Message from the Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel: Line up with your expanded DNA, Part Two

  • 2017

In this text that we put at your disposal today we continue with the Message of the Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel . As you will remember, it is entitled ' Align with your expanded DNA '. You can find the first part on our website. As we noted in his day, we have divided it by its extension. But the information it provides is so beautiful that it is worthwhile for everyone to know. We begin with this new delivery without further delay. We leave him talking about how to open up to the new reality.

Line up with your expanded DNA. Message from the Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sometimes you will have fragments of confusion and others it will be very evident how much is taking place, so you can moment by moment create those changes as you wish.

Do you want to choose the hard and complicated path? Or do you prefer to choose the path in which everything flows? Be that as it may, once again those messages are heard, many people choose both; there are times when it is complicated and others when everything is flowing. So let yourself choose more and more and more of your being to be the flow in the movement.

I invite you to breathe once more all the way through your body as you go down to Earth. As you breathe into the Earth, feel the anchor expanding in all directions . This energy anchors you with Gaia, breathe again sending the focus and your vibrations towards your bodily energies. Get up, move to the top of your head until you are tied to your highest being.

For some it is like a place where they feel connection with you. For others it is a place of expansion. Your elevated being is that place between you and the human and you with your divinity . It is the margin and the fold of your high vibrations with your daily reality. It is also a place where you can connect with your angelic helpers . While you are in this space, you look around and feel what is yours.

I invite you then to allow your consciousness to move once again. Raise and raise the Earth's magnetic thrust, rise after the vibration of the third, fourth and fifth dimensions. Permits combine with the margin of your divinity.

While you feel those energies align with you I AM the presence that opens. You feel consciousness expand. You feel the energy coming home, because this is your thought in all aspects that you are; You all!

I am the way of the Goddess with each of you . I take this time to mix my energies with yours. As we mix our energies, you find yourself sharing and moving within All That Is. Here with the All That Is, look around you. Have a sense of how much this place is for you. Wherever we go together and share this time here is as good as the welfare of love. There is a love and compassion that you, your family and those around you feel. Here with All That Is, there is an opportunity to allow yourself to experience your immensity .

When in your daily life you feel the smallness or the lack of ability to create change, or those old paths; Just come with intention . That's it. As you experience this place you are in constant flux of universal light and universal love that you must touch within the crystalline vibrations that are part of this new frequency and the energy of the Earth.

There are places where you have the ability to constantly be one with the flow of light and energy . So take a moment, take a moment to feel who you are by taking a moment to feel that awareness that can simply clarify those parts of your parts that you feel as if they weren't working, or feel like a constant negative thrust.

Let us take a moment to talk about the paths on which you can vibrate at a higher frequency . You already know that when you are trapped in your thoughts, beliefs, experiences that you have, you feel fear, pain, panic and aggression that make your vibrations feel very low. We have talked for a number of years about how the flow of your divinity is the flow of unconditional love.

Ok, I'm going to bring you a moment to experience some of these changes. Here in the All That Is, have a feeling of seeing you as if you were in animated suspension . You are floating there, floating in the energies. I see something you are thinking over and over again with your beliefs. 'I don't know how to levitate. I can not do it'. In Everything How Much Everyone can do it all. So let yourself go, I saw someone like you float .

Here with All That Is you can allow yourself to feel the help of the Goddesses and the Gods, the help of your own self and I AM presence and the multitude of Angels of light and forms that are also present in this space. Open your heart and feel the love. As people do it, I see more and more of you floating higher and higher.

Consider something related to your life that does not work well. Consider anything that should be but always throws you back and everything you have to have to carry this thought for a minute when you feel your energy; what is happening? I am seeing the sinking, I see the sinking of others coming from behind, I see others going up and down and up and down. I wished for you to experience this space of pure energy that you can literally adjust to your vibration by your thoughts and experiences .

So now it doesn't matter what your reality on Earth is, take this as an opportunity and think only of love, of angels, of your divinity, and feel it all . As you begin to feel how you rise again, have the intention that you can end the lower vibrations, clean the old energy a, with the intention that it be permanent. Feel, feel that all this is for you. And when you have this intention, when you are flowing, you will make a difference.

He spoke a short time ago about how the Earth's energy and the frequency are changing. One of the most unique aspects of the human being is that you have what is known as DNA . When the energies are out of the universe they don't always have the DNA as you know it. They have energy, some blood flowing through their bodies, others do not.

DNA is the physical aspect that creates you . It makes you human. But it is also a key to your divinity, to the crystalline energies and to everything that is here.

Line up with your expanded DNA. Message from the Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel, end of part two

So far our Message of the Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel. We remember his name, Align with your expanded DNA . Soon we will continue with this exciting adventure that will lead us to discover our full potential and release our energy in communion with Mother Earth Gaia.

Translated by Peter, editor of the Great White Brotherhood, seen in Goddeslight

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