Saint Germain: Don't limit your sweetness any longer!

  • 2019

Greetings, beloved! I AM Saint Germain, your brother, your family and your ally.

And yes, I come today to congratulate you on your recent important changes, for your rebirth or I could call it your New Yo . It is refreshing to see you full of resistance, joy and anticipation in your life. It is a pleasure to be in communion with you today.

And we told you that this day will come, because it is a process of development and conversion. Well, start with you, dear heart, and also with the few people who have engaged and said s in the deepest devotion of love to Mother.

You will see that humanity as a community has reached this turning point where a small, bright and strong, can manifest and shape Paradise. This will make it easier, faster and clearer for everyone. Chaos will dissipate, while harmony, peace and love will reign again.

It's fun and we are all excited to be here with you in this year of miracles and magic. It is you who does it, and while you are in this process of becoming, emerging as the powerful "you", while perfecting your magic and your obvious abilities, we have come to provide some suggestions and clues so that you can discover and use all the power there is in you.

And then, you start by wondering how to remain in this world that still seems to be in constant revolt and turmoil? How to walk in a war zone, to give chaos a name? How to travel with new, real and divine clothes that the Mother has given you and how not to fire them or make them dirty?

I tell you that you must take the time to look inside yourself, look at yourself in a mirror and see the fullness of who you are. Notice that everything has changed, not just outside of you. Take your true self and enter firmly into your divine authority. Look at the depth of your being and the power you have. Do not hesitate, look beyond this label of the New Self, and feel the greatness, the potential that is in your being.

Not in a selfish way, not in a way of placing yourself above anyone. Do you think the Mother does not know your heart? Yes, and also know your ego. But she knows you in your integrity and trusts you to use all your unique and beautiful gifts, powers, abilities and talents, for the good of all.

That's why I tell you: do you want to sit quietly with me to feel the extraordinary creative power that has been conferred on you? Do you know, deep within yourself, that there is no limit that anyone can impose on you? Try to imagine anything, ask for anything, no matter how scandalous it is, then feel in your heart, feel the certainty and clarity that it can and will be implemented.

There are no more doubts or fears in this New You! Of course, you know, you can feel this truth . Feel that the creator in you, smile, comes to life more and more, grows and brings new ideas and inspiration to the new life you intend to live.

Don't limit your "me" for longer . Stop hiding and staying small, trying to match the rest of the world. Enough of this nonsense, you did it for too long, and it did not serve you or anyone else. Humanity has had enough of all this. Never again!

Let's move on, dear brave man. Let us go hand in hand, connect from heart to heart and begin to build and co-create this Heaven on Earth, in a splendid jewel, a peaceful meadow, a glorious City of Light and a miracle at a time.

"Greetings" beloved. Congratulations again Goodbye!

TRANSLATOR : Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE : Channeled by Genoveva Coley

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