Who is James F. Twyman and 5 tips for manifesting dreams

  • 2017

Each and every human being on Earth has the responsibility and privilege of seeing themselves as divine beings with the power to achieve peace. James F. Twyman

Who is James F. Twyman?

He is a musician, filmmaker and bestselling author, also known as the "Troubadour of Peace." James has traveled to countries at war to share the prayers for peace of the 12 most important religions in the world.

He put music to all those prayers in 1994 and has been invited since then, countless times by peace organizations.

James has led synchronized global meditations while fighting battles and the pain of war surrounded him.

Millions of people have participated and in many, true miracles have occurred.

What works has Twyman published?

James Twyman is the author of 15 books that appeared on the NY Times bestseller list. One of them is "The Moses code, the most powerful tool to manifest in world history", based on the words written in the biblical text of Moses that say " I am who I am ", to which the writer gives an interpretation own, close to the law of attraction, but stresses that more should be given than received .

He has recorded more than 18 music albums and has produced or directed six films, including "The Moses Code" and "The Test."

What is Twyman's main message?

James F. Twyman seeks to promote world peace and that is why he has created in his “I Am Institute”, a two-year program called the Seminar of Spiritual Peace. This program is based on "A Course in Miracles" and other writings. His intention with the institute is to empower people to spread the message of peace.

The 5 best tips of James F. Twyman to manifest

"Focus on being and being more than doing." James F. Twyman

1- Be clear

Clarity is one of the keys to manifest your desires. You must know exactly what you want, what you want to get, so that the Universe can give it to you. You must know it intellectually and also emotional level so that it manifests in your life.

2- Be open

It seems to be a contradiction with the previous point but it is not. This opening has to do with opening yourself to the universe, to the way of manifesting the universe . Be attentive to the signals it sends you and the possible variants of your desire that may appear.

3- Is willing

It is important to be willing to observe and absorb, and then let go . Observe your wish and ask yourself:

Will it serve more than my own interests?

Does it really inspire my heart?

Am I willing to let go of the objective if it does not meet these characteristics? I can live without what I want if it is something selfish and petty. I must not ask or ask the universe to support it.

4- Yes happy

God wants happiness for you, that happiness that only the heart knows . A happiness that does not know the ego or the material world . The one that is associated with well-being, with peace, calm and harmony.

You deserve that kind of happiness, that of the little things of every day.

5- Keep the focus

Focus on what is behind the objective rather than the same objective . Ask yourself why you are looking for that gift.

Then think of the focus as something fluid, which passes, like the water of a river.

Keep in mind that your conscious mind does not always know what is best for you, listen to your heart and your emotions and intuition.

Now that you know who James F. Twyman is, what do you think of his advice?

EDITOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood.

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