Personality Enneagram 5: Characteristics, behaviors and subtypes of this mysterious and avid number of knowledge

  • 2019

How much do you know about the personality enneagram 5 ?, And why is it important to know the enneagrams ? We invite you to know the characteristics, behaviors and subtypes of this mysterious and eager number of knowledge .

“No one is truly cultured if he can't read his own heart.” Eric Hoffer

Enneagram Personality 5

As social beings, our life revolves largely around our social relationships . The way we relate to others, a totally natural reality.

However, for this reason, we often neglect our own identity. So, over time we forget who we really are. And sometimes we spend a large part of our life seeking to know ourselves again .

Interestingly, knowing ourselves, is that we also got to truly make ourselves known. Therefore, it is essential to achieve true personal relationships.

That is how the Enneagram, like other tools, comes to assist us in this search.

Stay with us, because this time we will see the qualities and imprints that are characteristic of the personality enneagram 5, as well as their behaviors and subtypes.

Characteristics of the Enneagram Personality 5

The eneatipo 5 correspond to people who tend to tend to shyness and introversion. They are not very friends of the social, and prefer discretion and low profile to social situations .

Its potential is given in the area of ​​thought. In addition to considering that this is the important area. They can become extremely thoughtful and mental. And they mainly care about developing their intelligence .

The people of the personality enneagram 5 have the facility to become experts in their field, and in particular they will find the field of science fascinating.

However, an eneatipo 5 may also be attracted to the field of humanities and the arts.

They can reach a high level of eccentricism, and do not feel confident in their thoughts, even in the face of a majority's disappointment.

Contrary to what they like to think, people in the personality enneagram 5 are sensitive .

They feel the world as invasive and sometimes they feel helpless before it and people. Therefore, they resort to the defense mechanism of proving indifferent and intellectually arrogant . And this usually creates a distance between others and them .

Little emotionally expressive, although a world of strong emotions is unleashed, which does not let surface.

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(The personality enneagram 5 does not like to explain what he decides to do, and can be territorial and possessive.)

Eneatipo 5 in the Social

In general, the personality enneagram 5 is what could be considered clumsy in the social sphere. He does not have many social skills . And this is a consequence of his predominant choice for logical-rational development. He likes tranquility, silence and privacy.

However, he is a very observant person and will often enjoy going unnoticed and silent observing others.

His power of analysis makes him an excellent personality for study.

In any case, care must be taken because the belief in his mental power can lead him to feel superior than other people, and when that happens he can lose interest in others.

Eneatipo 5 in Love

The personality enneagram 5 in love can be conflicting. These people usually look for security in their partner, but they will move away if they feel that this stands in their independence. He is not very friendly with strong and deep feelings.

The moment a person feels it becomes important to him or her, an eneatipo 5 will enter into conflict, feel trapped, seeks to protect themselves by detachment, and minimize shocks.

He often sees strong emotions as a demonstration of weakness, and a potential danger, so he can move away to protect his inner world, so worked.

The personality enneagram 5 does not like to explain what he decides to do, and can be territorial and possessive. And you will need to learn to stop running away as soon as things become uncomfortable.

Its most seductive feature is the mystery and its knowledge.

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Subtypes of the Enneagram Personality 5

The social subtype of the personality enneagram 5 (also called "totem") is the most intellectual of the three ...

The eneatipo 5 presents 3 important subtypes, basically they are the conservation, social and sexual subtype . Next I want to explain them one by one.

Eneatipo 5 subtype Conservation

This subtype of the personality enneagram 5 (also called " cave " or "den") is the most mental of all, and is characterized by its isolation.

He will always prefer loneliness and his own inner world, and he will be, in many cases, reluctant to contact other people.

It is the subtype of eneatipo 5 that has higher levels of introversion, and therefore, has fewer tools to function in the social sphere.

After any exposure to people, they will need a period with themselves to regenerate their energies .

In turn, this subtype of the personality enneagram 5 is a great intellectual, curious and passionate about knowledge. Your inner world has expressions and qualities that usually contrast with its limitations in the outside world.

It will be your greatest compulsion to understand things, in a strictly rational way. And you will be more attracted to people you consider interesting.

Great mathematicians, scientists and philosophers.

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Eneatipo 5 Social subtype

This subtype of the personality enneagram 5 (also called t tem ) is the most intellectual of the three. Surprisingly, they enjoy interacting in groups. And they will only do so where they have knowledge as a link.

They are passionate about knowledge, and in particular, scientific topics will be of great interest. They are able to dedicate their entire life to the search for the extraordinary, to know the origin of all things. They are convinced that knowledge makes happiness.

Its name T tem refers to the quality of being idealizers. To seek to reach the sublime, however much that limits your personal relationships.

This subtype of the personality enneagram 5 usually compartmentalises his life in different areas, perfectly separated to avoid mixtures. Thus, every aspect of your life will have its place located and isolated from the rest.

They are experts in their fields of interest, and highly valued in the academic area.

Eneatipo 5 Sexual subtype

This subtype of the personality enneagram 5 (also called confidence ) are the most communicative, kind and friendly of the three. And contrary to what we saw in the case of the conservation subtype, it needs close relationships.

This often generates conflict because of its characteristic need for isolation . And many times I will deal with this by inviting people who are interested in knowing their inner world.

This subtype of the personality enneagram 5 is afraid of the idea that when others know it, they will consider it odd. But that does not prevent them from enjoying sharing what they think and making themselves known completely.

They crave a relationship based on total and deep connection. A companion or life partner who understands them and can adapt to their need for cueva .

They are called "Trust" for their tireless quest to trust fully . They are affectionate and affectionate, they will not trust easily, but when they do they will do so fully.

They are good conversationalists, curious and understanding. They have a great capacity to listen to people, their focus on the other person can lead them to be great lovers.

Thus, the personality enneagram 5 is one of the wisest, intellectual and knowledgeable of all, and will always be a great source of mystery to others .

Author : Lucas, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

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