Saul's message about Love, channeled on February 5, 2018

  • 2018


Translation to Spanish. (In English in the original)

“Here in the spiritual realms we are observing you with joy as the process of awakening of humanity continues to develop, as planned divinely. Remember, we are all One. Therefore, everything we think, say or do affects everyone else; and here, in the spiritual realms, we are offering you constant encouragement and love to help you and others in your process of awakening, while all of you intend to wake up and be loving in every moment, no matter what happens. Together we are waking humanity; there is no possibility that the human collective will back down and fall asleep again, because the collective decision to wake up is irreversible.

So, when you read, hear or see bad news, remember that, and continue to have loving thoughts and intentions for each conscious being, knowing that what you are doing is enormously powerful. You can have an idea of ​​your power when you go to your holy inner sanctuary, where Love resides, and open your heart completely to receive it. When you do, you will feel the loving embrace of God, which is extremely palpable, and you will experience the warmth when His Love for you and His Peace fill that open heart, confirming your belief that His eternal Benevolence is always with you.

For eons, Love was virtually unknown among humans because the separation game in which they were engaged was a survival game - bodily survival - and to strengthen their chances of survival, they denied love and adopted physical and intellectual strength. The result, as history makes it very clear, has been an endless conflict and a betrayal.

A small number of people perceived the madness of this way of life thousands of years ago, and began to teach the wisdom that encloses loving cooperation. His lessons about a Life of Love were too slow to cause real impact, but about five hundred years ago, things began to change as an increasing number of kind souls began to reject hypocrisy and corruption in the Church of Rome. As a result, the Reformation occurred, and since then, despite the fact that the factions at war continued to cause conflicts, since the Inquisition established its dogmatic agenda imposed by torture and execution, many people everywhere became aware of Love.

Although the massive theft of land in the Americas, Africa and Australia, and the consequent dispossession of indigenous peoples can never be justified, those who fled Europe in search of better lives eventually developed a much more humane set of rules for living. In principle, laws were created that banned slavery, then laws governing workers' rights, women's rights, racial rights and other human and social rights. Then, in the last forty or fifty years, millions of people have opened their hearts to Love and allow them to guide their lives and their actions.

Now the power of Love is sweeping the planet and causes huge changes in attitudes and behaviors. Of course, there are still many conflicts to be resolved, since people with fixed and inflexible beliefs are judged and condemned throughout the world; but until a very recent time it was assumed that it was quite normal behavior; they judged the different groups or nations, presenting themselves as correct and all others as incorrect and in need of vigorous correction. Now, however, all violence and hate is exposed as never before, and many are doing a great job to end all conflict.

Do not be discouraged with news from the media that presents a totally distorted image of what is really happening on Earth. Yes, there is bad news, but that is only a small part of what is really happening, as the Tsunami of Love flows and fills every heart that chooses to open to Him. As I commented earlier, when you open your heart to Love, you feel His Presence, and that Presence is comforting, reassuring, full of peace and warmly welcoming. Therefore, it is worth taking a few minutes from time to time during the day to disconnect from worldly activities, as you step in and revitalize yourself by committing yourself to your unwavering divine connection.

Truly, it is unbreakable! You are eternally one with the Source, the force of life that flows through you at every moment of your existence, energizing your consciousness, and it is impossible for you to disconnect from it, always. You can refuse to recognize it, you can deny His existence, you can ignore it; However, it is still your Source of life. Life, consciousness, is not something that your physical body provides, it is the cause of your physical body, and when it is removed from it, that physical body dies and decomposes, dust in dust and ashes in ashes. You are immortal, you will realize when you "die."

Death is nothing more than a transition from the physical form to the spiritual realms, and when it happens, you will be welcomed by many loved ones who have made the transition before you, and by your personal guide or mentor. In fact, it will be a joyful occasion. There is no need to fear it, because it is only an indication that your trip has been completed, and your arrival home will be cause for celebration. You will review your earthly life and most likely you will be surprised by the good things you did for others without realizing it. No human life is despised or wasted, good always comes from it. What you remember as bad or unacceptable will be seen in the context in which it happened, you will realize that you made some mistakes and forgive yourself as you release your feeling of guilt or shame.

Living a human life is difficult. During it you find many things that distract you from your previously planned path, and those distractions can be very seductive, leading you to error and moving away from your planned love path. But you were created from Love, and it is impossible for you to live your human life without having loving thoughts, words or activities that bring help, compassion or love to others at some time. Love is your nature, and as much as it seems that you have rejected Love during your earthly life, this is never the case; all who have led a human life, have expressed positive love to others at some time during their life. Being created from Love, there is no way you could have rejected it completely during your life, because the veil or the cape that seems to separate you from the Source is very thin, very porous.

God loves all His children, and everyone is going back home for him, and they will have a wonderful welcome celebration. Without even one of them would be incomplete, and it is impossible for God to be incomplete. So forget about any fear or doubt about your worth to return home, because God awaits your arrival with anxious anticipation.

It was your choice to participate in the game of separation and the subsequent struggle for survival, and now you have decided to return, and it will be done. ”

With all my love Saul.

ENGLISH TRANSLATION-SPANISH: Eva Villa, editor in the big family


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