Can an idea change the world? Reflection taken from the movie “Chain of Favors”

  • 2017

Have you ever enjoyed the movie " Chain of Favors "? If you have not done so, do not worry! I will tell you. But, if, on the contrary, you have already observed it, I invite you to read an interesting reflection that I have prepared for you through the hidden essence of this film . You're welcome!

Chain of Favors, Chronological Synopsis

"In the middle of the story, it is clearly underlined the way that Trevor's proposal swept through the people, to the point of being investigated by a journalist, precisely, for being benefited by this unusual" Chain of Favors "

The movie "Pay it Forward", in Spanish " Chain of Favors ", is a film of American origin .

Primarily, it dates from the year 2000, directed by Mimi Leder and starring actors Jon Bon Jovi, Haley Joel Osment, Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey.

For its excellence and empathy with the public, the film "Chain of Favors" was awarded by the favorite supporting actor, genre drama and romance, with the Blockbuster Entertainment 2000 Award from Blockbuster Inc.

It seems to be, from the exposition by its director, screenwriter and its actors, that the film is instituted in the seat of the homonymous novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde .

Chain of Favors, Argument and Development

“Every day you can observe revolutionary and didactic ideas, but have they managed to change the world? You can also create your own “Chain of Favors”

The film begins by putting into action, a thief and a woman, who are inside a house located in the suburbs of the City of Angels. There, they are surrounded by police . While this happens, a reporter arrives, who, disobeying police orders to retire, stays in place.

When the police stop observing the suspect, losing his position completely, he goes out in a truck at full speed, completely destroying the reporter's vehicle, who in a frustrated and angry way, curses for having happened this fact.

Out of nowhere, an old man arrives, who, seeing the scene, gives the reporter the keys of a Jaguar vehicle and tells him to use it. The very confused reporter yells at him expressing that he is totally crazy. Despite this mistreatment, the old stranger did not complain and explained that he owed someone a favor, because he was fulfilling the endless “Chain of Favors”, thus his obligation would be welded.

Elsewhere, exactly at a Las Vegas school, an 11-year-old boy named Trevor McKinney comes in, who hears from his new Social Science teacher Eugene Simonet, who, to pass the course, at the end of the year, has to present a work in which the main task was "to give an idea that would change the world, and put it into practice ". Trevor starts imagining his plan, however, he should have received help from his teacher by asking him, what he was doing to change the world.

Then, the affectionate and passionate Trevor, explains to his teacher, that his project would consist of helping three different people, who, in turn, these should help each of them, to Three different people . The mission was to improve the unfortunate state of the world in which they were at that time.

Trevor starts developing his task by helping Jerry, a nomad and street drug addict . He takes him home, allows him to bathe, get ready and feed himself. Then he gives away his savings so he acquires what is necessary to get dressed. His mother, who disagreed with this action, interfered with Trevor's careful and pleasant action, however, nothing allowed him to withdraw from his task until he could see Jerry fully recovered from Drug addictions .

The second person of this `` Chain of Favors '' was Trevor's alcoholic mother, who, through clear, existential and experiential conversations with Trevor, succeeded in getting his mother outside realizing his mistake, and with that, achieve the perfect correction. In addition, he makes his mother and teacher fall in love and form a family .

The third beneficiary of this sophisticated model of change, was a friend of Trevor, who, in a moment of danger, violence and insecurity, got Trevor to intercede for him and avoid being beaten and damaged in Your physical integrity.

In the middle of the story, it is clearly underlined the way that Trevor's proposal swept through the people, to the point of being investigated by a journalist, precisely, for being benefited by this unusual `` Chain of Favors '' .

From the investigation of the journalist, they are able to understand events and experiences that are expressed in the tape and that, seen from the beginning, did not generate a coherent thread.

I invite you to observe it, this bird's flight summary is really small, and it is not enough to show in words the exquisiteness of the tape. It could change your life!

Can an idea change the world?

“To start revolutionizing the world, you have to start the revolution personally and start the new“ Chain of Favors ”

Every day you can observe revolutionary and didactic ideas, but have they managed to change the world ? What did Trevor, the protagonist of the story, do before rolling his model? Simply, he changed first.

To start revolutionizing the world, you have to start the revolution in a personal way, change your life, before trying to change the life of others ! "Chain of Favors" shows that the example is capable of dragging masses, to the point of making them global and taking for granted an idea that was born as a school assignment.

It means that from the smallest ideas you have, the impact can be so high that it even prints the value of being investigated .

Every day I realize people who are saved and do not express their ideas, with the supposed premise that indicates, that they are very small or not necessary. No idea left over, no idea is useless What is your idea to change the world?

When you have already revolutionized in yourself, accept yourself as you are . I am absolutely sure that if you respect yourself, know yourself, love yourself and accept yourself, others will too.

Then, teach, expand and conquer daily risks . The great majority of the great ideas and revolutionary industries of the world, were born from a very small and simple idea, and even, many of them were discarded by the great magnates of the time; However, with perseverance, personal revolution and taking daily risks, they managed to take their business to the top of the industry and invention .

It really is a broadly exciting, pleasant topic with many ways of intervention, which would contribute as a consequence, as they say in South America, a lot of “cloth to cut”.

For now, the idea was that you recognize your winning and attractive ability of each of your ideas ; Then, do your best to let others know them and turn your action plan as an idea capable of changing the world .

Remember: structure your idea, live it yourself, be passionate about it and teach from the example. Then, teach it to others and try to conquer and expand your challenges constantly . Thus, you will change the world. ”

“Recognize your winning and attractive ability of each of your ideas; then, do your best to let others know them and turn your action plan as an idea capable of changing the world ”

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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