The Nature of the Inner State

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 The Nature of the Different States 2 The Body of the Spirit 3 The Physical Body 4 The Fast

The Nature of the Different States

No one hurts us from outside.

Everything is inside.

In our inner state is anger, anger, moodiness, quarrel ...

There is also sensitivity, affection, understanding, empathy.

What does it depend on showing one or the other?

From our mental state, our emotional state and our physical state.

The physical state comes from the physical body and this in turn is the emissary of the emotional state, and this second of the mental.

How we are on a physical level is in line with our emotions (that not feelings, is not the same) and with our ideas and thoughts.

We can interact with any of them to achieve results in others.

They are a set, like triplet brothers, one affects and is affected by the others.

Sometimes we devote ourselves to hours of meditation and then we eat a hamburger, we drink “energy” drinks, soda…, and with that we only manage to undo the previously achieved effect.

The Body of the Spirit

It is no use caring for the spiritual body, the soul, if you do not take care of your vehicle : the physical body and its modes of expression: the emotional and mental body.

The emotional body sits in the solar plexus, in the stomach area and emotions are collected there. It is the home of emotions that are linked to the lower centers. Emotions can be positive, negative ... ideally they are neutral. The polarity principle also applies to them.

The heart governs the feelings, the sensitive body, and is linked to the upper bodies. The space of this energy body is at the level of the thymus, a little above the physical heart. We all have wings because we all have hugging arms. They are part of our etheric wings, whose assembly point is the heart. The food for this body is the sun, the breath, the pure water, the ideals ...

Everything is in us and we can interact with our interior. The inner look is powerful, magical and allows us to change our states, dilute them at times, strengthen them others ...

The Physical Body

The easiest and most visible way is to treat the physical body:

  • Rest, which gives us serenity, harmony, which brings us back home in the hours of sleep.
  • The exercise, which gives us vigor, that moves energy and brings more energy. If you are tired, do sports. If you are paralyzed in life, exercise, join a competition, move.
  • And food, which nourishes or makes the physical body sick.

It is not necessary to fall in the fashions of the feeding of one type or another. Life is simple and food must be guided by the nature of the place where you live. If you want a natural diet do not look for it in the supermarket or in specialized stores. For a healthy, natural, balanced diet, really, go to nature.

What does the nature of the space in which you live at each time of the year offer? That is your food.

Life is so simple that we need to complicate it.

Everything that is in bags, in boxes, in cardboard, frozen or vacuum packed, is not as healthy as what is on the ground, in the tree, in the field . Do not be fooled, do not be fooled with plastics, labels, colorines Nature, the natural, dispenses with artifice.

And if you eat plastic, you become plastic. Malleable, touchy, unbreakable Without emotions, without thoughts, away from feelings.

If you want to be natural like life itself, run away from artifice, eat according to the nature of the place where you live.

The fast

And before you start eating with awareness, fast. Fasting cleanses, purifies. Fasting releases your body, your arteries and especially your intestines (especially the colon). There, not only the residues of the bad diet are collected, the germ of so many diseases, but also the emotional and mental toxins accumulate .

Fasting is the great ally of health, harmony, balance and spiritual path . You cannot get to connect with your Spirit through a contaminated physical vehicle. Surely it does not pass the ITV ...

Food is the great ally of the path of personal growth. And fasting as a tool for purification, detoxification, health, is essential.

Article written by Ana María Angueira Quintás.

Akashic Records Master

Esenia School of Knowledge

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