Body Language: A tool to reprogram ourselves and our reality

  • 2018

“If you want to understand a person, don't listen to his words. Observe their behavior. ”

-Albert Einstein

Have you ever heard about the importance of body language ? Well it is known that in a communication, the smallest proportion of the message that people receive is the speech that comes out of our mouth.

Body language and tone of voice are an essential part of communicating.

Now, a training instance on how to use this powerful tool is rarely given in our lives. Therefore, you can never be completely sure that what you say is being interpreted the way you expect .

Have you ever heard the phrase "it's not what you say, it's how you say it "? Well, it is a clear reference to the impact of the way in which the channel is established through which your words will communicate. And there is more .

The posture we maintain throughout the day also influences our mood . For example, drawing a smile produces in our brain a biochemical process in which the release of oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, endorphin and prolactin occurs. These hormones have the power to make our day a much more pleasant space. And all this produced by such a simple gesture!

In this way, by making conscious use of body language, we can also initiate a process of reprogramming the thoughts and beliefs we have about ourselves and our relationship with the world. And the way we see ourselves will have a direct impact on the way others see us. In fact, both the impact we produce on others and what we believe of ourselves is decisive on the path to success .

This is simple, interesting and can also be implemented immediately. Open your eyes well because today we will see how this is possible and some basic tips to start implementing from this moment.

Relationship between belief and body language

Have you noticed how when you are angry your brow furrows? Or how the surprise is reflected in your big eyes like two oranges? And how fear tenses your body?

On several occasions I have spoken in the symbiotic relationship that exists between the body and the mind. This means that everything that happens in one of the two is translated to the other in one way or another. That is what explains these situations. That is why successful people stand differently, speak more safely, look people in the eye .

Then, body language refers to all the nonverbal signals we send with our body when communicating . From diverting your eyes to speaking low and fast, you sweat your hands, cross your arms, dilate your eyes when looking, etc.

Now, this symbiotic relationship is also reversed. If what we think modifies our body language, what happens in our body should somehow modify what happens in our mind .

You are right. It is, for example, the case of our smile, set out above. In the same way, your brain also interprets everything you communicate with your body, and translates it into its language. That way, you can work your posture to cause changes at the mental level. Don't you think

In addition, a person more aware of their body language is more sensitive to reading what other people communicate with their body. In this way it also allows you to be more empathetic, since you are attentive to the emotions of others beyond the discourse they use.

How to use your body language

There are many benefits that can be given by practicing conscious use of the signals you give with your body . There are also many things you can work from there.

Here I am going to give you a series of fundamental laws for you to consider.

A positive body language changes your attitude. American psychologist Amy Cuddy, after years of study in this field, found that if you adjust your body language consciously to make it more positive, your attitude improves because this has a great Impact on your hormones . Reduce, among other things, your cortisol levels by approximately 25%.

Therefore, stop crossing your arms and legs when you talk to other people. Do not be afraid to take up space, move and make eye contact with the people with whom you communicate.

If you have trouble establishing eye contact with people, try at first to simply notice the eye color of each person you speak with.

Relax your shoulders . This is one of the main parts of the body that is affected when you feel tense. That tension that you feel also communicates, so get used to checking every so often the level of relaxation that you have in the shoulder muscles.

They also keep your forehead high . Don't look at the floor when you're talking, look up. If you behave like an insecure and submissive person, you will strengthen the belief that you are an insecure and submissive person.

Slow down your movements and words . This is a point that can help you from different points of view. On the one hand, this will make you feel more confident and reduce your feeling of stress. On the other hand, it will allow you to establish a clearer connection with the people who listen to you. In addition, speaking slower gives you more time to choose the words you use more carefully, and to think about what you are going to say next.

Maintain a relaxed and positive attitude . Speak fluently and move your hands. Gesture This way you can also keep your interlocutors more engaged in the conversation.

Smile. Not only with your mouth, but with your whole body . Smile with your eyes. Let the laugh flow if something seems funny to you. The smile not only favors you, but it is also spread. You will be giving others something to remember you for. Never underestimate the power of a smile at the right time and place.

Programming your beliefs

What you believe about yourself can be molded. It is one of the premises of the NLP, on which I have also written an article that you can access from here.

And in fact, the ability to communicate your emotions and ideas is fundamental in terms of emotional intelligence . People whose body language is negative have a destructive and contagious effect on the people around them. Empathy is also based on being able to communicate emotions and feelings intelligently .

I know the power of this tool because at the time it was fundamental to change my attitude about myself, and with me, that of the world around me. It is also something that can be implemented immediately . So I want to encourage you to review it. Stand in front of the mirror and see what message is being communicated with your body. Look yourself in the eye .

This is, then, another tool on the way to free yourself from the limiting beliefs you have about yourself and the world around you.

Every habit is achieved with practice and perseverance, and you can always try and see what results it brings you.

You choose, you can start to make a change in your life.

If you wish.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



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