11 benefits of parsley for better health, fewer diseases and improve your appearance!

  • 2019

The benefits of parsley for your health are incredible !, it is an excellent food that is worth consuming much more, especially if you want to live longer and reduce the risk of serious diseases, such as cancer, arthritis and heart disease .

If you really care about your appearance, parsley can help you have an exquisite appearance, it has powerful nutrients for better skin, preventing acne and encouraging healthy hair growth.

The benefits of parsley are also a very beneficial digestive aid, detoxifies and cleanses internally, stimulates the immune system and can even make you smell better.

Both curly parsley and Italian parsley have very similar nutritional properties, there is definitely a lot in this amazing herb.

11 benefits of parsley for better health, it will help you a lot!

The benefits of parsley for your health are incredible!

I want to share with you 11 benefits, the most important for your health, you will see how good parsley is for you, and why you should consume it in your meals more frequently .

Let's start with these extraordinary benefits of parsley.

It helps you improve your digestion and breathing

This herb can stimulate appetite and improve digestive processes within your body.

It is full of enzymes that help the correct breakdown of food during digestion .

It is also rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are beneficial for the absorption and proper use of the food you eat.

The compounds in parsley clean and detoxify the kidneys, liver and bladder.

This herb is also a natural diuretic that can help relieve water retention and swelling.

Parsley tea is a popular natural remedy for stomach upset and indigestion.

If you want to receive the benefits of parsley drinking a delicious and beneficial tea, I invite you to place a spoonful of fresh leaves in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, cover it and then slowly drink it. Alternatively, you can also buy organic parsley tea bags in supermarkets.

If you consume and chew this fresh plant, you will see that your body will begin to detoxify, this, thanks to its chlorophyll and volatile oils.

If at any time your body odor is unpleasant or you have flatulence problems, the benefits of parsley will begin to exert power and help you eliminate these evils, your health will be the best!

And, as many people know, it is also an excellent breath freshener, capable of neutralizing even the strongest cases of bad breath caused by garlic, onions, or other foods high in sulfur.

If you ever need to freshen your breath after a meal in a restaurant, request extra parsley, it is a great natural cure for halitosis .

Your skin will receive excellent benefits

Fresh parsley is a highly nutritious food that you can add to a variety of foods, such as salads, soups, pasta dishes, rice, sauteed and sandwiches, among many other preparations.

Eating it is also an excellent way for you to get many of its most important nutrients, so you will achieve healthy and exquisitely beautiful skin and hair.

Among the benefits of parsley is its great richness in vitamin C, vitamin necessary for the production of collagen, as well as to remove stains and maintain a good skin tone.

Its high levels of vitamin K can help you improve the elasticity and appearance of your skin, as well as accelerate wound healing by reducing redness.

The beta-carotene in this plant can be converted into vitamin A, which will be beneficial for the maintenance and repair of your skin, in addition, it will act as a powerful antioxidant to protect your skin cells from free radical damage.

Look, for example. When you have a dry, flaky cheek and forehead, they are a common symptom of mild vitamin A deficiency .

Eating parsley is also an excellent way to include more minerals in your diet.

There are excellent levels of calcium, potassium, manganese and iron in this amazing plant, and its copper and zinc content is especially relevant to keep your skin healthy and relieve spots.

Now, if you have a good juicer, it would be an effective way to get a concentrated amount of all your minerals, vitamins and other beneficial compounds in your body.

There is another more direct way to use our herb to improve the appearance of your skin.

While eating provides nutrition for healthy skin internally, the homemade parsley mask is a quick and effective natural remedy to reduce dark spots, discolored skin and acne problems, the benefits of parsley are amazing!

Prevents acne and reduces the redness of your skin

The benefits of parsley will begin to exert power and will help you eliminate many evils, your health will be the best!

Using parsley in your meals regularly can help you balance excessive sebum secretions in oily or inflamed skin.

Its volatile oils help to have an antibacterial effect on the pores, potentially leading to fewer acne outbreaks.

The high levels of vitamin C in parsley provide antioxidant protection for your skin cells. This can reduce the irritations that can lead to pimples.

It is also known that vitamin C accelerates the healing of the skin, so it will help reduce the time it takes for the spots to disappear.

The zinc found in parsley is a mineral well known for its beneficial effects on acne.

Zinc participates in the control of inflammation, wound healing and the maintenance and regeneration of skin cells.

Many people with acne problems report positive results when they add more zinc to their diet.

