How to Create the Habit of Action ?, Would you like to exist as a Being of Movement or a Being of Stillness ?, How are your Ideas?

  • 2018

All jobs, whether in the administrative, operational, executive, military, scientific or manual area, need a Human Being who thinks and executes the action . Creating the habit of action and creating ideas of value require a very powerful and decisive effort, would you like to exist as a Being of movement or a being of stillness ?

How to Create the Habit of Action?
... wherever you look, you and I urgently need to create the habit of action for our lives.

Think quickly of those executives responsible for finding the right person to fill a certain vacancy in a Company.

Surely, before hiring who met the parameters, this hiring executive will ask: is this the leader we need? Will he fulfill his work? Will he meet the Company's goals? Can we trust his results? ?, among other questions.

All these questions have only one objective: to identify whether the person to fill the vacancy is a subject of action .

I want to ask you right now, are you a person of action ?, or do you need to create the habit of action in your life? I invite you to reflect your answers conscientiously.

The big difference between a person of action and being in motion, with a person in stillness and passive, is that the first one does, and the second one will do, but does not. Action equal to "do"; Passivity equals "going to do, but not doing."

So, wherever you look, you and I urgently need to create the habit of action for our lives.

One of the barriers that the man in quiet proposes not to be a person in action, has to do with the horrific mistake of waiting for each situation or reality to be perfect before acting.

I assure you that in any situation where there is no action, and only wait, the expected result will never be perfect.

From the hand of Dr. in Philosophy David Joseph Schwartz, I want to teach you two strategies to hold in your mind and in your heart when acting .

First: Expect future difficulties and future obstacles

Everything you are going to undertake in your life involves risks and uncertainty; risks that can become obstacles or difficulties.

Think of a ride that you are planning or have planned, what did you think before leaving ?

Surely you thought is those most important situations, but if you came to insist on not leaving until everything is perfect and have the full security that you will not have on the road, I assure you that you did not go out on that walk or you will not leave!

Having the full assurance that everything will be fine and that nothing different will happen is a mistake, but, if you have confidence that possibly everything will be fine, it is very different, you are giving rise to all the events that may result, life is not perfect, less, what happens in it.

You and I must create the habit of action because we could not totally eliminate the risks and difficulties of our lives.

Second: As they appear, face the problems, obstacles and negative realities

A person's success is not in possessing the ability to eliminate all problems and difficulties before taking action, his success is in finding solutions to all difficulties when he finds them in his path.

Do you see why it is important to create the habit of the action ? The idea is that you stay on the move, avoid negative stillness for your life.

I invite you to daily create new ideas, and keep the ones you already have. Ideas are what will allow success to reach your life, ideas will be what will allow you to create the habit of action in your life.

Now, the idea of ​​being an idea is not enough, you will need to act permanently on that idea.

Do you see the difference between creating an idea, and creating an idea and acting on it ?

Look, every day one observes that many people send to the cemetery a number of very good ideas, ideas that were buried because there was fear of acting on them.

I am going to teach you two fundamental ideas about ideas, I hope you will keep these thoughts in mind when you start.

1. Give your ideas the courage to act on them : All your entrepreneurial ideas are excellent, they are very good, avoid thinking about how good the idea is, all your ideas have great value .

2. Act on your ideas, gain peace of mind and your heart : I have seen many people twisting from sadness and discouragement for not having acted on ideas that they had.

Dr. David Joseph Schwartz says verbatim that A good idea not acted upon immediately produces terrible psychological pains. But an idea acted on the ground provides enormous mental satisfaction

By creating the Habit of Action, you will gain confidence and heal fear
(The ideas are what will allow success to reach your life, the ideas will be what will allow you to create the habit of action in your life)

When you take your ideas into action, you will begin to cure the fear of action through the confidence you will acquire.

I want you to keep this thought in mind for your life: “ Action feeds and strengthens trust; inaction in all forms feeds fear

It's simple, if you want to fight fear, you must act . Please! Do not postpone, do not avoid, do not wait, do not ignore, these realities will begin to increase fear in your life.

Every time someone postpones their ideas and their chores, the fear of doing them will begin to grow more and more.

I invite you to build trust, destroy all your fears through action .

Do you see what an interesting and important topic for our lives?

Creating the habit of action will allow you and I to build success, allow all our ideas to be of surprising value, will form in our lives a consciousness of movement, leaving aside the negative stillness .

I invite you to read the Book of Doctor David Joseph Schwartz " The Magic of Thinking Big ", all the ideas I have made known to you will be presented wisely and with amazing examples by the Philosopher.

Also, it would be good if you read the Article “5 Hour Rule used by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates to achieve Goals and Objectives”, it will give you light in relation to the construction of personal and social success.

Finally, it would be great if you were aware of our next Texts, all our experts are building very good Articles to apply in your life and in the life of your loved ones, it can all serve us!

I wish you abundant successes and blessings, A Hug of Light !

Creating the habit of action will allow you and I to build success, allow all our ideas to be of surprising value, will form in our lives a consciousness of movement, leaving aside the negative stillness.

Author : William Hernán Estrada Prez, Editor in the Great Family of

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