What is spirituality?

  • 2019

What is spirituality?

When we look beyond the world to see our eyes, we find our Higher Self, the essence of our "spirituality."

Spiritual growth is more important than health, education, social status, because a spiritually empty person does not know who he is or why he exists.

The essence of spirituality

Spirituality is the ability of a person to understand himself, or the ability to find answers to the questions: Who am I? Where do I come from or where am I going? What links and what values ​​give me the possibility of reaching the meaning of my life?

Thanks to spirituality, a person can have a conscious and responsible attitude towards himself, others, God and the rest of the world. Only a " spiritually active " person knows how to think, love and work. A person without a spiritual life is impotent and exposed to all dangers, like an animal deprived of his instinct.

Spiritual life is the command center of human life . Hormones regulate the body, consciousness gives dimension to the psyche, awareness to moral sensibility, the spiritual life is responsible for handling all spheres of personal existence. Spirituality lived in different ways (of Christianity, Buddhism, atheism) derives from the way of understanding the person and their existence in extremely different ways.

Careless spirituality

Currently there are likely to be more people who want material wealth than spiritual wealth . Spiritual needs are not perceived as easily as the physical, emotional and material needs of our world. A child is more likely to ask his parents to give him something to eat instead of something to meditate on. There are many young people but also adults who are afraid to ask themselves questions about who they are and why they live .

Young people especially suffer more confusion about their own spirituality than adults themselves.

The more immature a person is spiritually, the more unable he is to properly handle material goods when he owns them. A person who has a lot of money but has no spiritual life is dangerous to himself . The richer it is, the more she is convinced that love can be replaced by being surrounded by objects that help her be happy. The lack of spiritual life implies a search for groped happiness, or for attempts and tests that lead to results that are sometimes positive but often negative.

The latter is an extremely dangerous way of acting for the human person, because from some tests, then we no longer return to the starting point.

The body cannot explain to man the mystery of human life, because it does not know who we are and why we live, and only knows how to interpret physical impulses and needs. If the domination of the body prevails in a person's life, then it becomes a cancer that subjects all other spheres of human existence, living at their expense.

Who considers himself only as a physical body, focuses everything on physicality and submits to the dictatorship of the body . A person who considers himself only as a body is not able to think rationally, does not know how to mature in love and be responsible at work. She is a slave to her body, instead of being her teacher and her wise guide .

Cultivating the spiritual life does not mean letting the spirit prevail over the body, but integrating the spiritual and physical sphere . The body without the spirit is not conscious, sensitive; The spirit without the body is inhuman. Spirituality begins when the person, reasoning beyond his physical state, wonders what is the meaning of this physical dimension, what is the meaning of Life itself, received as a gift.

Spirituality in danger

Spiritual development is in danger when the term spirituality indicates something that really is not. Spiritual growth is not an emotional or aesthetic sensibility, love for nature, exercises that help concentration, etc. These are all questions of a certain value and importance, but they do not guarantee understanding, the meaning of one's existence. The real danger of spirituality is lightness, lack of reflection, tenuity .

A person without a spiritual life is easily guided by the instincts, emotions and manipulations of society, convinced that money, power and beauty are enough to be happy. In fact, many beautiful, famous, rich and often even young people commit suicide, while many old, sick, poor and seemingly insignificant people enjoy life and know how to support others.

Mature spirituality

We are light, each of us is connected to the original source, we just have to understand and accept it.

A spiritually mature person, capable of reflecting and loving, understands that he cannot be the fruit of matter only, of chance, but is created by Someone who is able to think and love even more . Such a person perceives what is most valuable in her, sees all the value that is in her neighbor, but which in turn is hidden from the eyes of the world. He knows that the most difficult thing to overcome for humanity is loneliness, without strong ties based on a constant and mutual commitment. He understands that one cannot be happy by following and fulfilling only a part of one's own person, at the expense of the remaining dimensions of being.

Serenity comes from the collaboration of all spheres of human personality: Not only should the body, impulses, instincts and emotions be considered. On this earth, happiness is not easy to achieve, it cannot be achieved without considerable sacrifices, without discipline, without being helped and educated by God and good counselors. The greatest fruit of mature spirituality is giving and receiving love.

The spiritually mature person knows that without love, he becomes incomprehensible and unbearable for others. Living in constant spiritual growth means being open to the encounter with God and the action of the Holy Spirit, who gives the eyes to look at the world. That is why all who care about spiritual growth will be given in abundance .

Translator: Rosanna Iuorno / Editor and translator of the Great Family of the White Brotherhood

Source: Channeled by Don Marek Dziewiecki

Original URL: www.mimep.it

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