Integration of our free will in Royal teton, Master Lanto.

This is a new statement from the great central sun of Halcyone.

Dear girl, you and your brothers in Gaia are doing a great job. Begins to be, the moment that all go to the cities of light, or etheric that are around or in the center of the earth, transmit them, the meditation of the 12 chakras (attached file, extension of a Pleiadian exercise of kuan yin by channeling) .And once aligned with their higher self, they can do it from the eighth or the twelve chakra, as they feel, ask to be taken or directed with their superior self to those who have more experience, and / or also by Metratron or A. Miguel, to Royal Tetón, the energy center of the golden ray. In the company of Master Lanto or Lord Lanto, that is to say myself. This is the starting point at which one becomes aware of his unity to all energy bodies, and consequently of his capacity for multidimensionality.

The planes of consciousness as you know are parallel, one can move through them, while being aware of their reality and free of fears and control: while choosing to participate in them. Without any need to lose consciousness, think about it.

It is your choice, absolutely compatible with the dynamics of everyday life. Without uprooting. Just as they decide to feed, they choose to open their multidimensionality, for a time a day. Some of you already do it without being aware. That is why synchronicities are growing so much (called coincidences for you).

And lucid dreams or seem to hear someone nearby. Because their emotional or electrical bodies already vibrate in a multidimensional way. I would like you to understand, that it is not your physical body that moves, the one that goes up and down, front-back: it is your subtle bodies. But having removed the veils of consciousness from Gaia, any learning that takes place, is immediately integrated by all its energy channels (chakras, nadis, sensors, neurons, etc.). Therefore it becomes real in the most physical of their bodies, and synchronicity occurs). Know brothers that there is time for everything, the more they flow with the changes, the more your day-to-day flow, couple, children, economy ... what you decide will be real.

From here to November 11, for you, you may have sleep disorders, due to the activity of such dreams and bodies. If you breathe deeply in cycles of 9 and visualize the rooms full of blue light, you will soon sleep. Gaia, the earth, is getting rid of large layers of dense, or dark, records of its past or DNA. And you who are already beginning to be receptive get them; it's just that. Also lucid and incongruous dreams are part of this letting go. Don't analyze them, give thanks and let them go.

Once you get to Royal busty, take three deep breaths, you may be identified as a light, a melody or 1 silhouette to 1 city, it will depend on the opening of each of you, no matter the energy is the same.

Ask for my presence, Lord Lanto or Master Lanto. That will help them to enter a large golden light, from the universe to c. crown that will descend through their bodies and once filled with light, it will expand until it is in a sphere of golden light. Once there, you can ask me what you want, such as a conversation between friends, or ask me to show you what still hurts you, and what needs to be dissolved. So they can flow in your day. Either from this or other planes. We will work everything.

Gaia is already beginning to be very light, with her help and her willingness to wake up, now it's your turn to open the joy of living in it, in a constant and simple way.

Brothers, this is the first of many places that await you to remember and integrate your reality, your creative potential and the beauty of your original being, free of all fear . Thank you all for the wonderful effort you make daily, to integrate the new, in confidence. Master Lanto

Barcelona, ​​October 25. Channeled by Elsa, you have permission to spread this message and my gratitude.

The Integration of the 12 Chakras System as Preparation for Portal Energies

In each moment in which we find ourselves, we are constantly subject to the law of vibration, this physical law, is what allows us the constant flow of energy exchange. If matter were still, there would be no energy exchanges, because the principle of action-reaction, which polarizes and activates the vital system, will not be fulfilled. which governs all nature, that is why at this moment of great flows of photonic energy, and electro-magnetic radiation, we are subject to high vibrational changes even in our day, not only subjected to a microwave, but also to the emotional blockage of a neighbor; But what is true is that the greater the energy flow, the more our sensitivity increases, which is why it is so important to go inside and connect its twelve chakra system.

That allow us to remember our primal energy, or to adapt to the new incoming energy.

We are not even aware, of our passage on earth, of our passage, in the present, but not at a deep level, but in the day. How many times, we eat standing thinking of everything but chewing. Only in the present the flow of energy is authentic and is used 100%. Only when we enjoy the fruit does it feed us to the fullest, but only digest it, just that.

