The Uroboros snake in the Mayan civilization: Part Two.

  • 2017

The Uróboros snake, which eats its own tail…”

The Uróboros is a symbol that shows a serpentiform animal that engulfs its own tail and that forms, with its body, a circular shape. The uróboros symbolizes the eternal cycle of things, also the eternal effort, the eternal struggle or the useless effort, since the cycle begins again despite the actions to prevent it. On the other hand, the Mayan civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Mayan peoples, which stood out in America for its glyphic writing , the only fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian American continent, as well as for its art, architecture and mathematical systems, astronomy and ecology. Not surprisingly, expert Eric S. Thompson tells us in his monumental " Maya Hieroglyphic Writing ":

One is perplexed by the dominance over formidable numbers, implied in the various terms for the superior units that have survived. Surely no other people with a comparable level of material culture have had such a concept of immense numbers, and a vocabulary, to handle them. ”

In this article, we are going to study how the Mayan civilization uses the myth of the Uroboros snake to explain the evolution of human consciousness, from ancient times to the present day. The first part of this article has been recently published in . Its previous reading is recommended for a better understanding.

The Maya of Eternal Time

In this modern world, most of us live in a synthetic reality .

By synthetic we mean separated from nature. We see it in our homes, our cars, and even our clothes. Technology protects us from the outside world and the dangers of nature, but it also separates us from an essential electrical connection to Mother Earth that all indigenous peoples understand . (I suggest visiting the following website to learn more about the connection to the earth )

Because of our pride in technological achievements, we cannot imagine how an Indian, with his feet on the ground and barely able to feed himself, could affect this modern world. .

Allow me to explain why the Maya and other indigenous tribes are so important for humanity and for our own existence. If you accept the light of this understanding to enlighten you, you can discover the hidden world of the Mayan people, where they will begin to reveal their way of life and wisdom.

Sacred Geometry

Observing nature and the Universe, we see that the human being and all known life forms are governed by a series of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence. Our human body contains these number patterns billions of times, as they are present in each cell, and the proportional relationships between all parts of our own bodies correspond to them.

Sacred Geometry is the underlying model of the Universe . Give order to what would otherwise be total chaos. The disposition of each materialized object in existence, regardless of size, is ordered by reason of geometric patterns that we call Sacred Geometry. For example, planets orbit around the suns, according to Sacred Geometry.

The Ancient World knew and used this knowledge; as evidence of this, we find vast samples of Sacred Geometry within each of the Pyramids; but the Modern World has forgotten this basic knowledge, and for the past 500 years it has moved in the dark. Now that NASA has remembered this ancient knowledge and is combining it with modern knowledge, a new image of the Universe is emerging. Without this ancient knowledge, we could never know the true reality.

Golden Mean (Aristotelian golden mean)

The Aristotelian Golden Mean, also called Golden Ratio or P hi R atio, is paramount beyond all other measures and proportions of the universe. We can take any straight line, no matter how long be , and cut it in a particular place to create the Golden Mean. The smallest part of this line will be equal to one, and the longest part will be approximately 1.6180339, which is an irrational number that continues in infinity. It's ta Proportion can be seen not only on planets, stars and moons, but also in any form of life on Earth, including our own body.

If we look at the joints and bones of one hand and divide the length of the bone that includes the nail into the length of the next, the relationship P hi appears: 1.6180339 . If we then take the length of that bone and divide it into the length of the next bone on our finger, the Phi appears again.

In this way, we will find the Golden Mean measure in all our bones.

It is assured that the Golden Mean is the most important proportion of all other possibilities of existing mathematics. Even the actual size of the planets and their moons is not accidental, but it coincides perfectly with sacred geometry.

Natural Life discovered this incredible proportion at the beginning of creation, but a man named Fibonacc and rediscovered it for us only a few hundred years ago. The Fibonacci Series begins with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and so on. This is a numerical series in which the first number is added to the next number in the series to reach the new third number. So if it starts with 5 and is added to 8, the next number is 13.

If I divide these numbers by themselves, we will obtain approximately the Golden Mean ratio of 1.6180339 ; Thus we begin to glimpse the original understanding. If we divide 1 by 1, we get 1, and this number is below the Golden Mean ratio. If we divide 1 by 2, we get 2, which is above the Golden Mean, but closer to the real number. When we divide 2 and 3, we get 1.5, which is even closer, although again below. When we divide 3 by 5, you get 1.666667, which is back above, but getting closer. If we keep dividing the numbers with each other, we will get closer and closer to the Golden Mean.

Here is a Nautilus shell that was cut in half so we can see inside. Each camera has been created from the Fibonacci Series. We can see that these cameras at the beginning are a bit uneven, spaced and very strange, because these initial cameras are not close to the Golden Mean. The first camera is number 1, and then continues, 1, then 2, then 3, then 5, etc. As they advance in the Fibonacci Series, they are getting closer to the perfect golden mean. At first glance, we can tell how the Nautilus cameras are every time more perfect as . This is what Natural Life does on its own. In order to avoid the use of complex irrational numbers, Life has found a way to use single-digit whole numbers, such as 1, 2, and 3. And Life uses these numbers not only in the bodies of living beings, but also in things that we humans do not consider alive, such as crystals.

Recall that the main issue addressed by these articles is why the Old World and the Modern World need each other to survive the Mayan prophecy. We will explain this using the image of a Sneezewort plant.

It is a strange looking plant, but it actually grows according to the Fibonacci Sequence; If we look closely, we can see the sequence unfold before our eyes. When leaving the earth, first 1 leaf grows, then 1 more; then it grows 2 leaves, then 3, then 5, then 8 leaves, and then 13. The question is: how does this plant know, after it has grown on 5 leaves, the number of leaves that will grow next? 8 sheets is the answer, but why not 10 or 12 or some other number? How do you know?

He knows it because the plant looks to its past, which is 3, and knows that when it adds its past to its present, which is 5, the future is at 8. It knows exactly that the next number is 8.

This is the situation in which humanity is now. The modern world is like number 5 at this time, and does not know where to go because it is completely disconnected from its past. But when he reconnects with the Old World, and when he adds the Old World to the Modern World, he will know exactly where he is supposed to go. We cannot know where our conscience is going to expand , without reconnecting us to the next World. It is something essential. It is not an option.

We must remember the past. The Ancient World is completely prepared for us. They are ready. They know they need us. But we do not remember how much we need them. This is the problem. The reason for the myth of the Uroboros snake that bites its own tail.

However, I think it is a problem that wise readers will be able to solve for themselves.

SOURCE: “The Cosmic Cycles come full circle” by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

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