The Portal of the Lion ~ Diamond Light Grid ~ Current Energies through Meline Lafont

  • 2014

That said, let's talk about the current energies and revelations. As in the reality of each other's personal things, the energies are changing at great speed! Everything in its own way and everyone is dealing with their own energies and changes in profound ways. My trip has been full of beautiful changes and new people that come into my life that are related to the soul. I have been experiencing new mergers, initiations and updates of the Twin Flame meeting at certain levels, expanding, raising to the same level and merging the upper bodies. Along with that, there is a lot of tiredness / exhaustion experienced and perceived in the physical body due to all these energy changes in the heart and field of my Presence.

The elemental kingdom is making its approach clearer and stronger as they are more present in life. This is because our fields and energies are becoming clearer and lighter in terms of vibratory resonance with their being and with the energies and our own. The barrier is getting smaller.

There are new connections that are being made, as a kind of link with new beings that we were not aware of today. This is due to our expansion in the field of the heart and the emergence of our true and natural I who is One with All That Is. New and deeper connections are made with particles of our soul essence, our soul family and even the twin flame. We are acquiring a more natural sense of who we are and represent in this life and beyond, which is giving birth to the new planes of existence.

Have you noticed that our short-term memory is also fading lately? Everything I read, capture or say instantly fades from mind and memory, leaving them with the feeling of not knowing what they just read in the first place.

All this is so to help them in the existence and permanence in the NOW as they begin to BE / BE in the now more and more in every single moment of their existence . It also helps them to remain focused on existence and now and not clinging to any energy of the past and use in the Now and in their Source of existence all this in every single moment. This is an excellent advance in your complete course to only BE.

The Lion Gate is close and as always this portal works as a strong movement of energy to establish new seeds and to empower the Christ energies and take them to a Solar level. Those who have begun their initiations of light body activations will have a deeper sense of this activation in their cellular anatomy and will experience a deeper fusion and even the expansion of their own Christ Light. Those who begin with these initiations will begin with a marker of a Divine Flame with profound transfiguration, waking up in the field of the heart since the Lion Gate is power and empowerment.

Focus on Love, peace, expansion and Christ energies while anchoring the Diamond light grid on Earth. This refined Divine Light from the Diamond light grid brings Cosmic consciousness and Christ expansion to the consciousness of God. We are in the midst of changes that we have never experienced before: we are asked to honor and treasure them and not look back anymore, but to accommodate. To allow is to anchor that light to the Earth's network through your own God-Goddess consciousness.

Be the one who has been waiting, because you are the ones who have been waiting. Not some magician who comes to change this Earth by magic for you, it is you who have the responsibility of your own magical kingdom and change. And because you have the power and inner wisdom to do so, it is important to allow current energies and internal changes to be revealed and allow everything else to come and be. This is the priority now: sustain that space and honor Grace from within.

I wish you all the most beautiful and magical Lion Gate, I will be in Glastonbury in a short time and I will keep that space with and for all of you in Tor and the lands of Avalon. I will share all this on my website about what we have co-created as One.

With love, Méline Portia Lafont

Through Meline Lafont

Translation: Alicia Virelli

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The Lion Portal ~ Diamond Light Grid ~ Current Energies through Meline Lafont

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