Clairvoyance: 6 ways to achieve this gift

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Clairvoyance and cognitive faculties 1.1 The fascinating Democritus of Abdera 2 You can also be clairvoyant and not yet know 2.1 Become aware of your own gifts 3 Develop your clairvoyance skills 4 Visualize whenever you can

Clairvoyance is the ability of some people to visualize events of the past, present or future, through unusual senses.

Science does not confirm until now that there really are people with these abilities, however it is so much that is still unknown about the human brain, that it is very possible that many people use their senses so that most still fail to understand.

Many people are unaware that they have clairvoyance. Are you one of them? Source: Pixabay

Literally clairvoyance means " clear vision ", which almost always implies the use of some form of visualization. There is also clairaudience, which makes use of sounds to obtain information from the past or present.

Throughout history and in all cultures there are records of people who have claimed to possess this gift: shamans, as well as spiritual and religious leaders.

Clairvoyance appears in myths and legends, but many experts agree that this quality is not reserved for a spiritual elite.

On the contrary, clairvoyance is a set of powers that for one reason or another, most people have stopped using. It is a natural human ability.

Many children have visions of diverse nature, which usually disappear as they grow, since formal education is very clear as to what is possible and what is not.

Despite the fascination that such gifts exert on the great majority of people, there is at the same time a taboo species about it, which prevents many from sharing this kind of experiences when they have them, so as not to have to be subjected to teasing and comments of those who question their sanity.

Clairvoyance and cognitive faculties

Is the gift of clairvoyance in our brain? Some attribute to the pineal gland, located deep in the brain, psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and telekinesis, which is the ability to move objects at will, using only the mind.

Schools of spiritual thought call the pineal gland " the third eye " and those who find a way to use it, manage to see things outside of everyday human experience. They are people who exercise their clairvoyance abilities.

Often many people are not even aware that they have these powers, in the belief that it is only a case of overflowing imagination. But the story is full of amazing examples.

The fascinating Democritus of Abdera

This is the example of a man far ahead of his time. It is about the great thinker Demïcrito de Abdera, born in Thrace in the year 460 BC. In an era in which there were no technological tools, it was imagined that the matter was made up of indivisible entities called tomos .

Two thousand years later we know that he was right, although the atom was not as indivisible as he believed. But for this time, it is a surprising theory.

Abdera's decryption, by Dutch painter Hendrik Ter Brughen (1588-1629). It is said that Democritus used to laugh frequently. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Decried said that the Milky Way was made of thousands of stars, so distant that they become indistinguishable in the milky band that crosses the celestial sphere. It took 1, 000 years before Galileo checked with his telescope the truth of this statement.

It is not surprising that Clairvoyance was attributed powers of clairvoyance. It is even said that he reached the extreme of ripping his eyes so that they did not disturb his extraordinary power of concentration. This is certainly an exaggeration, but it speaks clearly how he was able to project his mind.

As well as Demédéd, history is full of examples of those who have used the power of their thinking in such an amazing way, that clairvoyance is immediately thought of as a possible explanation. And why not? The human mind is still as amazing today as yesterday.

You can also be clairvoyant and not know yet

Whenever thinking about clairvoyance, people often imagine amazing abilities to invoke visions, find criminals, locate lost objects, communicate with the hereafter, with extraterrestrial entities and much more.

Cinema and television have used these beliefs to create characters with amazing abilities and captivating plots.

The truth is that, without going so far, most people can experience clairvoyance in much more subtle ways.

Become aware of your own gifts

Ask yourself the following questions and check your own skills :

  • Do you visualize things easily?

If you can easily imagine yourself in other places or in other circumstances, you could be clairvoyant without knowing it.

  • Do you have vivid, realistic and full color dreams?

This is another good sign that your brain has the ability to locate itself in various planes of perception.

  • Do you feel certain that things will happen in a certain way and not in another?

If more than once you feel completely sure that everyday events will occur in a certain way, whether good or bad and then it turns out that you are right, it is clear that you should consider developing these skills.

  • Do you intuit when a person or an animal is in trouble?

It may even happen that that person does not even know or even imagine that he has any difficulty, but you perceive in some way that he is or will be so. This could be cause for anguish and its origin should be analyzed.

  • Did he have imaginary friends as a child?

