Organs of the Body and its Psychological Components

  • 2011

The liver:

He is in charge of breaking down and storing and rebuilding matter. If a person's life falls apart, and he cannot carry out the task of rebuilding, then one stores feelings of being overloaded, over-demanded, which can create anger, hatred and resentment. Many people are in fact overloaded by the circumstances of their lives, but the threshold differs widely and of course many people have different neuroses when they feel overloaded.


They have two functions: they inspire life and express ideas through speech. If you have problems with the lungs, your expression is being stifled, you cannot express yourself freely, in some area of ​​your life.

When a word subjugates a child, the child can become either a very noisy person and always pressures others to just hear it, which is an over-stimulation of the lungs, or we give up, because we are oppressed and close our communication, and then we have weak lungs.

Generally if you have problems with the lungs, it is because you have to make yourself heard, and learn new forms of communication. And with respect to feeling oppressed, remember that there are certain people who feel oppressed in a second, one approaches them and they already feel oppressed, that is what I want to mean. They are so full without being able to drain, that's why all stress reduction is such a big help.

Meditation reduces stress and if they learn to do it properly it is very useful, but if they do it only for a short time this does not achieve the desired effect.


It is the assimilation of the experiences of our ideals, and if they feel that what is happening is too much, one cannot assimilate things properly, then the stomach can decompose, and the result of a concern creates a crack between the mind and emotions .

Remember again that if you feel that what is happening is too much, and for many people it is true, those who have many simultaneous themes, everything is happening too much and all the time, being themselves the ones who are creating all that, since they are patterns of conduct, then you have to look.

The pancreas:

It has to do with sugar and the sweetness of life, and it can be damaged by bitterness, especially a very bitter mother, and there are many people suffering from this problem.

The kidneys:

They involve emotions and are the most important water processing channel, since it is there that the fears resulting from trauma are stored, which damage the vitality of the person, block their motivation and enthusiasm. When fear is stored in the kidneys, the individual will be unable to handle future emotional situations.

The Spleen:

It retains failures, desires for death, apathy, and if a person faces more difficulties than he can bear, one can give up, one can believe that he really failed, and loses his will to live, and his desire to live . Circulation and digestion problems arise, laziness, because feelings die, and one has to intellectualize everything, and one feels this kind of apathy and we tenderly endure it, and how we feed it. It is a problem of the spleen.

The Gonads:

They store the unconscious, when one abandons one's ability to handle oneself, through drugs, alcohol, injuries, accidents, when one loses his own empowerment, energies external to us can take possession of us and possess us.

Some people who have left their own government in some area of ​​their life, since nature does not like emptiness and there are also holes in the aura, so they generally have possessions attached to them.


It has to do with love, and the damage caused to the heart is always the loss, when one breaks the trust of a person in one, and that leads us to fear, more Losses and also the possessiveness, to jealousy, selfishness, all that is the damage and the heart is broken.

The Gallbladder:

It is the precursor to having heart problems, and is damaged by the fear of loss, and all the tensions resulting from a lack of confidence in life.

It is anxiety about the future and here you have to look at the issue of conception, if the parents are not positive when you were conceived, if the soul went through a moment of trauma and were not welcome to the new incarnation and there is a great disappointment of the soul about the way in which the parents will take care of the child, then there are problems in the gallbladder.

The Breasts:

They represent the nourishing aspect of the feminine, as well as sexuality and store women's feelings about their sexuality and how men see it.

So if there is a sexual trauma, repression, resentment regarding the expectations of their role, then damage can happen.

The legs:

They take us forward, they support us, problems arise when the person has not had the courage to take a new step. Many times it is because those people have not had the support he or she thought they needed, and then they start having problems with their legs.


They correspond to giving and receiving, and the problem develops when a person does not feel equal to others, and cannot find the right balance between giving and receiving. That has to do with whether he uses his willpower or gives it away.

This imbalance is caused by an overdeveloped ego or a lack of self-esteem.

The neck:

It is the flexible part of the spine, it is the balance of your will with flexibility. A hard neck is a rigid attitude, the tension is felt in the neck when the rigidity itself makes one keep rigid concepts and those are challenged.


It is governed by the liver so that hair loss occurs by rigidly clinging to anger or anger. When someone imposes their will on others to simply prove their point of view, one continues to bring past resentment into view, that is, remembering them. And they are heaviness. They may have problems with the hair.

The hips:

They are the balance points, they are creative energy associated with the upbringing of children.

It is our ability to stop and fend for ourselves, and flexibility in the hips, is related to their feeling of personal freedom, and here we look at teenagers, in which issues about their first feeling of separation from parents occur, of the expectations, of their addresses, we have a sexual entity.

