Twin Flames: When two souls meet and connect in the subtle plane

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 When the Twin Flames meet 2 How the Twin Flame is recognized 3 The Adventure of the Twin Flames 4 The Learning Path 5 The meeting moment

"Love doesn't look, it feels."

- Pablo Neruda

At some point in our lives, we have all heard of soulmates . We probably all at some point wonder about that special person, and we may even have had the fortune to meet her in our own lives.

Although a soulmate can be defined in many ways, it is basically that person who completes us, who has been sent to wake us up and force us to become a higher version of ourselves.

It is believed that a person may have more than one soulmate throughout their life. They can get in our way in the form of friends, lovers and even members of our family. This energetic connection with them is somehow more powerful than any other.

Twin souls are an important part of the journey of self-discovery, and they drive us to be more and more genuine. They are also very significant learnings as we walk the path that leads us to meet that person, that encounter that the Spiritualists call ' Twin Flames '. And that person will be treated in this article today.

When the Twin Flames meet

Imagine meeting your perfect half. With that person in whose eyes you find yourself, it is your perfect reflection. That person that strengthens you in all your weaknesses. At that moment the earth under your feet shakes and begins to change the way you see the world.

Twin flames are those people who are destined to feel connected at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Your twin flame represents your friend, lover and teacher in this life. He or she will catalyze your spiritual growth, and it will be the mirror of your innermost desires, needs and fears.

Twin flames appear as a beam of electrical energy, and make the world a brighter and more wonderful place. You feel that your heart rises and that the dreams that appeared to be out of your reach are now at the level of your hands. With this person by your side, you feel you can do anything you set your mind to. You are invincible.

You know then that you have found your twin flame, and that you are finally a complete person . Well, all the previous relationships have been just a preparation for this.

And this is only the beginning.

For what is felt by the twin flames transcends the material. It is not only physical, but of a more subtle nature .

How the Twin Flame is recognized

First, the soul is in charge of recognizing our twin flame . However, this does not guarantee that the meeting will be held correctly and that the connection will be achieved to its full potential. Each half of the twin flames must be in their purest state, one where defects are revealed in order to eliminate their shadows with the light of the other.

Each one must transcend the mundane reality to meet on a higher plane and connect harmoniously, forming a single flame.

None of this can happen if there is no patience and trust between them. They must rely on the fate of meeting, and not force the processes to their own times.

The Adventure of the Twin Flames

The encounter of the twin flames is the beginning of an adventure . And this adventure has several facets of growth for each one.

To start, this meeting marks the beginning of a growth from Love .

The spiritual truth of the twin flames is that they are not only in the world to love each other, for that unconditional love is also contributed to the universe. It is this kind of love that is scarce on the planet, and this union can help balance our society's imbalances again.

The energy of love is a power like no other. It is expansive and healing, because it has the ability to unite and seal the wounds of the world. Now, if you live from love, how can this trip be so hard?

This is so because opposite energies abound, all that is NOT love. Jealousy, fear, anger, guilt and all the destructive energies of the world can counteract one's efforts. That is why the raising of consciousness is necessary.

The way of Learning

The meeting of the twin flames will also be a growth of much learning. For both you and your twin, it will be a matter of learning both individually and together. Well, now you are no longer an isolated being. Everyone must learn to assume their role as co-creator of the reality they share.

Your soul is constantly looking to teach you that everything you experience in your life is a reflection of what goes on inside of you . And now that you are under the influence of this wonderful experience, you will have to learn to know yourself again in it.

When two twin flames meet they also embark on a path of personal mastery . Well, beyond the statements we repeat, the old negative reactions stored in your unconscious must be eliminated. The fears that you load from your childhood, the negativity that sometimes governs you when you are on autopilot.

The truth is that it is not enough just to express what you want for your reality. For love to flow in the purest way you must free yourself from those chains and get your whole system to express the same.

When the twin flames meet, a path of detachment also begins. They must detach themselves from the image they had of the world, of people, of love, of what is possible in this reality. We can no longer continue being the person we were before this meeting, because our whole life takes a radical turn from that moment.

We have then, to detach ourselves from the identity we previously held.

They must let the universe teach them in this great learning the people they really are. Your soul waits to show you what awaits behind illusions . Everything we believe about reality is our own invention.

The meeting moment

No one can predict the encounter of two twin flames. Even when you are in a relationship that seems to have all the condiments, it could be another stage of the preparation that you must live because you have chosen it yourself. And so it will be.

You must go through each experience with the humility of receiving what the Universe has for you. And trust that when you are ready, after making a long internal journey, you will arrive.

Only those souls that have evolved their consciousness to a high level. Always try to walk that path.

And trust.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor in the great family of



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