Shamanic method of protection and cleaning of negative energies in your home

  • 2017

Sometimes, you like it more or less, you need a cleaning of negative energies in your home . We receive visits from people who, even without knowing it, impregnate everything in a heavy, tense or even bad taste environment. So if you notice that you spend a lot of time in a bad mood, that you do not lift your head or you are not in good health and mood, it may be that your house needs the use of a protection method to eliminate how much it is damaging your life .

The shamanic method of cleaning negative energies in your home and protection

Below we show an efficient method of shampooing to achieve the cleaning of negative energies in your home and complete protection . It is quite simple, useful and very effective. Do not let bad energy and unwanted vibrations make your life bitter.

Method to smoke the house

A sahumador is a small clay bowl. In it you have to add some coal and some herbs. In this case, to protect and clean, lavender, rosemary, myrrh, copal, incense, Palo Santo, laurel are very useful ... As you can see, many of them will be in your home .

Then, you just have to mix everything in the bowl or smoker, burn it and walk around the house so that the purifying smoke cleanses the home of bad spirits and negative vibrations . But first, we must know how to do it right ...

Personal and spatial protections according to shamanism

Houses make no sense without the people who inhabit them . The spaces are homes, but so are we . Each family member fills them and breathes life and energy. And as such, they need to be protected.

In this case, we will locate the cardinal points with a compass . So, once we have located them, we will begin to clean in the east. From this area, we will invoke an elemental, the Air, which is represented by the eagle.

Once located, we will continue cleaning clockwise . We will turn south, invoking the Fire, which is represented by the snake.

Then we turn west and invoke Water, which is represented by the jaguar.

Finally, we go north while the Earth is invoked, which is represented in the hummingbird.

And finally, we greet Mother Earth, that is, the Pachamama, and her companions, Father Sun and Grandmother Luna.

How we invoke totemic animals

As we have seen, this method of cleaning requires the invocation of various totemic animals . But do you know how to do it?

You will see that it is very simple. When you begin to smoke your home in the east, close your eyes and imagine that the eagle appears before you . As this animal has enormous vision power, it will make your task easier.

Then we will turn backwards, and the jaguar, with its enormous inner strength, will achieve that we can overcome any type of obstacle .

Then we find the hummingbird on our right, which will be the animal that brings wisdom .

On the left is the snake, who is responsible for transforming negative energy into positive .

And below, after the ritual, the Great Mother appears, next to the source of life, the Sun, and the guardian of dreams, the Moon .

Finally, once finished with the method of cleaning your home and your people, take a bath with vinegar and coarse salt . In this way you neutralize the negative energies in your body and clarify your own aura.

Salt is a powerful neutralizer, while vinegar acid purifies and eliminates any astral larvae that may remain.

We wish from the heart that this ancient shamanic method of cleaning and protection of homes eliminate every pore of negative energy left in your home . It is important to cast any bad vibration from our vital path .

Seen in Clarín and adapted by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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