If one surrenders to the control of the parents, as teenagers, instead of finding our own address, then the hips do not develop properly. So the deterioration of the hips really arises from sexual guilt, so if we feel guilt and resentment, because we have allowed others to make decisions on our own, and we have not expressed our power, we also have deterioration in the hips.

The Thyroid:

It is where we store anger, it is the desire for power, for rigid attitudes, when the thyroid does not work well. There is an abnormal calcification in the bones, and that can also develop arthritis and back the rigid body comes from a rigid mind.

The Thymus:

It stores fear and governs our immune system so that fear causes a person to back off and shrink and integrity can be lost in a situation, and when this happens the body allows virus to enter.

When you have a virus, you have to look where the fear arose in your life, where one got smaller in the face of a situation, you have to go back to that situation and imagine it differently and change it and it helps fight the virus.

The Adrenal Glands:

They store grief and take us to the victims complex, do I fight or run away? They always believe that there is something out there that is going to take over them, and is chasing them.

When they are not willing to lovingly endure a painful emotional experience, that person reacts as if the world were responsible for their painful experience, and forgets that each person is responsible for their own creation, for their life.

The Pituitary Gland:

It stores repressed grief, because when experiencing pain or pain, it can be a door or a gate to a higher consciousness, after the judgments of the lower glands are transmuted.

Lovingly enduring the pain, precisely this allows us to experience duality and reconcile, and this just releases all the part of the judgment and helps the pituitary gland.

Duality represents right and wrong, good and bad, positive or negative, at all levels.

The Pineal Gland:

You need natural light, by day, you need enthusiasm and if there is not enough enthusiasm in your life, the pineal gland does not work properly, so you have to go out to nature, because nature in order to find some natural light, and that really it's going to help.

Spinal column:

The spine represents his will, the willpower, it is like that when one does not maintain his own vision, when confronted with the pressure that comes from outside, one can get to have SCORIOSIS, the distortion n of the column, which is twisted because its willpower bends.

When one uses the spine to do spiritual work, our willpower is aligned with the divine will, and some people call it co-creation, but it really is about the spine that opens to the Kundalini, which is simply the feminine part that is in the column and as we realize it, she also becomes aware.

The Sex Organs:

They are reproduction, this of course is their ability to express themselves sexually. There may be an inability to receive the female part if the parents wanted a boy of the opposite sex, it may be that one faces one's own morality and is performing self-punishment.

The back:

It is what you leave behind you, what you want to forget, what is at the bottom of our mind, the lower back is the support, and the pain in this part is when a person resents not having the support that he or she thinks you need, in order to achieve something.

The bladder:

It releases water, it is the expression of expressing its emotion outwardly. If the bladder is weak, the person feels difficulties in expressing their feelings.

The constipation

It is always a matter of control. If one controls other people and does not control their own life, one is constipated and this is a warning. They have to let go, release all this control.

Small intestine:

It is the final stage of digestion, it is the beginning of absorption, it provides the basis for construction and growth, it builds your personality, your character, your willpower, your confidence, but more important than all, it reflects the states. most important of our life.

So we may not really work when a person suffered a great shame. That shame suffered in early childhood. They are very aware, very close to people, they think they are not remembering or thinking about it, but they remember the school, the first time they menstruated, the children they played with, a relative who made them feel ashamed.

The Large Intestine:

It has to do with solid matter and this shows us if we are able to deal with all material issues well.

The Large Intestine is all about letting go and letting go of all the things that don't work for us, and the inability to let go can be the result of a fear of loss. What do you lose if you let go? They have to look back at the moment of conception, what formed the attitude of that person's personality.

So if a child is really wanted at the time of conception, his genius is limited and this results in a lack of self-confidence. His ability to produce new ideas and carry out things from his creative genius depends on the degree to which they were welcomed at the time of conception.

What often happens during pregnancy, if it is a mother who takes care of her soul and individual needs, the child will learn this during pregnancy, and that is imprinted in her life. If the mother lets go of her control in front of the medical system, and loses confidence in her own body by granting power to doctors, the baby will be born in a very safe clinical environment, but will not respect her emotional, psychic or spiritual needs. The child does not learn to trust wisdom, intelligence and nutrition and will learn in life to grant power to authority, and will be very short-sighted.

At the time of giving birth a woman needs the support of a man, she is in a vulnerable moment, and the child at that time of birth needs both parents for strength. The child needs the mother to push and cross to go out into the world, so if the baby does not feel the support of his mother, that child does not know who to trust, and becomes insecure and confused. The child cannot discriminate who supports him and who damages him, the birth is painful and beautiful, and his acceptance is of importance.

Workshop material with an American Shaman

Submitted by Alexis

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