REC3 - Taurus Full Moon Meditation (Wesak) “I see, and when the eye is open everything lights up”, May 2017

  • 2017


May 10, 2017 (2200 local hours in each country)

Each year, more and more people of spiritual orientation are recognizing the importance of the three main spiritual Festivals of Aries, Taurus and Gemini as constituents of a united flow of energies that affect human consciousness. Easter, or the Festival of the Risen Christ, is followed by the Wesak Full Moon Festival, the Buddha Festival. Both merge with the energy of the intelligence of the human race during the third Festival in Gemini, culminating in the World Day of Invocation. During this full moon period, the focus is on Wesak, the Buddha Festival.

Those who accept the fact of God one, as most intelligent people do today, have no difficulty in equally accepting that there are numerous ways to approach Him. Each of the major world religions, which have emerged through of times in different eras and human environments, it has a specific value, energy and quality to establish in human consciousness.

The two religions, which have had the greatest impact and have stimulated the deepest changes in human consciousness during the last two thousand five hundred years, have been the result of the life and work of Gautama Buddha and Christ. Both Buddhism in its various forms and Christianity under its various denominations have spread throughout the world and together they gather a greater number of followers than all other religions together. For many people, these teachings do not constitute something separate or different, except as organized institutions. The values ​​they teach form a complementary and sequential development of the fundamental principles. It is known that the Christ and the Buddha are brothers, as well as children of God One. The Buddha predicted the coming of the Christ. And the Christ, appearing at a later time, built on the work already established by the Buddha, adding the teachings required by mankind during the era of Pisces, these last 2000 years. The cooperation between these two sons of God is an incessant service, currently focused on the possible spiritual development during the next 2000 year period of the Aquarian era and also focused on preparing for the reappearance of Christ.

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The main objective of the REC3 is to facilitate the opening of consciousness and help raise the vibration, both individually and collectively.



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How to meditate and send energy in the REC3?

1) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we will breathe deeply a minimum of three times, repeating mentally SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

2) We must open the sacred space of meditation and irradiation for REC3, for this we will light a candle and incense and then recite “The Great Invocation of Master Djwhal Khul”.

3) We will invoke the Ascended Masters that we propose below to protect and guide us during meditation and energy service.

4) In order to focus on the energy that we will radiate during meditation we recommend visualizing the colors, symbols and energies proposed below. We will offer all the energy to the Masters to send it through the REC3 where necessary.

5) While we meditate, we will listen to the “Individual Balance Meditation” audio and follow the rhythm in which the mantrams are sung: 10 OHMs + 24 GAYATRI + silences

The Great Invocation, by Master Djwhal Khul

The Great Invocation is a world prayer translated over 75 languages ​​and dialects. It is an instrument of power to help the full expression of God's Plan on Earth. The beauty and strength of this Invocation resides in its simplicity and in that it expresses certain essential truths, which all men accept innate and normally. You can find out more information about the Great Invocation on the following page:

From the point of Light in the Mind of God,
Let light flow to the minds of men;
May the Light descend to Earth.
From the point of Love in the Heart of God,
May love flow to the hearts of men;
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known,
That the purpose guides the small wills of men;
The purpose that the Masters know and serve.
From the center we call the race of men,
May the Plan of Love and Light be realized,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
May the Light, Love and Power
Restore the Plan on Earth.
From Master Djwhal Khul or Tibetan Master.


Lord MaitreyaTibetan Master Dhwhal KhulBeloved Kwan Yin


BOOKING LINK: meditacion_equilibrio.mp3




Mantram OHM


*** NOTE: For any questions about meditation or the grid contact us on this page:


Key Note: "I see, and when the eye is open everything lights up"

Each year, more and more people of spiritual orientation are recognizing the importance of the three main spiritual Festivals of Aries, Taurus and Gemini as constituents of a united flow of energies that affect human consciousness. Easter, or the Festival of the Risen Christ, is followed by the Wesak Full Moon Festival, the Buddha Festival. Both merge with the energy of the intelligence of the human race during the third Festival in Gemini, culminating in the World Day of Invocation. During this full moon period, the focus is on Wesak, the Buddha Festival.

Those who accept the fact of God one, as most intelligent people do today, have no difficulty in equally accepting that there are numerous ways to approach Him. Each of the major world religions, which have emerged through of times in different eras and human environments, it has a specific value, energy and quality to establish in human consciousness.

The two religions, which have had the greatest impact and have stimulated the deepest changes in human consciousness during the last two thousand five hundred years, have been the result of the life and work of Gautama Buddha and Christ. Both Buddhism in its various forms and Christianity under its various denominations have spread throughout the world and together they gather a greater number of followers than all other religions together. For many people, these teachings do not constitute something separate or different, except as organized institutions. The values ​​they teach form a complementary and sequential development of the fundamental principles. It is known that the Christ and the Buddha are brothers, as well as children of God One. The Buddha predicted the coming of the Christ. And the Christ, appearing at a later time, built on the work already established by the Buddha, adding the teachings required by mankind during the era of Pisces, these last 2000 years. The cooperation between these two sons of God is an incessant service, currently focused on the possible spiritual development during the next 2000 year of the Aquarian era and also focused on the preparation for the reappearance of the Christ.