This powerful green herb is also one of the best food sources of vitamin K.

Vitamin K accelerates the healing of the skin, reduces redness and can help reduce acne spots. It is also involved in the regulation of the body's inflammatory response.

Some people are successful with typical vitamin K treatments to reduce skin redness and eliminate acne scars.

Eating parsley regularly is important if you really want to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

The volatile oils in parsley, in particular eugenol, have antibacterial and antifungal properties and can help you disinfect pores, fight infections and prevent acne.

The benefits of parsley are really potent, I advise you!

Use parsley for your hair growth

Parsley has traditionally been used as a hair tonic in an infusion, massaged directly into the scalp to stimulate hair growth .

It is also believed to help promote hair color (perhaps due to its copper content) and shine, both when used topically and in large amounts in the diet.

Scientists and researchers have recently found that the active flavonoid apigenin antioxidant in this herb stimulates hair growth through the negative regulation of the TGF-beta1 gene .

Your hair growth is closely related to the level of general nutrition you eat in your diets.

Being such a nutritious food, parsley benefits address and end a series of nutritional deficiencies that can lead to hair loss and weak or dull hair.

It is also very important that your hair and skin make sure you get enough essential fatty acids .

For this case, blackcurrant seed oil with its high levels of gamma linoleic acid and omega-3 is an excellent option for you.

You will have a rich source of vitamins

Our plant is a super green food so rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients, that eating it is like using a multivitamin, one that really works, it's amazing!

It is a good source of provitamin A beta carotene, one cup contains approximately 100% of the standard recommended daily dose.

Although, you will surely want to get more than that from the benefits of vitamin A in your immune system, thus achieving healthy skin and vision, protection against infections and much more benefits of parsley .

It is very high in vitamin C, it contains much more than the best known sources, such as oranges and other citrus fruits, although it is also true that they are much easier to eat in large quantities.

Vitamin C from natural sources such as parsley is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body's cells from dangerous free radical damage.

This small green grass that many people put aside on their plate is also a vegetable source of the very important vitamin K, which many lack.

This vitamin is essential for blood clotting and bone quality and overall health . It generates prevention on the calcification of blood vessels that can lead to cardiovascular diseases .

Recent research studies indicate that a good intake of vitamin K in our diets helps protect against heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's and some forms of cancer.

Parsley is also a good source of vitamin E and several B vitamins, especially the folate that is needed for proper DNA synthesis and cardiovascular health .

Great mineral content, another benefit of parsley

"... the great benefits of parsley have made it known as one of the best detoxifiers and blood cleansers"

Parsley is a good source of three of the main minerals: calcium, magnesium and potassium .

Magnesium is especially important since many people throughout the western world have a magnesium deficiency.

In the metabolism calcium and magnesium are closely related, so there is little value in having large amounts of calcium in the supplements if you do not have the right amount of magnesium .

Parsley is especially rich in mineral iron . It also contains good levels of manganese and copper . These three minerals are necessary for the construction of healthy blood cells.

As you can see, the great benefits of parsley have made it known as one of the best detoxifiers and blood cleansers.

While it is not a mineral, the good levels of chlorophyll in parsley are also very valuable in maintaining healthy blood.

Phosphorus, sodium, chloride, boron and zinc are also present, making it a good source of minerals in every way.

Antioxidants for your eye health

Along with the aforementioned beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc, parsley also contains a variety of beneficial flavonoids with antioxidant properties, including quercetin, luteolin, apigenin and crisoeriol .

In addition, it is also a good source of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, you will achieve a healthy vision and receive protection against eye diseases, such as age- related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Volatile anti-inflammatory oils

Parsley's volatile oils include myristicin, eugenol, limonene and alpha-pinene .

Volatile oils are potent compounds that can have bioactive effects even in very small doses.

Miristicin research has shown that it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and animal studies suggest that it can inhibit the formation of cancerous tumors.

Myristicin can also increase the action of the most important detoxifying antioxidant in our body: glutathione .

Eugenol has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels and may have a future role in the treatment of diabetes.

Eugenol is also a potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial that can help control harmful bacteria in the digestive system, and even, to treat overgrowth of debilitating candida .

Parsley oil is a concentrated source of these volatile oils and is often taken with garlic oil for a potent boost of immunity.

Surely the way our herb eliminates the smell of garlic probably also has a lot to do with the popularity of this combination.

Did you already know about these important benefits of parsley ? Maybe not, I didn't know them either, in the midst of my research on plants and herbs I had an approach and I admired myself, so I want you to know it too and take advantage of its great benefits.

