How to move in the Flow of Life? Interview with Venerable Thubten Wangchen

  • 2017

What strategies and mechanisms do you use to make your life flow, according to your Being and Essence? I invite you to accompany me in the development of the theme, How to move in the Flow of Life ?, interview made to the Venerable Thubten Wangchen, Buddhist monk born in Tibet in 1954, director of the House of Tibet in Barcelona, and representative of Tibet in Spain. Member of the Tibetan Parliament in exile, representing Europe with great pride.

Accept the change so you reach your goals

“Suppose your life is a river. People usually stand on the shore, very afraid of letting go and being dragged by the current. At a certain moment, they must be released, trusting that the river will take you healthy and healthy ”

Before the great interview with our teacher, Venerable Thubten Wangchen, I invite you to reflect on the acceptance of change in your life, in order to achieve, calmly and without despair, move in the flow of life.

To give you an idea of ​​the alternative to let flow that I propose, Shakti Gawain uses an allegory: Suppose your life is a river . People usually stand on the shore, very afraid of letting go and being dragged by the current . At a certain moment, they must be released, trusting that the river will take you healthy and healthy .

When you have periods of confusion, you should ask yourself, how am I going to take advantage of the change? How do I build on what was not before?

Imagine that something did not go as you wanted, how would you react?, for sure, will enter the arena of your life, despair, anxiety and emotional instability, which is not healthy.

You must learn to move in the flow of life, so, you will find new opportunities where you didn't see anything before, change will bring you new opportunities! Now, the result will be a life without anguish, and with your mind and your heart open to meet new paths, new opportunities and new challenges .

How do you act before decision making, and before your feelings? When you have these crossroads, the key is the natural alternative of learning to flow . How? Avoid forcing your decisions, or forcing yourself to accept what you have chosen in a moment of pressure or anguish, but to wait for time to accommodate everything in its place.

So what would your task be? Daily, you must train yourself in learning to move in the flow of life, learning from failures, and taking advantage and enjoying all your successes and achievements ; yes, do it with responsibility and awareness.

If you learn to move in the flow of life, you will be able to concentrate all your energy towards larger, more powerful and fuller goals .

And, again, as I told you above, when you have periods of confusion, you must ask yourself, how am I going to take advantage of the change? How do I build on what was not before?

How to move in the Flow of Life? Venerable Thubten Wangchen

The secret would be, give and take. All the clothes that we wear, the food, the technology, are made by other people, for that reason, you must give thanks and do the possible thing that the others are well and receive Luz

Interviewer : How to move in the flow of life, rescuing the best? Let's look a little about the process of reincarnations, we travel with a body that serves as an element of experience, the soul is eternal. His thought about karma as personal responsibility, of the present and future life.

Venerable Thubten Wangchen : Speaking of the spiritual field, we enter a very deep subject. If we talk about religion, we already have limitations . Talking about spirituality and religion is very interesting, you can open your heart, your mind, this, if you know well the concept of religion and spirituality.

Sometimes people are born to survive . Here the challenge is to be born and live to serve, to develop and seek your inner power, no matter your spiritual theory . Now, in today's world, we need more practice, we have only got used to knowing the spiritual theory of your religion or philosophy, without practicing the practice correctly.

Here in Catalonia, the vast majority of people are Catholics, baptized and communion, however, very few practice and think about the goodness of God and Jesus Christ, forgetting the spiritual values ​​of religion . Everything has been towards material, technological value, buying and selling more things, and no one worried about spiritual inner development.

The concept of lighting candles at Christmas, formerly was to give thanks for Jesus Christ, and return to gratitude by offering lights ; Now, the street lights have become not for Jesus Christ, but for customers who come to buy.

Interviewer : I want to ask about individual spirituality, detached from any religion, which right now, has been incorporated in a powerful way in the world. Why have religions been losing their essence?

Venerable Thubten Wangchen : Your question is not easy to answer. There are very old religions, this implies that the current message is very different from the one proclaimed at the birth of religion, therefore, we could not be dogmatic. Buddha always tells us, “It doesn't matter if it is the word of God or not, the important thing is that you learn and hear, reflect, examine yourself, meditate; see if it's good for your daily life, if so, then apply it to your life; if it's not relevant, you don't have to follow it, let it pass . If the founders of religions say nothing good, leave it in its place and follow your life.

Now, all religions are in a world of learning, they all want to learn a little from others. On the one hand, it is very good, you can define who you are.

If you plant seeds in a field, but if you don't take care of it, it will never grow, it will not bear fruit. For this reason, you should always monitor your actions, do not worry about the past, let it go, but recognize how good you have done, likewise, your mistakes . If you acknowledge that you did it well, put it rather, but if it is bad, repent and confess yourself and make a commitment. Good for me, and good for others .

Many people look for mechanisms of personal encounter a little spiritual, however, not deep . Much is done from the physical, but from the heart, you must devote much more time, your knowledge, in order to attract more Light to you, then compassion, wisdom and patience . Many of us are badly accustomed, we complain very easily, we were even born crying, complaining.

If you don't do positive karma to be happy, just wanting is not possible . The secret would be, give and take . All the clothes that we wear, the food, the technology, are made by other people, for that reason, you must give thanks and do the possible thing that the others are well and receive Light.

Interviewer : How is Tibet, Buddhism and happiness compatible?

Venerable Thubten Wangchen : It is already difficult to go deeper into Tibet, because all the information is controlled. Tibet has its own government, its own currency, its own stamps, its own spirituality and its own schools and education. With the aggression of the Chinese with their weapons, bombs and armed cars, the Tibetans have lost our independence and freedom . Buddhism teaches us nonviolence, the main weapon is truth and dialogue .

Tibetans follow our essence, however, it has not been easy. Tibetan is usually good, not angry, has no weapons. Tibetans have no grudge against the Chinese.

Interviewer : How to communicate through silence? Once, Buddha came to where his disciples were, and remained silent for a long time. Suddenly, a disciple began to laugh deeply, Buddha gives him a flower, and says: it is already you who can communicate the message .

Venerable Thubten Wangchen : There are many ways to teach, however, talking a lot makes learning more complicated . Silence serves to learn, reflect, meditate.

Conclusion : The Venerable Thubten Wangchen says that he only wants to convey his own thought that will not harm anyone, "whoever wants to hear my words can do it, they are simple words and very heartfelt, regardless of religion . " The invitation is to be very good people, to live in harmony with everyone and with a good heart . "Do good to everyone, including you, take care of your health, do no harm to anyone, take care of your soul and your mind so that you are happy ." No one can buy happiness, it's in you.

Moving in the flow of life is a challenge . According to the advice given by our teacher, the Venerable Thubten Wangchen, there is a path available where you can begin the journey of life, and the achievement of all your goals, when will you start?

There are many ways to teach, however, talking a lot makes learning more complicated. Silence serves to learn, reflect, meditate

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor in the Great Family of

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