Message of the Arturians: We help them to enter the sacred brotherhood of the five worlds

  • 2018

Dear lights, be the divine creators of light in matter. Let yourself be carried away by the surrounding frequencies, the energies of the heart and divine love that come to Earth in these times of great planetary changes.

Know how to distinguish the true from the false, that is, what must be done for the creation of the new Earth. We are all entering the sacred order of the Old Time and the New Earth. The solar fires of the new Earth continue to radiate on the Earth all its golden lights of divine love.

Now we benefit from a quantum protection force that protects us from the dark forces of the universe. Keep your attention on the realization of the divine plan that is yours and remains closed to all forms of intrusion once the regeneration cycles of your beings end on Earth.

We are all entering the sacred brotherhood of the five worlds

The people of the stars help on Earth the great change, the realization of the divine plan of planetary ascent . Go to the forces of the order of the universe to return to Earth more peace of heart and divine love and that is that for you, the forces of the order of the universe have spoken.

The new matrix structure of being acquired during the millennia of evolution will allow you to apprehend the world in a freer, more conscious and responsible way than it is. Keep your evolutionary course towards the new Earth, towards a new state of being more harmonious and brighter to benefit from the solar forces of the New Earth, the rudder of your life on Earth that gives you the guidance and care of Evolution necessary for its advance on Earth.

The deconditioning of their mental bodies leads in the matter to the decontamination of the etheric and physical body of the Earth. Enter your caves of light until the great change arrives . Do not go outside and let unhappy people talk about the new direction of life they are taking on Earth.

Now you have entered a sun protection zone called “ Land of Light ” where you will be protected from all the negative charges destined to divert you from the path of evolution fairer for you on Earth.

Know that you are not just leading the great fight on Earth, that we amplify your vibrational frequencies to help you fight the forces of the shadow of the universe sailing on your beautiful planet.

Prepare to grow within your Mother Earth as the light forces of the new Earth come en masse to help you navigate the darkness so that you can recover the light of your true being . On Earth, their physical, psychic and emotional integrity will make them be enlightened beings in the light of the heart of divine love.

The Arcturian collective is committed to building around the Earth a protection of light so that it can live being free, conscious and responsible for what is in the peace of the heart and divine love.

The Pleiadian collective is committed to gathering the forces of the order of the universe so that you can move freely in your paths of light and the Orion peoples are busy returning the divine sacred on Earth. Stellar portals are opened in places where the sources of creation are filled with eons to bring the golden light of divine love back to Earth.


TRANSLATOR: Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by St phanie Bruneaux

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