Begin by seeing yourself standing on the ground, with your feet firmly seated on the ground. Let the earth sustain and nourish you.

Once there, become aware of your breathing, take a deep breath about 9 times, allowing you to integrate your respiratory cycle into your physical reality.

Ancient religions retain the concept of a triad :

The one begets the two,

The two begets the three,

The three begets the ten thousand beings. LAO TSE

With this concept Lao Tse establishes the principle of creation of the universe, from this idea it follows that once the triad is established, the principle of multiplicity begins. According to Taoism, everything has its opposite, but it is the knowledge and mastery of the triad that opens the door to unity. This triad is present in most Pythagorean schools, and philosophical or religious schools.

Father son Holy Spirit

Siva, Brama, visnu

Isis, Osiris, Horus

Faith, hope, charity ... etc

For a seat to hold, it must have at least three legs, that is well known by architects.

Our external identity is defined by the fact that there is a coherence between what we think, what we feel and what we do. Balancing the mint, emotional and physical energies opens the door to true spiritual existence.

The dual vision is a partial point of view. The law of cause and effect is meaningless, if we forget that both cause and effect are transcendent.

Whenever we look for an answer, we have to question the attitude, that is, the triad, the attitude that we maintain in front of this formulation. Attitude conditions the question and the question conditions the answer. Some therapists affirm that there are three types of intelligence, the purely rational, the purely emotional and the transcendent or spiritual. The fusion of the three serves to establish the path of personal evolution.

It is from this concept or union that the proposal of our exercise is born; the concept of a triad, of an inner child, a physical and a higher self. That is why we will work in sequences of three breaths, and in periods of 9 inhalations, three for each of them.

Those who know, numerology, also know the meanings or vibrations of the three.

In traumatic numerology, the number three is the positive mind . It represents the problem between the ego and the soul. It is the conflict between the limited being and our unlimited being. This involves working within the framework of our patterns of protection of existence, among our defense mechanisms that we use to function in this world and also act according to our spiritual nature, with correction, ultimately with our infinity.

The positive mind, for yogis, is the one that identifies with creativity, it is the mind of impulsivity, dynamism, of realization.

On the other hand, the nine, is known as "the mystery versus mastery", represents the subtle body. This number gives us the ability to be totally in inner stillness and therefore in complete and unitary knowledge, of a place, space and situation, it is like a lotus flower that floats above the water without having to go against any wave.

In the process we are activating and strengthening our ties with the higher Self, or Christian body, that connects to our column of chakras through the eighth chakra.

It is one thing to know that we have this body, and another is to anchor and fully activate it. For some time we have been in this process, which for some beings is already complete. We live in an electro-magnetic world, so far with a characteristic electromagnetic density that has limited us a lot. But we are being tuned at a higher frequency by the action of energy, the action of the Flame in the electrification of the matter of our matter-energy bodies.

Given this concept, we find the beginning of the exercise:

We become aware of standing on the ground, and take three deep breaths.

Then we go to sit, with our backs very straight or we can also stretch, on the floor, as we prefer. And we visualize the core of the earth, as if it were a large crystal, which emanates its own light. From that light some sparkles are born, flashes that flow upwards and are placed like a large stream of light, about 20 cm from the sole of our feet, there we find a chakra, which is called, transpersonal, because it belongs to the etheric bodies, who are in direct contact with our physical body.

Connect with the point of the Earth Star, a place a few feet below your feet where you are energetically connected to the Earth's grilles. Once you see it, see how it lights, and opens, setting the new energy with a series of nine breaths, which will allow us to set the new energy and leave the old one behind.

Then, bring your consciousness to your Base Chakra and feel your connection with all the other physical beings on the planet, your family and your relationships, whether human or from the vegetable, animal or mineral kingdoms. We see how the whole chackra is illuminated and we fix the light again, inside, we can remove if we see fit, those things that we see that are not harmonics, screws, plates etc. Everything that is not harmonic.