Maybe even you still have them. If you are able to create entire biographies of imaginary characters that you don't know where they come from, you are very likely to have the gift of clairvoyance .

  • Do you often feel that you are not alone?

Even if you are alone at home, you may have the feeling of being accompanied or even perceive someone's entrance without being able to see it.

  • Do you hear sounds that nobody else hears?

Pay attention to sounds like beeps and jingle that nobody else hears, because this does not mean that you have stopped being sane. Rather, they can be important signs that you are developing abilities to perceive other stimuli.

The brain is very complex and the interactions it can form are almost endless. In addition, each person has their own way of seeing and interpreting the information that comes to them.

Study your reaction to certain stimuli carefully and try to establish patterns in your responses. You will be surprised at what you can find.

Develop your clairvoyance skills

All people have the ability to develop their cognitive skills and the key is patience as well as practice.

There are different ways and you can use the ones you like best. As you practice you will be observing the results and the benefits you will get will be applicable to many areas, such as study, work, health and personal life, for example.

  • Meditation

It is the most important tool to develop cognitive faculties and psychic abilities. Meditation helps focus the mind, calms the body and spirit and helps eliminate obstacles that prevent you from seeing things clearly.

To carry it out there are several techniques that range from mindfulness practices to meditation of forgiveness and gratitude, however visualization techniques are the most appropriate when you want to develop and improve clairvoyance skills.

  • Sensitivity control

As people develop their clairvoyance skills they become more sensitive to all kinds of energies, some of which can obstruct the ability to visualize or feel, causing blockages.

Therefore, we must be selective with the energies and allow the unique entrance to those that benefit us from the emotional and cognitive point of view.

  • Open the chakras

The chakras are 7 strategic points of the body where the energies are channeled. It is said that the chakra located between the eyebrows enables clairvoyance, so it is known as the third eye. It is the inner vision chakra, which goes beyond the physical and is associated with hidden powers.

There are meditation techniques focused specifically on the development of the third eye.

The third eye, one of the seven chakras or energy centers of the body. Source: Pixabay

Although it is not easy to implement them and in most cases the help of someone more experienced is required, you can start by trying to relax and visualize the area between the eyebrows, imagining the eye whose eyelid slowly opens to allow vision.

Visualize whenever you can

  • Constantly display

Remember that clairvoyance is synonymous with clear vision . Try to visualize different situations, both in place and in time. Imagine how it was a historic place in your city 100 years ago.

Can you see people in their period costumes? Perceive the aromas and light? Go to the future now, how will the place be seen in 100 years? Can you imagine people's dress and the changes that take place?

  • Focus on your dreams

Do you have very vivid dreams? During sleep the brain works with symbols that go unnoticed during wakefulness, when everything is objective and is governed by the five traditional senses. Try to interpret this symbology and translate the message they contain.

  • Keep records

If you are among the people who receive images suddenly, try to keep a record of them. Describe them carefully and in greater detail, as we have said, the mind uses symbols that it must attempt to interpret.

Analyze the information to properly interpret what you see and find out if such events could have happened in the past, or wait to observe what happens next and the relationship between your vision and the facts that happened

Records are important because memory is usually fragile. Remember that an immense amount of information constantly arrives at the brain, and it has no other way to function effectively unless it is very selective in what it is going to store.

Moods are important, as some prevent a clear vision. Ideally, be calm and at peace with yourself and the rest of the world.

  • Stimulate the body

Practices such as yoga and various Eastern disciplines serve as support to eliminate blockages and provide the tranquility and physical state necessary for strengthened cognitive faculties.

Exercise frequently and try to be in touch with nature whenever possible, even if you live in the city and forests or the ocean are not at hand.

Try walking frequently through parks and groves or try to visit natural areas nearby. Imagine that you establish a deep connection between all your cells with your spirit and your mind.

Finally consider the use of some mechanism that helps you focus more precisely: tarot, Spanish or French cards, astrology, runes, are excellent means to facilitate concentration and allow you to properly channel your skills.

AUTHOR: Fanny Zapata, editor in the great family of


  1. Butler, W. 1982. How to develop clairvoyance. EDAF
  2. Wikipedia Third eye Recovered from:
  3. How to open your third eye. Recovered from:

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