Benefits of magnesium chloride

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 What is magnesium? 2 What is magnesium chloride? 3 Purpose of sodium chloride intake: supplement the deficiency 3.1 Always check with your doctor before taking supplements. 4 What are the benefits of magnesium chloride? 4.1 1- Reduce anxiety. 4.2 2- Treat chronic fatigue 4.3 3-Reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia 4.4 5- Undo the accumulation of acid in the kidneys, stimulating kidney health. 4.5 6- Stimulates brain functions and the transmission of nerve impulses. 4.6 7- Prevents muscle injuries and muscle fatigue. 4.7 8- Promotes the functioning of the cardiovascular system: ensures normal rhythms of the heart. Prevents heart disease. 4.8 9- Dissolves cholesterol by stimulating blood circulation and cleansing the arteries. 4.9 10- It is an Anti stress remedy that can help overcome depression, dizziness and fatigue. 4.10 11- Regulates body temperature. 4.11 12- Prevents premature aging, increases energy in the body, promotes healthy reproduction of cells. 4.12 13- Prevents osteoporosis, improves calcium absorption. 4.13 14- Reject free radicals, preventing tumors and warts 5 What fruits and vegetables contain magnesium? 6 How to prepare magnesium chloride? 7 How to take magnesium chloride?

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that is found naturally in the human body . It is essential for nerve and muscle functions, heart and bone health.

It can be found in many foods such as nuts, whole grains, beans and spinach.

Supplements are not necessary unless you have mineral deficiencies .

What is magnesium chloride?

It is a compound of chlorine and magnesium that offers many benefits in health and aesthetics.

It is used as a nutritional supplement and can achieve a more youthful appearance and also greater energy, in addition to helping to treat and prevent various conditions . It is beneficial for all ages, although it has some contraindications, like any active agent.

Purpose of sodium chloride intake: supplement deficiency

Adults with mineral deficiency should take sodium chloride supplements .

It should be borne in mind that a balanced diet is the best source of magnesium .

It is true that some diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, deplete magnesium stores over time. This occurs because the same disease prevents proper absorption of the mineral.

In these cases, if magnesium deficiency is not treated, other complications may occur. Without magnesium, the body cannot absorb other minerals such as calcium and potassium .

The intake of magnesium chloride can help prevent complications related to your deficiency.

Always check with your doctor before taking supplements.

What are the benefits of magnesium chloride?

1- Reduce anxiety.

Magnesium deficiency causes a large number of nervous symptoms that include panic attacks, anxiety, hyper emotionality, nervousness, insomnia, pulsations, palpitations and abnormal heart rhythm. With the regular intake of magnesium chloride these symptoms subside.

2- Treat chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a complicated disorder that appears in the form of extreme tiredness and increases with physical or mental activity. Ironically, it doesn't improve with rest.

3-Reduce fibromyalgia symptoms

Stress and an interrupted hormonal system are what fibromyalgia patients have. They need relaxation. They can perform a water immersion bath with magnesium.

4- Excellent blood cleanser, regulates Ph of the body.

5- Undo the accumulation of acid in the kidneys, stimulating kidney health.

6- Stimulates the functions of the brain and the transmission of nerve impulses.

7- Prevents muscle injuries and muscle fatigue.

8- Promotes the functioning of the cardiovascular system: ensures normal rhythms of the heart. Prevents heart disease.

9- Dissolves cholesterol by stimulating blood circulation and cleanses the arteries.

10- It is an Anti Stress remedy that can help overcome depression, dizziness and fatigue.

11- Regulates body temperature.

12- Prevents premature aging, increases energy in the body, promotes healthy reproduction of cells.

13- Prevents osteoporosis, improves calcium absorption.

14- Reject free radicals, preventing tumors and warts

What fruits and vegetables contain magnesium?

Dried fruits have a lot of magnesium: almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts. It is also found in legumes, in green leafy vegetables: spinach and chard. And in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and fish.

How to prepare magnesium chloride?

You can buy the supplements or prepare it at home as detailed below.

Are needed:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 30 grams of crystallized magnesium chloride
  • 1 wooden spoon

Boil a liter of water and let it cool. Then transfer it to a glass jar and dissolve the 30 grams of crystallized magnesium chloride . Stir with wooden spoon. Cover well and store.

How to take magnesium chloride?

In order to know what quantity should be ingested, the ideal is to consult with the doctor since it depends on the age and the problem to be treated. In general, the dose is 1 to 2 tablespoons per day, although it is only ½ tablespoon for people over 35 years.

Contraindications of magnesium chloride

It has a laxative effect so it should not be taken by people suffering from diarrhea or colitis because the condition worsens.

Do not give to people with kidney problems either.

Also, keep in mind that the effect of antibiotics may decrease .

DRAFTING: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood


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