Meaning of Number 7: One of the most special numbers throughout the history of mankind

  • 2019
Table of Contents hide 1 The Meaning of Number 7 and Religion 2 People and the Meaning of Number 7 in Love 3 The Meaning of Number 7 in Personality 4 The Meaning of Number 7 in Tarot 5 Meaning of Number 7: Conclusions

"Cultivate the science of numbers assiduously, because our crimes are nothing more than miscalculations."

"The number rules the Universe."

- Pythagoras

We will talk in this article about the meaning of the number 7 .

The number seven is one of the most magical and sacred numbers of all, and has resonated since ancient pagan traditions throughout history. It is a special and recurring number in many of the scriptures that ancestral cultures have left us.

This is a number highly related to the analysis, research and search for the Truth. Philosophy and scientific research. But the number 7 has meanings that are beyond what we perceive, and that also influences interpersonal interactions.

Where do we find historical evidence of the connection with that number? What is the meaning of the number 7 in love ? How are people who are governed by that number?

Keep reading and we will solve these and other questions.

The Meaning of Number 7 and Religion

The number 7 has been accompanied by mythology for a long time. Contemporary religions such as Christianity and Islam evolved from Mesopotamia, and many of the archaeological evidence of that region show us that the meaning of number 7 at that time already had cosmic connotations.

According to some oriental cultures, beneath the sacred and mystical Mount Meru ( Sumeru, Sumeruparvata or Pali Sineru, today considered the same Mount Kailás ) located in the center of the earth was the continent Yambu Duipa (the Flat Earth), separated by 7 mountain ranges of the 7 concentric continents, separated between them by 7 oceans of different composition.

The Quran tells us that Allah created the 7 layers of the Islamic sky . God created the world in 7 days. Noah returned 7 days after the flood. The Pythagoreans argued that the number 7 symbolically indicated the union of the Deity with the Universe . Can you see the pattern here?

Without a doubt, the meaning of the number 7 comes from ancient times. But its influence is not merely historical, but also has effects on personalities and the way we relate as people.

People and the Meaning of Number 7 in Love

People influenced by the number 7 tend to become more introspective and reserved in their way of relating. With a calm but analytical personality, it takes time to fully develop emotional bonds.

When we see the meaning of number 7 in love, we understand that they are people who do not like to accelerate things in their relationships. But the feeling will be true and pure. They are romantic, sincere and sensitive people, although number 7 also makes them individualistic, idealistic and even insecure in certain situations.

Although they have the ability to bring to light all the defects of your partner to analyze them in depth, if a number 7 chooses you after this process it will be serious.

The meaning of number 7 in love is complex, because they are not easy people to carry. While they constantly show love and protection for those who want and sincerity is one of the most important values ​​in a relationship, their ability to isolate themselves and seek the truth within them has no peer. The person who is with a number 7 should give him space to see him develop, and he can even learn from him these interior processes.

To end with the meaning of number 7 in love, we must bear in mind that this number presents compatibility with number 3 as they are complementary. In addition, the 8 will also be compatible with the number 7 when proposing common objectives.

The Meaning of Number 7 in Personality

The number seven will always be marked by reflection, the search for perfection and by contact with its spiritual side. His thoughts are mostly deep and intellectual.

In this quest for inner awareness, discipline will be one of its greatest tools. That is why it shows the tendency to develop a routine and stay in it. As we saw in the meaning of the number 7 in love, the introspection caused by his mental sharpness comes from a departure from his links to perform a search inside and get to dominate himself. Each of your goals will be aimed at achieving perfection.

In addition, due to its extensive tradition in the history of man, the meaning of the number 7 is also related to cultural heritage . Returning to the roots and wisdom and knowledge of the ancestral.

The Meaning of Number 7 in the Tarot

The tarot card that is marked by the number 7 is El Carro (VIII - Le Chariot ). The Car shows us a victorious person, a conqueror. The sovereign canopy and blue curtains make references to spirituality and the development of intelligence . Both horses also have meaning, since they pull opposite sides. Red symbolizes strength and action, while blue again is a symbol of spiritual development . By combining these elements, you can achieve every goal you set.

That is why the meaning of the number 7 in the tarot is marked by a balance between elements, and the union of the opposite poles .

In this letter you can intuit a trip, displacement and adventure. And again if we take it to the meaning of the number 7 in love, we will see a person capable of both evolving a relationship and precipitating it.

This reversed card can mean stagnation in love, a lack of innovation and ideas in the couple. Also the weakness in new projects and labor relations. In addition, you can refer to expenses that were not being taken into account, money wastage or ruin.

Usually, this card is associated with the Gemini sign, Fire as an element and with the summer season.

Meaning of Number 7: Conclusions

Historian Patricia Fara tells us that there is a small step between being a special number and being a magic number. Contemplating the meaning of the number 7 we have no doubt that this symbol has already taken that step by far.

With its enormous amount of historical evidence as a large cosmic weight number, we can only learn to take this number with great respect. Its potential to connect the mundane with the spiritual is often unmatched, and the people who encounter this influence will enjoy these conditions.

However, every influence has a price, and isolation and introspection are also inevitable conditions of the wisdom of this number.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the family



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