Archangel Zadkiel: Transcendence, channeled by Fran Zepeda

  • 2014

Greetings, travel companions to 5D and beyond. I am Zadkiel, your Guide in the transformation of your energy to the purity of the highest dimensions. I stand with you and your side in this company while we embark together, exploring the highest dimensions to the purest degree.

I help them absorb all impurities and transmute them as they make way for pure energy to remain in their Light Bodies. I implore you to remain with these higher aspects of yours in the pure energies of your True Divine Essence, and to welcome all impurities to show yourselves to you and be so. illuminated and transmuted to clear the path for its Emergency to the highest dimensions.

I am your guide and your example; I am his mirror for complete transcendence while you clear the remaining impurities of 3D to find your door to 4D, 5D and the higher dimensions waiting and open for you to transcend.

Take these solstice building energies and use them now, dear ones. Let them blend into you and fill your heart and cells with purity while invoking the Violet Flame of Purity and Transformation, erasing every trace of yesterday, every trace of what which was once, of what used to define them.

See the clear mirror of your existence now the clear Pure Essence of your existence. Change to that version of yourself now, dear ones, it is time to do it. Feel your purity and clarity of all your aspects, of your I AM Presence that is descending now and enveloping your existence, that of your divine perception, of your true self, always and forever dear ones.

I will take you on a little trip now. Cover and use this intense energy of the coming Solstice Gate and feel it, feel it, and welcome it as your true guide to Transcendence. Feel the clear purity of the energies and allow them to infiltrate them to greet you, to take you along the path of least resistance to pure Love and Harmony and to Balance and Peace.

You are ready, my dear. They are prepared for it. Just allow it. Sit down to reflect on it in quiet moments of innocent curiosity and acceptance of your new identity, now becoming increasingly apparent to you. It will not always be apparent, but if your will wishes so, it will be so.

So this trajectory in which I carry them is to familiarize you with your New Self, your wide expansion of energy and brilliance that touches everything around you. Let him touch everything around him to color his perceptions now, this clear energy of Transcendence, of the arrival at the highest dimensions. I will take you there with me now.

Feel your purity. Feel your softness. Feel your highest vibration. This feeling is not new to you because you have experienced it as your norm many eons ago, so refamiliarize yourself with it. Live in it again and do not abandon yourselves. Do not analyze it but simply allow it to surpass you while you remain seated in your moments of stillness and beautify yourself with it.

I will give you a brief prayer to use when you feel silent to meditate, while getting acquainted with your New Self:

“I welcome my highest aspects, I welcome my I AM Presence, I welcome my Christ Consciousness, I welcome every cell in my body and allow the vibration of each of my cells to harmonize with the pure Essence of my Being, with the pure Essence of the Source; I welcome and I am used to the highest vibration that this includes, now and forever, and in this Moment of Now of the pure Essence of Love, now affecting each of my parts, every cell of my body, every fractal of mine, every aspect of me as I merge with my All, now and forever.

I AM in harmony with the Source and I am getting used to this vibration, now and forever, and in this Moment of Now, now and forever.

I AM the Pure Essence, I AM the Essence of the Source, I AM complete and full in my experience of the Source now, forever and ever and in this Moment of Now. ”

Feel the purity of this invocation now and remain with it now while you inhale and exhale. Breathe with the Source, BE the Source, Now and forever, completely and forever.

Feel yourself becoming aware of each cell resuscitating, shining and shining in your new Purity and Divine Essence that has always been yours. Feel it rise above the depths in which you have been living since your Fall to the low dimensions and claim your legitimate Essence and identity as pure and clear Beings of Divinity, merging with the Source and resurrecting within it.


I AM Zadkiel, at your service.

Archangel Zadkiel: Transcendence, channeled by Fran Zepeda

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