Your guardian angel

  • 2016

Your guardian angel

Your Guardian Angel

I want to approach you in this way, so that I can somehow transmit the light that they want to give us, and for you to believe, because they are really at our side, so that you have hope, and know that you can count on them as unconditional friends. that you have always needed, that we all need.

The guardian angel is with you, since you were little ... and will always be by your side.

There is much talk about how to invoke the angels ... through different formulas or special procedures, however, our guardian angel is always there, even though we don't know what to call him, he is by our side.

And I say "he" in a generic way, since the angels, as I said earlier, do not have sex, they are pure energy of light and it is we, in reality, who attribute them a physical form, and a sex, if you want we "humanize" them to put it in some way.

It is also true that, so that we feel more comfortable in their presence, they adopt forms that are familiar to us, and to which we feel more comfortable.

For example: if you have always had a better communication with women, if you trust them more, if you are able to tell them your secrets, to discover yourself completely before them, your angel will surely appear to you like that, as a female figure, or He will tell you a name, when asked, that has to do with the image with which you feel more comfortable.

Only that sometimes, due to ignorance of their procedures, we do not listen to them, we think that just when they are talking to us, it is our idea, or, when we meet someone or something, that gives us a message, we do not even We realize that.

Try, simply, try to find a moment of peace, just that, even a minute, he will present himself, in different ways ...

An ideal time may be before falling asleep, when you are already in bed, close your eyes, and tell your guardian angel like this, simply:

“Dear guardian angel, I want to know your name, so far I have only called you in this way, so impersonal, but in reality, I would like to talk to you, like a friend, since I need you, and I feel your presence and your company. Tell me your name, in some way that I can understand it, I will be paying attention to your messages, thank you, I love you ”

Your Guardian Angel

He will answer you, in the dream of that same night, or later, later, in the course of the next day or following days, pay close attention to each and every one of the signs, it is an exercise as well, since you have to be attentive.

Maybe it will make you dream of someone who bears his name or a name similar to the one he has.

The name may be of a language unknown to you, including an unusual language, a language that is no longer used today.

It may be a name in a language unknown to you, or that, even if you know it, it is not the one you speak.

If this happened and you had any sign that gave you the pattern of what you can believe is the name, if you think he has told you, the next day during the vigil you ask him, loudly: "Did you tell me your name?" is……………?

And you ask him the name you thought he heard.

Then, you will let it resonate within you, you will feel within you the answer.

This is how they communicate, so is telepathic communication.

You must feel it, and you must learn to differentiate it from what the subconscious is, or an idea that you had beforehand.

Your own Inner Being, will give you the definitive answer, or not, maybe you should not know the name at that time.

Do not despair, since in these matters, patience is essential, you must have it, in order to discover the name of your angel.

You must pay close attention, you must be attentive.

They want us attentive, awake, to the spiritual, They teach us to live in the multidimensionality that really composes this existence and others….

Many others, in which we are also.

But if you are not attentive and awake to these subtle issues, life will pass by your side and you will not be realizing it. Did that happen to you right?

Have you really felt that you are not living this? What is another reality?

Believe it because it's like that.

Have you felt that all this is really not happening to you?

Have you seen other places, other countries, other regions, and said: "I've been there"?

It is a product of this multidimensionality and reincarnation, which is definitely part of the same that I am explaining to you.

But returning to your angel and your awakening ...

It may be that you have never felt the need to contact your angel ... until now, that not casually, but causally you are reading this, because you are looking for it, you are needing it.

Concentrate for a moment only, find the calm he gives you ... ask him to help you, to guide you, to guide you, not to let you fall into pessimism, to despair, to show you the light, which he has for you, which will surely give it to you ...

and wait…. have patience ... have faith ... and you know? ... he will show you, in different ways ... maybe you will take a book ...

you will read just what you were needing to orient yourself, to take the right path ... you will find a card, from someone you need to see ... or you will receive that long-awaited call, or, you will meet some very special person ... that you may never see again, but it was your angel, for a moment ...

... or forever ... you never know the paths that our dear angels will take to tell us:

"here we are…. and we were always there for you, only you didn't call us, we will help you

Think hard about this try it

Not all people see appearances, nor do they hear a heavenly voice, but they are always there. You just have to take a moment and ask them


Take a moment, breathe calmly, calmly, inspiring and exhaling, focus on your breathing, that will reassure you and facilitate communication with them.

If you can put a soft and relaxing music, and turn on a smoke or put essences on the stove, then sit down or lie down and wait to feel that peace you need so much.

All this they like and makes them feel good but nevertheless, still in your work, within the everyday, in a means of transport, if you can feel a minute of peace and tranquility and concentrate r You will quickly feel his presence and help.

Do not forget the message of the angels for you: We are here, we were always there to help and protect you, trust, have faith, ask us, we are by your side so be it.

Taken from the book: Walk to the Light

2002 to the present. Marianela Garcet

4th edition

ISBN: 9781476018843

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