Message from Master El Morya: The expansion of your channel

  • 2018

Channeled by Natalie Glasson, January 12, 2018

In 2018 we enter an exciting time for those who are on Earth consciously connecting with the light of the Creator and wishing to awaken the sacred light within others. Those who recognize the light in and around their being and their existence on Earth, can become aware of the expansion that is taking place within their channel.

Although this change in ascension is what all light-conscious souls have been asking for and waiting for, it may also require the activation of their inner courage, as well as the release of fears.

To experience abundance, peace, joy, physical health, truth, wisdom, romantic love, friendship, manifestation and much more ... let go of the mind, and fully embrace the Heart.

Every human being and being on Earth has a channel, which is a direct link with the Creator Universe that exists almost as an energy funnel that extends from its crown chakra and merges with its column of chakras . Each being has the ability to express and deliver the energy of the Creator through its channel, putting on the earth and anchoring these sacred qualities in the dimensions of the Earth.

The channel of each soul is already present and in daily use. You are channeling throughout the day without realizing it . The energy can be expressed through your channel in multiple ways and forms, each is a unique expression of an energy that cannot be described, labeled and explained.

You are channeling all day long without realizing it!

It is available to all, so they can discover, explore, dominate and advance their channel, progressing towards evolved expressions of the purity and truth of the Creator. Many beings channel aspects of their ego, mind, emotions, soul and spiritual guides without realizing it .

To advance in your channel is to align your channel to the ultimate truth of the Creator, allowing this to be the source from which you express the divine.

Your guide community is co-creating with you

You have a community of guides that are dedicated to you, your purpose is to help you through your ascension process on Earth. Your community can consist of 12 guides or more, up to 144 or more.

Your community of guides may consist of a myriad of sacred beings such as angels, archangels, star beings, ascended masters, elementals or earth beings . Each member of your guide community is taking a step forward to surround you in a powerful and awakening light that flows through them from the Creator.

You have sacred beings at your service such as angels, angels, stellar beings, ascended masters, elementals or earth beings.

They gather their energy in unison, directing their light to their crown chakra at the top of their head. They begin to magnify the luminous building within their coronary chakra by directing it towards their channel; down through its column of chakras and up to the Universe of the Creator.

They are creating a powerful lighthouse and flow of light that is expanding, developing and strengthening your channel . They will continue to work with you for many days, weeks or even months until the desired result has manifested.

Each of your guides has tools, skills, techniques, wisdom and talents that they want to promote within your being.

With its channel expanding like this, the volume of light flowing through its being improves, as if it ignited its entire being with new frequencies of light and consciousness of the Creator . It is like a cosmic breath that builds on your being, enhancing your sensitivity to your community of guides and the purpose of your devotion. Each of their guides has tools, skills, techniques, wisdom and talents that they want to promote within their being.

It is necessary to take the time to imagine, feel or recognize the presence of the community of guides that surround it . The light they possess focuses on your crown chakra, creating an umbrella of light on you with its light extending down through the chakras of your column and upwards towards the Creator Universe.

Allow yourself to see, feel or recognize the expansion that is taking place within your coronary chakra guided by your community of guides.

How to focus your channel expansion

The expansion of your crown chakra precedes the expansion of your whole being, allowing you to feel greater expression and incarnation of the Creator's light. When your channel does not have a focus, it can also receive the benefits of being a channel, such as more light, flowing vitality and divine inspiration.

To advance your channel and explore the purpose and capacity of your channel you need to develop the approach.

How do you want your channel to be?

What do you want your channel to bring to your body and your life?

What skills do you want your channel to activate, promote or develop within your being and your life?

Now is the time to create the focus on what you want to experience or activate from your being. Maybe you yearn to express healing through your channel and you don't know how. Maybe you want to channel music but you have no experience with music.

Now is the time to declare the skills you wish to manifest, accept and incarnate within your being . The intentions you create will be woven by your guides and your soul, in the light of your channel and the awareness of your being.

Now is the time to declare the skills you wish to manifest in your being.

Remember that your channel is not expanding so you can be famous and recognized by others for your spiritual abilities. It is expanding to bring greater fullness to your existence on Earth, to increase your confidence and self-confidence as an expression of the Creator and to allow you to explore the essence of your being in greater depth.

When you trust your expression of the Creator, you can find yourself being of service and co-creating, waking up with others, this will be a result of your understanding that you are united to all.

If you want to experience abundance, peace, joy, physical health, truth, wisdom, romantic love, friendship, manifestation or anything that flows in your mind right now, you can focus to allow your channel Be an expression of this.

If you want to experience abundance, peace, joy, physical health, truth, wisdom, romantic love, friendship, manifestation or anything that flows in your mind right now, you can focus to allow your channel Be an expression of this .

For example, with your community of guides you can form a channel of abundance that allows the Creator's energy of abundance to flow through you, activates the abilities to manifest abundance, the perceptions of how to support others in experiencing abundance and much more. .

Have courage

You may discover that it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the energy of value within your being. How courage feels, how it can be expressed from your being and when courage is guided divinely . You must deepen your friendship with your inner courage so that you develop a greater familiarity with your inner power.

The expansion of your channel will promote the awakening and expression of your inner power. Often your dreams and spiritual desires bigger for yourself and for your reality seem impossible or unattainable, this is when courage is necessary and required .

Courage promotes your inner confidence, faith and hope. Courage allows you to align with what you want, which is what you already are. This alignment allows you to embody and become the energy of what you want, thus awakening this aspect of yourself in the manifestation. It takes courage, trust, hope and faith as a constant energy to be present in your being and in your creations.

The only lock

There is an energy that can block and limit your experience in expanding your channel and the beautiful skills, talents and gifts that will awaken. This energy is fear, really, your fear of receiving and experiencing what you want. Invite yourself to recognize how the expansion of your channel will alter and change your life .

How will your life change the manifestation of what you focus on? What do you fear most ? Recognizing fear allows you to create liberation and freedom within your channel and the skills it is awakening within your being.

Take the time to co-create with your guide community, to focus and realize everything you are.

Many blessings and constant love,

Master El Morya

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Natalie Glasson (2018) Master El Morya: The Expansion of Your Channel. 01/14/2018. Love Has Won

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