Ahura Mazda and Ahriman in Persian mythology

  • 2018

Between 700 and 630 approximately lived Zarathustra, who was called Zoroaster among the Greeks . At the age of thirty he had his first revelation and from then on he created the doctrine that is compiled in seventeen songs (The Gathas), which make up the oldest part of the Avesta . Through this we enter the history and adventures of Ahura Mazda and Ahriman.

The Avesta is a post-Zarathustra collection and in which its primitive doctrine is surely distorted. In essence, Zarathustra's doctrine is monotheistic, since the holy god Ahura Mazda is the one who presents the dualism between good and evil. The two spirits of the opposite sign.

Although in reality, the confrontation will take place between Ahriman and the spirits that have subordinated themselves against Ahura Mazda.

Ahura Mazda and Ahriman

In this dual mythology of Zoroatrism, also called Mazdeism, there is a clear differentiation between the twin brothers Ahura Mazda, who lives in the light and is the aroma, and Ahriman, who lives in Darkness and it is the stench.

The twin brothers are children of the god Zurvan, Time . This being was the last one that could exist in the original void.

Ahriman's deception

The time came when the twin brothers were to be born and the god Zurvan had promised his firstborn to rule the world.

Ahura Mazda, who had the gift of knowing the future, told his brother and it was when Ahriman, with the intention of being born first that his brother and thus being able to rule the world, lied to his father saying: “I am Ahura Mazda, your son. ”

The god Zurvan was not fooled and responded in all his greatness: "My son is light and aroma, but you are darkness and stench." Then Zurvan burst into sobs .

Ahura Mazda is the wise whose knowledge has no limits . He created the sun, the moon and the stars. He was the one who gave the being to the Good Mind, which is the one that operates within man and everything created.

In counterpart of all these good creations, Ahriman, also called Angra Mainya, and which means "Destructive Spirit, " created all demons and threw himself fiercely against his brother Ahura Mazda.

Ahura manages to reject him and take him to the darkness where he says:

"Neither our thoughts, nor our teachings, nor our plans, nor our beliefs, nor our words, nor our souls, agree."

Ahura Mazda and the first priest

After the confrontation with his brother Ahirman, Ahura Mazda creates Gaymorat, the first man and the first priest of the fire.

Ahirman redoubled his efforts and renewed the attack . It crosses the sky in the form of a scorching fire and brings hunger to the Earth, waters disease, pain, desire and death.

In return, Ahura Mazda puts a limit on Time and manages to catch Ahriman within his creation.

Ahriman tries with all his might to escape creation, but he cannot achieve it and it is for this reason that he will continue doing evil until the end of all time .

Ahriman, as the representative of evil, becomes the personification of Zurvan's doubt and indecisions and from there, he will corrupt the world tirelessly to create sin and evil everywhere.

He will corrupt everything he touches and rejoice over it by saying:

“My victory is and will be perfect. I have completely dirtied the world with filthiness and darkness and I have done it with my strength. I have dried the Earth, so that all the plants die and I have poisoned Gayomart, so that it dies ”.

Seen in Heavenlymanna, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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