Orionis Message: You are Divine Love

  • 2018

Beloved hearts of Light, those words that at the time Christ Jesus told you, and failed to understand and integrate into your lives are: “ It is essential that you have faith in your own Light, since the presence of Divine Love that dwells in you He doesn't love them for what they do, but for what they are . ” And we repeat them this time because, dear beings of the Earth, each one of you is called not only to inspire, but also to renew the visualization that humanity has on the star of David shown on the AIN pyramid SOPH ORO, which is a reflection of the Central Sun and therefore shows the Love that the Creator has towards Mother Earth.

The energy that is present before you to give you this message is that of Jesus Christ, although if you prefer you can call it as SANANDA or Cosmic Christ. Likewise, the energy within their hearts turns out to be that of the Holy Spirit of SHEKINAH, which comes directly from AIN SOPH O, that is, from the heart of Christ.

Ask yourself consciously: What does wisdom mean to you, dear beings of Light?

At this moment there is in you the energetic presence that is responsible for activating the Triple Flame through the energy of the SHEKINAH Feminine Sacred ; Therefore, for those human beings who still have problems understanding the meaning of SHEKINAH, we say it below: it is about divine thought, that which originates from the Source itself and comes to you through the Dove of Peace, which is represented by the energy of the Sacred Feminine that is present in their lives through the radiance that emanates from their own Light within them.

You need to understand, dear beings of Light, that the cosmic time will come to you at the moment when the consciousness of humanity opens to give way to Divine Love, allowing the substance and radiance of your own inner Light to be shown . We speak of an inner Light that has immense transformative power that many of you are still unable to imagine, since it is an example of that greatness and magnificence that human beings have and if they wish, they can reach their maximum potential.

That energy that we transmit to you, is intended to help you understand that humanity gradually makes its way towards a new process of transformation, in which the enthusiasm of both Light and Love is growing within you. A transformation in which strength, courage, power and joy will allow you to purify yourself through Divine Love, since it is a substance within each one of you that allows you to achieve perfection and meet presence of the "I AM" that lives not only in their bodies, but also in their hearts.

Beloved hearts, this time I take this message to invite you to activate the Light of Divine Love that is within you, since in that way, you will be able to understand and accept that each one of the beings who have incarnated so much within your world as on the other side of the veil, you have the ability to open your hearts to what you know as the radiance of AIN SOPH Or, that is, the magnificence of the Love of Christ .

You should not forget that there is nothing more important than what Christ transmitted to you during your time on Earth: "The answer is Love "; since Divine Love represents a substance and a reality that is far beyond what they can imagine.

You, beloved beings of the Earth, are Divine Love

Although many have forgotten the origin of their existence, what they really are and where they are going during their time on Earth, you must remember that each of you is a being of Light and Love. Understand that your world is about of a school where they can experience the different bodies, such as the physical, mental and emotional body, in addition to creativity, where they have the possibility of experiencing the various aspects of Light and Love .

Divine Love gives you the opportunity to dissolve barriers and problems, while transmitting negative energies. And all this is because it is a portion of the love of Christ, which has a great transforming force that all beings and souls have the possibility to use, in order to relax and find peace through s of the Light of Christ.

You must understand that when we talk about the energy of Love that is present in you, we refer to the Divine Love of Jesus Christ or the Cosmic Christ, we talk about the divine power that has been formed over the years. Due to the accumulation of the energies that come from the high celestial hierarchies, which are around each of you with the purpose of helping you to wake up and, open your hearts to reality, in order to know the Light and Love that Peace brings to each creature created by the Great Source.

That Peace we are talking about today is about the message that is transmitted through the Flame of the Resurrection, by understanding and believing in the Life of Jesus and his mother, Mary. Through it they can understand that each of the structures and everything that is around them created difficulties could be eliminated, restored and balanced. Regardless of what type of energy it is or the kind of problems it causes, it is always possible to transmute it, raise it and finally release it.

Remember that you are children of the Light: children of God

Each of you, beloved terrestrial beings are children of the Light, that is, children of God. Are you able to imagine the meaning of that in a world where you usually get covered by sadness because you think you are alone? Do you really believe that the Creator of Love and Light could leave you and leave you completely alone ?

Similarly, there is a conception of free will that allows them to connect with Gaia and, through it, reach the Creator to obtain peace, health and divine abundance. Have you ever thought about connecting with Mother Earth to communicate with God? The energy to achieve it is within you, it is an energy of understanding and wisdom that can transmit and emanate to the outside, to all those beings that are around you.

Surrounding them and transmitting them in this way the protection of the Archangel Michael and each one of the celestial beings who invoke through the Flames of the Resurrection and Ascension; All of this is due to the fact that in you all the potential is necessary to generate a great force that leads to a new stage of transformation.

Remember that SHEKINAH's Light and Love surrounds you with your energy, filling you with blessings.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento

MORE INFORMATION at: https://www.messagescelestes-archives.ca/orionis-vous-etes-amour-divin/

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