Master El Morya. Channeling of Lourdes Rosa

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Maestro El Morya. Channeling of Lourdes Rosa 2! May the Christ Light be with you! 3 This is a very special and revolutionary moment, when the values ​​that are in the soul struggle to come to the light of consciousness, of the mind, of feeling. 4 The evolution of any being has value within that gear, because it can Boosting the evolution of others 5 It is necessary to learn to produce energies that facilitate you to tune into that path that is inside, as well as the appropriate techniques and that best adapt to each of you, those that lead you to an internal unit 6 Those steps seem difficult, but it is only up to you to give a chance for the soul to lead your life. If so, these steps will be faster

We want to share with you a beautiful Channeling made by Lourdes Rosa, message from Master El Morya!

Master El Morya. Channeling of Lourdes Rosa

Humanity is a big family, this planet is a house where everyone evolves. (Master El Morya)

This Channeling was translated from the Portuguese language, if you want to see it in its original version, we invite you to enter here.

May the Christ Light be with you!

Listen to Master El Morya:

It is always appropriate to talk about the Way of Light . Each time it is possible to better understand the Inner Way.

Today, the soul communicates better with the mind, with consciousness, with the deepest feelings, in relation to the past ages, to more easily indicate the direction on the Path of Light .

So, there is a great action in the world and there are many beings from other dimensional planes communicating with human beings.

This is not happening; they are communicating because the soul of a part of humanity is receiving new energies to communicate too.

Humanity is a big family, this planet is a house where everyone evolves. (Master El Morya)

The action of all beings who communicate spiritually is to integrate with all those who are incarnate or not, because there are beings in evolution also on other planes, so that each group of souls, just as each soul member of the same has the opportunity to move faster on the Path of Light.

This is a very special and revolutionary moment, when the values ​​that are in the soul struggle to come to the light of consciousness, of mind, of feeling

Your eyes cannot continue to be closed to that internal reality, or then your incarnation will not have the value that it should have in this moment of cyclic transition, when multiple energies. as they move on the planet and the forces of the Third Aspect are rising, rising to transform the old into new, so that the bodies are real life vehicles, which have continuity through It is from other reincarnations and that is eternal.

The energies of God-Mother will broaden this consciousness of incarnation and reincarnation so that each human being appreciates his body much more, by his form or by his forms, because the The only way to divinize matter and make it a perfect channel of Light, of Love, of Wisdom, the wisdom that gives the body the balance, the health, that gives the mind, the consciousness and the soul the force of unity in the Light.

Therefore, there are many evils in the world, there are many distortions and many illusions because the necessary union between the soul and its vehicles in form was not yet made. When each soul manages to meet with its vehicles, to its manifestation bodies, and the bodies respond by manifesting this unity, there will be a true group action, because all beings of all planes, of all kingdoms will be involved with the same principles that govern to life and evolution in this planetary system. Only then will there be a loving and fraternal communion. (Master El Morya)

Humanity is in the process of a great revolution and many do not believe that humanity is walking towards more advanced directions, but everything that is being seen in the world, apart from this reflects chaos, is an action to transform chaos into order, the chaos in a positive movement in favor of the evolution of all.

No being can evolve as he wishes if the majority fails to reach a plateau that gives him the condition for this. No one evolves alone, there is no better being than all other beings, for all are evolving .

Evolution is a gigantic gear; When it works, life evolves in all aspects, in all realms, in all planes, but when part of that gear does not work, even if some of its elements are fully lubricated, perfected, there is no way to make it work.

The evolution of any being has value within that gear, as it can drive the evolution of others

The more a being works for others to evolve, the more easily others become available to receive new opportunities, so that they can also create conditions for others who want to evolve.

Thus, the more you deepen the meaning of the Way of Light, the more easily a disciple manages to convey about the nature of the divine and infinite life.

A disciple has conditions to speak about the Way of Light anywhere, at any time, in any circumstance, without citing difficult names and even including without citing the Masters, angels or any other being because the language of the Way is the language of life

Those who learn to live based on the principles of the Way, say little and much more because their greater action is internal. (Master El Morya)

It is this internal action that makes possible the external action of one or many. While one does not seek unity with the soul, it is impossible to walk, and from this unit it becomes possible to tune the unity with like-minded souls, sister souls, with whom one can work for the same objectives.

This is what needs to be understood. The Way of Light is internal, it is not made of miracles, but of realizations.

It is necessary to learn to produce energies that facilitate you to tune into that path that is inside, as well as the appropriate techniques and that best adapt to each of you, those that lead you to an internal unit

Those who learn to live based on the principles of the Way, say little and much more because their greater action is internal. (Master El Morya)

Perhaps the most difficult step is to re-formulate your action in life, so as to stop being an action towards the external world, for your city, and your State, is to become an action given within you that it will lead to a unity with the soul of such importance that, through it, you will know what is most useful and necessary for your city, or your State, or your nation.

The first work to be done is with you and not with others. You need to harmonize and strengthen you energetically for an internal communion that will lead you to understand the nature of the Way of Light and to work for it. When you learn to work for your inner path, you will also be working for your brothers and colleagues. Everything you do for you, spiritually, will also be a benefit to all who love you. (Master El Morya)

There are many important points on the Path of Light. There are many energies that are part of evolution and that still need to be recognized once they are within you. None of them can be more useful to others than to yourselves.

Only your internal experience can transform them into important instruments to help your fellow men and this humanity.

All the energy that comes into contact with your bodies generates an action, and this action makes you aware of the energy and its objectives, its tonic, its language; then, any energy that passes through your internal universe leads you to the knowledge of it through the experience lived, felt, to learn to use it both in favor of your evolution and in favor of your work, your friends, your families, from your work groups.

These steps seem difficult, but it is only up to you to give a chance for the soul to lead your life. If so, these steps will be quicker.

Everyone has a function within this great solar, cosmic planetary family, and it is a loving, therefore, pleasant, pleasant function that gives meaning to the truth that is within you. .

Only experience will lead you to the conclusion that the Way of Light is the easiest way that everyone has to follow.

Who is aware of the Way of Light knows that it is not necessary to suffer, but to transform the old into new through work with the soul .

This internal transformation is necessary and natural, such as going through the stages of growth from childhood to adolescence and from this to adulthood.

They are natural stages when they are lived with awareness and on the orientation of the soul and the Master of the soul.

Every human being lives a certain perplexity in front of new stages when he needs to grow and leave behind what is no longer useful for his development.

At the same time, he is intimately pleased with the possibility of conquering new experiences at the stage he is beginning, being aware that he will work more and that he will devote himself to the new conquests; This is not pain, this is growth, it is evolution, it is maturation.

Personal evolution produces great wellbeing because it is a conquest that can later be donated, and your experience becomes wisdom. (Master El Morya)

Thus, you can recognize if you are on the Path of Light : if your steps lead you to an inner realization and are leading you to evolve, you can be sure that that you are on your way and that we and many other older brothers are at your side.

May our Light remain with you!

¹ The Master refers to the God-Mother Energies that are in the center of the Earth and are rising to the surface.

Spiritual Channel, Message from the Master El Morya: Lourdes Rosa .

Author : Patricia Gambetta, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

Source : "Journal of Esoteric Sciences . " A Universal Wisdom gives Sit. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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