When certain people enter our spaces with energy that bothers us, it is almost always because now is the time for an adjustment to occur within ourselves. This is why it is coming to our attention.

If you cannot identify that particular energy within you (and remember, it may be an energy that you incorporate in certain circumstances, or an energy that you embody, but in a different way and in a different scenario, so it can be difficult to recognize), then you know that it is an energy to which you can have a strong reaction or a judgment, so you would consciously never want to embody it.

In this case, you are being asked to be more of that energy, but probably in a healthier and more balanced way. This particular energy is only being shown to you in an exaggerated way, so you don't overlook it. We might think that no one should ever incorporate this energy and, of course, not us! We have strong reactions to certain energies because we think they are very bad and are not of the highest order, but when this is the case, what is really happening is that we are not right and the other is not wrong. Over time, if we are open and willing, we always find that we were too exaggerated in our judgment, and these seemingly horrible energies are really fine if used properly (in other words, not to such a strong and exaggerated degree). For some specific reason for us, we believe that these unpleasant energies are absolutely unacceptable, so we would never incarnate them ourselves! So then, we need to embody them ourselves, and find their gifts and benefits, in order to blur and neutralize these reactions we are having. We need to recognize their gifts and benefits, and accept them and become them in order to be complete. Therefore, we do not need to take this personally, because energy is just doing what energy does.

As we evolve higher and higher, we begin to experience less of the number 1, and more of the number 2.

2. Eventually we reach a space of being, where we are aware that a specific energy is in our space, but we have no reaction to it, except that it is unpleasant and feels as if it belonged to a different place from where we are. You may feel almost repulsive. We can easily see what it is, and intuitively we know that we have already been there ourselves, we understand this energy, and we know that we no longer embody it. You may even feel as if you lived in a land far away ... a land where we have not lived for a long time. In this case, we can then give love and understanding to the person who is embodying this energy, and therefore, we do not take it personally.

Although we have now evolved and overcome many energy patterns of less vibration, it can still feel quite uncomfortable to have them around. When we find them, we have a strong desire to be anywhere else. This is because the higher vibration energies cannot exist in the same space as the lower vibration energies. Knowing who we are at the highest levels, staying in that space, and making our lights shine while connected to the Source, while not taking things personally, is a good way to spend the limited amount of time we can find. residing in the realities of less vibration. Things only have to do with us if we choose to take them personally.

~ Sore Feet And Instant Manifestations ~
June 23, 2009
by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López

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