The Lord Buddha functions in the planetary Life as the spiritual intermediary between the upper planetary center, Shamballa, where the will of God is known, and the spiritual Hierarchy, the heart center. planetary aco. He is the expression of the wisdom of God and the indicator of divine Purpose. The Buddha is the incarnation of the Light, just as the Christ is the incarnation of Love. Serves during the Wesak Festival in the period of the Taurus Full Moon, to communicate the light from wisdom to humanity, through the Christ and the Hierarchy. Each year, through this act of communion and cooperation between the Christ and the Buddha, the planetary relationship between the center is strengthened, where the will of God is known and the center which we call the race of men .

The Wesak Festival represents certain very definite and clearly marked ideas, and offering a great opportunity. The ideas you represent could be listed as follows:

  • In the first place, this Festival links the past with the present as no other Festival, related to any of the world religions, has done. It represents a living truth and a present opportunity. In their mutual service to the race, the Buddha and the Christ produce this link. They also merge the East with the West and unite the Christian tradition, Buddhist and Hindu beliefs and the aspiration of all believers in the world today, orthodox and non-orthodox. Religious distinctions disappear.
  • Secondly, this Festival marks the moment of maximum spiritual blessing in the world. It is a time of an unusual arrival of life and spiritual stimulation and serves to vitalize the aspiration of all.
  • Thirdly, at the time of the Festival and through the united effort of the Christ and the Buddha, working in the closest collaboration, a channel of communication between humanity and God is opened by which Love and wisdom, from God Himself, can descend into an expectant and needy world. Speaking symbolically, and remembering that the symbols always veil a truth, it could be affirmed that, at the time of the Full Moon, it is as if, suddenly, it opened wide in for a door that at other times remains closed. Through that door, aspirants and disciples can contact energies that otherwise would not be easily available. Through that door an approach to truth and reality and to those who guide humanity can be made that is not possible at other times. This is available to all how many are on both sides of the door, and each time will be more.

At present, the most necessary thing is to develop intuition and discrimination of the world's disciples. They must learn to feel the superior vision, to respond to the day of opportunity and to reach the superior conscious relationship, whatever the price for the inferior being. In doing so, they should remember that the inferior being, due to his intimate and closed nature, will seem abnormally attractive and can be transcended only at an infinitely high price. Therefore, group intuition must be developed, and the sense of values ​​must be adjusted much more adequately, before it can meet the requirements and fulfill its function, which is to inaugurate the new era. The descent of spiritual strength, at the time of the Wesak Festival, aims to stimulate the intuition of the grouped disciples, the aspirants and the people of good will.

The Lighting Forces are especially active during this period of the Festivals. They emanate from the heart center and are related to divine understanding and wisdom. The Buddha and the Christ constitute the two most prominent expressions of this energy of love - wisdom to date. The Forces of Enlightenment especially affect the great educational movements and forums of people in all lands, as well as affect the quality of the values ​​that are displayed through the mass media. All forms of public communication, speakers, writers, commentators and social workers, are affected by this energy that flows to the mind. Human consciousness itself is currently the recipient of enlightenment energies that introduce new ideas and influence human affairs in general.

The Wesak Festival forms a point of cohesion for those who, in synthesis and symbolically, join in meditation and thoughtful thinking as representatives

from both the Kingdom of God and humanity. It establishes a factual solidarity between Eastern and Western approaches to a higher understanding, because both the Christ and the Buddha are present and active during this annual cycle.

The Wesak Festival is a universal, or planetary, full moon festival for people of all faiths. It is a high point of inspiration for the work of the coming year. Everyone can cooperate in consciousness in this uniquely available flow of spiritual energies. Everyone can participate in meditation and in the effort to express a practical brotherhood as a way of life. The value of such a united group service, in alignment with the Christ and the Buddha and the Forces of Enlightenment, is obvious and inspiring. Through the use of the world mantram or prayer, the Great Invocation, the available energies can be invoked magnetically and literally placed within the reach of human consciousness:

From the point of light in the Mind of God,

Let light flow to human minds;

May the Light descend to Earth.

From the point of Love in the Heart of God,

May love flow to human hearts;

May He who comes to return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,

May the purpose guide the small human wills,

The purpose that the Masters know and serve.

From the center we call the human race ,

May the Plan of Love and Light be realized

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

May Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth .

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Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM . Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

Christ, Christ energy, full moon, meditation, group meditation, full moon meditation, rec3, REC3 - 3-level Christian Energy grid, grid, Energy grid, energy service

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