Great Change Over Time - Semjase

  • 2014

A long, long time ago you had a planet that saw a turn of events that put into play some threads of activity that led to the tumult that you are seeing today. If you are not seeing tumults directly, you can easily see them in various sources, given your taste for technological communication. However, just because they have been told that something is true does not mean that their source of information is wrong or that the extreme side where they could have gone will be their reality in a short time. You have reached a point where you are aware of the whole story of how you came to where you are now, so the next steps you will take will be taken by your own decision. Internal. Knowing something else about Earth's history helps you navigate the unknown future in front of you. No one has told the total truth yet, and although we are willing to share the bigger picture with you, you are only ready to receive a little bit of information as your story will continue. to a different path from that in which they have worked so hard to share if too much information was disclosed, too soon. Therefore, we will share with you today a part of your story. I will follow more when time permits.

As I said above, the trajectory of the path of his humanity was altered in some way a long time ago by the introduction of some chaotic elements that interrupted the constant flow towards further development of his planetary exercise in evolution and civilization. As with all systems, the introduction of chaos tests the caliber of the experimental design and adjusts certain parameters to deal with the stresses of unpredictability. This helps to strengthen the general intelligence design circuit and provides the designers of the situational exercise (this includes you and others from outside your planetary intercommunication sphere) the feedback they require to adjust from within the collective framework of understanding. that feeds the conscience of the participating individuals. In short, the chaos of uninvited guests has tilted, from their perspective, the wheel of evolution against them, but it has also provided the entire civilization of their planet with the opportunity to find common strengths and integrity. If they are able to handle the unpredictable stresses that come with the change. Your point-source of higher level conceptual awareness learns from individual responses and strategic adjustments here and there, as appropriate. These adjustments may come in the form of alterations to your life plans, situational changes and dissolutions of relationships, accidents, miracles, healings, losses, etc. You are aware of the impact that such adjustments can have on your path of life and your growth individually. Imagine the impact that these adjustments have on the collective, and you will see the potential that exists in each unexpected adjustment that is introduced by a collective election and supervised permit. It is the central dynamic of collective evolution at work.

As for the current context, you are at the boiler of several points of change, and this is something that will have a great impact on the collective moving forward to the next phase of the deployment of its history as peoples of a world. They are going to see great changes from those that have been given only indications in previous transmissions by some who have managed to separate their sight from fear. We, from the League of Light, are watching and waiting for certain events to come into play before venturing into their atmospheric visual display in a definitely more public way, and in fact they could say that we are keeping our own plans in silence. You understand the need for such a position; It is not to frustrate those who would prefer that we read them their historical display rather than participate directly in it. We know that it is safer to read about it, but there is something to be said about letting go of the need to know the details and trusting that you are here now because your being said that you wanted to live and breathe, and that your entrance to the game would count for something for the benefit of the energy game of the intelligence of Love. And here you are, and you should know that if you were told about the future, that would spoil the plot. Your life has a meaning, and for this reason you should not have the full picture so that you do not influence them in ways that do not undermine your plan. Therefore, we remain silent, relatively, and merely say that as things continue to heat up in places here and there, if they remain totally in the center of their being, it will give them the grace they need to move through the coming changes with ease., instead of fighting and distrusting their own and fully integrated self. When the struggle within them ceases, they may begin to taste the nectar of what it is to have the struggle only as a function of their growth rather than disharmony and destruction. Fighting the truth of who you are has led you to forget the truth of why there is a world of Love of Everything, and this is best remembered without the inner discord of the inner distrust of a process that your being is in charge of. .

For this reason you have come to this world in the first place, those of you who have a memory of the war that began with the right of a people to live free. You have come to be in this moment of Now, in this world of overlapping chaos and beauty, to find the balance of peace within your own understanding of what it is to be fully human in the face of the degradation and betrayal of trust. on the part of those who have had the sacred honor of protecting and supporting the cause of human dignity on Earth. We have been behind the scenes, so to speak, to whisper from behind the scenes, to remind you of this. What happened to your ability to tune into the higher frequencies of Light that carry the message of your own truth and liberation? You have not lost an iota of it, my dear ones, and we are witnesses of it by joining with you as often as you like to be in contact with us, etherically or telepathically, or just knowing that there is an invisible level of support and trustworthy. We cannot simply appear and take care of all the disorder, but we can be relatively present while you take control of the situation from your own psyche, and thus, by extension, from within the collective of human consciousness. Thus changes a world and awakens a people.

His story has not been kidnapped or his future has collapsed. Nothing is engraved in stone; Black magic cannot bear the Light of Love recognized and magnified. This is your salvation, my dear ones, not a silver ship from heaven. Ah, yes, we are present, that is true, but the savior you have sought, if you had the courage to believe in salvation, is within you. It is the way of the true Earth to act in accordance with that knowledge, and the path home for those travelers who have their home somewhere else. United, you can open the path so that many can find the path home, the inner path.

You share the world with others who have declared that it is yours; Part of the history of your world is that there is silent support from other worlds, and those who struggle to control your world know that you have reached a level of consciousness that puts a little chaos in your well-laid out plans. You are not sheltering somewhere while your world ends, far from it; You have entered a new phase of living with those who wish to have you in your demonic forces. In a higher order of things, that would be a form of kidnapping. However, as things stand, they are more like sentries watching the end of the world and you are like the seed of the new Earth coming to life. Let this be a bright moment for you, and know that like all things you do, this becomes a new moment in a new understanding of what the beginning is. We bring you our love now and forever, my dear ones, and with our general intention for your well-being as a people of a planet we wish you the best for radiant transformations and life. We wish you nothing less than your greatest evolution towards becoming beings of great Light. Know that we are with you in ways that are becoming more daring. With great love, we tell you to be at peace, until our next transmission.

Channeling : Maryann Rada Translated by Gloria

Great Change Over Time - Semjase

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