Message of the Archangel Gabriel: Many souls are in survival mode during this phase of their journey

  • 2017

Beloved beings of Light,

There are a large number of human beings who fail to find their spiritual path and instead encounter directly the darkness of their souls ; This is because they wear out and get so tired that they simply can't keep up and choose to surrender to a new way of being.

Being in that tormented place, it is very natural to seek relief and in this case, the first steps have to cultivate on themselves, heal and allow themselves to move along with a higher energy within an adequate space. Numerous human beings are in survival mode during this phase of their journey, so they are quite fragile.

The purpose of this stage is to discover all those spiritual supports that are at your disposal, open your heart to new ways and ideas to solve things and leave the crisis behind more easily .

In this way achieve a higher level of stability, calm and comfort

As individuals begin to balance and explore new ideas that they can use to support themselves, the feeling that there is a really positive home and that they may present better experiences than they have lived, allows them to start growing, evolving and develop, but above all to move forward, since it is a stage of exploration, learning and new opportunities.

They must strive to feel better in order to move to a new layer of energy, one that is beyond any crisis and in which they have the opportunity to experience the first stages of healing.

It is possible that this stage lasts several years, during this time, the individual must focus on their spiritual learning, in addition to focusing equally on the experimentation and creation of some life experience that causes greater satisfaction. After having managed to build a foundation that is solid enough for themselves and having developed skills that allow them to create greater balance in their lives, they can finally say that they are ready to move on to several of the heaviest healing tasks.

We can say that those of you who reach this point will be prepared to get up and start looking at the different darkest aspects that your interior has

These aspects can be called if you want, like " the work of the shadows ." They will also find themselves totally willing to take responsibility for their own guidance not only in love, but also in raising their children, so that they can then move on to a stronger healing stage, where integration and integration prevail. Self-love unconditionally.

Dear children of the Light, understand that each of these stages is of great importance in your journey. Those individuals who recently came out of the dark night of their soul simply are not prepared to face the work of the shadows. Those human beings who have managed to dominate the movement within a space with a higher level of sensation, will not remain forever doing what is normally called “ spiritual derivation ”, since their souls will always be in search of expansion and growth until get ready to move on to the next phase.

We invite you to trust from the heart in development, while respecting each of the stages that make up your important and sacred journey of self-discovery and healing.

The Archangel Gabriel has spoken to you, who now says goodbye by sending many blessings to all of you.

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