Benefits of parsley so you have a healthy heart, full of health

Various and valuable antioxidants, both in Italian parsley and curly parsley, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, quercetin and other flavonoids, can help prevent oxidation in your cardiovascular system by neutralizing free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease .

It is believed that the falcarinol compound of polyacetylene found in parsley has anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet properties, which added would help you prevent heart disease and strokes .

In addition, studies show that myristicin, an important volatile oil in fresh parsley can increase the activity of the "antioxidant master" glutathione in your body.

If you do, this could have a protective effect against a wide variety of inflammatory diseases, including cardiovascular disease .

This herb is also a good source of folate that participates in the neutralization of homocysteine ​​molecules in the bloodstream, which can damage blood vessels, which eventually leads to heart attacks and strokes .

As you can see, there are many arguments in favor of the many potential benefits to your health through the consumption of parsley, and manage to prevent cardiovascular diseases .

It is clear that the benefits of parsley are undeniable, however, there are also a couple of important caveats that you should keep in mind: Pregnant women and people receiving treatments with anticoagulant medications should be very careful with the consumption of parsley, please consult Your treating doctor .

Protection against osteoporosis and arthritis

"... the benefits of parsley are undeniable ..."

Parsley is a good source of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, fluoride and boron, which will help protect you from thinning bones in the case of osteoporosis.

Low levels of vitamin K in the diet has also been linked to the development of osteoporosis. Parsley is extremely rich in this, so it is important that you take advantage of it.

Our plant is a potent source of antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, and it contains a wide variety of potentially anti-inflammatory nutrients that can help reduce arthritis symptoms.

It is also said that it is beneficial to eat this herb regularly to accelerate the excretion of uric acid, a substance that can increase joint stiffness and pain in people suffering from arthritis.

A teaspoon of parsley made in tea in a cup of boiling water is often recommended as a useful treatment for arthritis.

Fresh parsley is probably better, although it is said that dried natural flakes are also effective.

Do you see how the benefits of parsley are extraordinary? Perhaps one of the most important is missing, then you will meet him.

Parsley helps you as an anticancer

Parsley has a variety of nutrients that can protect you against the development of cancer, and even, we have already talked about them, however, I will let you know the most important ones.

It is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and quercetin, but it also contains flavonoids less known as apigenin, luteolin and crisoeriol .

Apigenin research studies have associated it with a lower risk of cancer of the pancreas, leukemia, cervical and ovarian cancer .

It has also been shown that apigenin interferes with the proliferation of cancer cells, exhibiting strong antitumor properties.

The flavonoid luteolin found in parsley has a preventive chemo (anticancer) action by reducing the effects of carcinogenic compounds, also called heterocyclic amines and poly aromatic hydrocarbons Cyclics found in foods such as cooked meat.

Research has also shown that luteolin has an antiproliferative effect against hormonal cancers, such as prostate, thyroid and breast cancer .

A third flavonoid, chrysoeriol, has also been studied for its possible benefits against cancer, particularly with regard to the prevention of breast cancer .

The benefits of parsley also include high levels of polyacetylenes such as falcarinol, it is believed to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, even being very cytotoxic (cancer death).

Chlorophyll in this super green food can also help you deactivate the harmful carcinogens that promote tumors.

In addition, vitamin K, one of the real highlights in nutrition with parsley, can also play a role in cancer prevention .

Certain volatile oils in this herb are considered chemopreventive .

In particular, miricin has been studied, it is considered with a high percentage of volatile oil in parsley, this, due to its ability to increase the activity of glutathione, the main detoxifier of our body.

Patients with cancer and many other serious diseases often have reduced levels of glutathione .

Glutathione is our premier antioxidant in the body. The myristicin found in this herb can increase its action.

The benefits of parsley can be applied not only to prevent cancer, but also for a wide variety of other diseases, as well as you have been able to realize.

How did you think about this article about the benefits of parsley? They are extraordinary!

There are so many benefits to your health with the consumption of parsley, which is surely worth eating if you find it on the side of your plate.

Better yet, plant parsley in your garden if you have some pots, try using the plant whenever you can in your meals and other preparations.

Finally, I invite you to consult with your GP if you want to increase your consumption of parsley to your normal diet, the benefits of parsley are amazing! I wish you success and abundant blessings, A Hug of Light!

"... I invite you to consult with your GP if you want to increase your consumption of parsley to your normal diet ..."

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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