Online course Free Your Heart through Forgiveness

  • 2014

Course in the form of personalized therapy, aimed at all people who want to forgive others or themselves. We all have something to forgive, a feeling of guilt, anger or resentment that needs to be healed to stop being anchored in the past, recover our power and be able to achieve fullness and inner peace.

Knowing how to forgive frees us from the emotional prison in which we are trapped by resentment, desires for revenge, shame and guilt. The emotional prison in which we have been subjected for a long time, delivering the power of our lives to others ...

Being under the state of not forgiving others or ourselves, paralyzes the flow of our lives, blocking some or all areas of life, love, social, work, economic ... even getting to have physical illnesses, first of all because of being under the influences of permanent stress and with all the consequences of this, lowering our immune system ... and emotionally the most common is that we are subjected to depression or anxiety ...

Do not you think that it has arrived at the time to heal your physical-mental and spiritual body and to be able to live the life that you deserve full and happy?

In my experience, most of the problems we find today, the original or root cause, of everything is something not forgiven or a feeling of guilt.

This course is created in a completely personalized way, because each person is a different world, each person perceives and feels the emotions, made, in a particular way, that is why through sessions via skipe, 90min we will move forward in the process, accompanying you at all times, looking for the real problem and helping you with tools to overcome it from the heart, and not from anger, resentment, hate, shame

In each session we will treat the module applied to your life, according to your lived experience, and according to you as you have perceived it. As we go forward you will discover more things that are buried in your subconscious, which you don't remember but are still there, and continue to affect the flow of your life.

A path of personal growth, and evolution to help you move on to the next step of the ladder called life, and to be able to live free from the chains that oppress you to a past, ruining your present and consequently your future. The time has come to decide not to continue suffering, and to be able to enjoy the here and now.

The modules we will discuss are:

1- What really is forgiveness, which implies, that we have to forgive, how it affects our lives, learn to recognize emotions, who or what we have to forgive, us or others be aware of our current situation.

2- How does it affect us physically, do we suffer from any physical ailment? Since when, any emotional? How can we naturally help these symptoms while we are in the process? What can happen to us if we continue like this, and we have no remedy?

3- What prevents us from forgiving, because we believe we have done so and still affect us? What is not to forgive, how can we get there?

4- The feeling of guilt, how it affects us, how to detect it, difference between healthy guilt or guilt, masks we adopt so as not to recognize mistakes, how to free ourselves from this feeling

5- What and how is the psycho-emotional process, the phases through which we will go, as is each of them, what are the feelings, learn to manage them

6- As is our spiritual process, this process is a process of personal growth, and when one grows their spiritual strength grows with it, increasing our values, self-esteem, hope, motivation

7- Reconciliation, with oneself or others, learn to create a new relationship, from a new contract knowing where the limits are so as not to repeat again the same patterns, and if not, learn to let her go from love, and not resentment or anger.

Each topic, session, is accompanied by personal exercises to be carried out during the space of one session, and to comment in the next, these exercises help to reflect and know the true situation n, actually, be aware to heal wounds. Audio of guided meditation is also delivered to perform during the week, and thus be able to relax our mind to be able to listen to our inner being, in addition to lowering stress levels and so on. to be able to bring to light our hormone of well-being and help our right hemisphere of the brain to look for ideas that help us get ahead.

The total of the course is 10 sessions, via skipe of 90 min, as a personalized therapy adapting the course to your personal situation. It is delivered manual, exercises, meditations, and guidance from the natural point of view to alleviate physical or emotional symptoms.

The price of the course is 300, with the option of 2 payments of 150 monthly.

If you need any other type of payment, please let me know and we will look for ways to adapt according to your possibilities.

Write me to

You can request the first free session, and check if the tools I offer you are the ones you need at this time.


Remember this:

IT IS A GIFT WE MAKE TO OURSELVES AND NOT TO THE OFFENSER. It heals us And not the people who caused it. We resume the power of our lives, freeing ourselves from the past and regaining the reins of our feelings.

At the same time as our future.

Online course Free Your Heart through Forgiveness

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