Once finished, we see how the light rises upwards, reaching the Sacral Chakra, perceive your personal fire, your emotions and your creativity. Celebrate your creativity and your energies, visualize how it is filled with light, in an extraordinary way, and set the energy again in nine deep breaths as in the previous centers.

Relaxed and unhurried, begin to rise to the flow of light to the Solar Plexus Chakra Feel your connection with the intellectual energies and those of the planet's mind, and feel that it is a good thing. It is a network of communication with ideas that links your mind with that of the Human Collective. Breathing again nine times.

. Then we raise the energies to his Heart Chakra. Feel the waves of Unconditional Love that links the Spiritual energy of the Above with the Physical energy of the Below. Feel the energies of Tolerance, Hope, Joy, Faith and Trust. Let us rest in those wonderful energies and feel yourselves as a Link of the Heart n ? Integrating it through breathing, again in a cycle of nine.

Now go to your Throat Chakra. Feel your connection with your Guide and your Higher Self as you speak your truth and walk in faith. Let us communicate both internally and externally. We see how the light reactivates that communication. Breathing nine times, with lots of peace, there is plenty of time.

In the Entrecejo Chakra allow the physical and intuitive energies of your Third Eye to link them with your physical and prescriptive abilities. You are Children of the Light: The Magic Child! Activate your superior mental skills and feel your freedom and joy. The joy of living. We breathe nine times at night depth.

Now go to your Seventh Chakra, just above your head. Feel there the expansion of energies as you open your Higher Vibrations to the Sirian Star Energies. Remember that these energies flow from the source through the Galactic and Syrian Center to reach you. They are the ultimate expression of the Divine Will that you can currently access on this Planet. Feel yourself creating BALANCE between your lower system of seven chakras while integrating those energies. Or their guides, or their deity, it doesn't matter, but feel the connection with the divine.

They should go to the next level only when they feel balanced and calm (if they do not feel the balance, they better wait for another opportunity, do not continue if they feel unbalanced since, if they are not rooted and balanced, the following steps would only serve to unbalance them even more).

Now rise to your Eighth Chakra, a few spans above your heads. Feel your connection with the Higher Archetypal Mind of the Human Collective. This is a place of power (as manifestation), dreams and desires. Allow yourself to connect only with the highest dreams and aspirations of the Planet and of yourselves. Fill this chakra with radiant golden light and see transmitting this light to the Collective Mind of the Human Species, helping to transform Homo Sapiens (mediated by the lower mind) into Homo Christos (defined by the Higher Mind). Feel the tingling in your hands and once there, take a deep breath nine times, very slowly, feel your stadium of peace. This is known, as the causal farm, which connects us with the causal body, and filters information and energy.

Now go to the Ninth Chakra and feel your energetic connection with the Planet. You are Lightworkers and guardians of the Planetary Grids. Allow yourself to consolidate the Crystal Grids by transmitting your unconditional love and joy to the Planet. It is a beautiful and wonderful creation. Let that be your message, the confirmation of your admiration and your happiness for being part in this miraculous time of that ongoing creation called Planet Earth! We breathe deeply and in nine breaths of light

When you enter your Tenth Chakra, you will open your Higher Solar Being and enter the beloved presence of the Ascended and the Angelic Realm of Light. Feel the love and sustenance that comes from the Higher Dimensions. Open yourself to the knowledge that you also have a place among these beings by accessing the radiant light of your Tenth Chakra. Again we breathe nine times.

Go even higher, opening to your Eleventh Chakra. This illuminates your Galactic Heritage. They are Star Seeds, and the essence of their soul is here, in the stars. Feel the joy and love that belongs to the children of the Galaxy as they advance in their creative missions and the self-awareness of their belonging to the Energy of the Divine Source. We take a deep breath, again, in nine sequences.

And finally, upon entering your twelfth Chakra, sit entering the Blessed Energy of the Divine Source. They are entering the space of Divine Unity. They are One with All That Is. Rest at this point. Allow those energies to fill your Being. They are in the Heart of Light. They are the light. They are home. You are you. This is what they are (and while they rest in the radiance of this radiant light, allow, for a few moments, your consciousness to rub the Divine Mystery of all existence in the Thirteenth Chakra.)

Let's stay there for a while, take a deep breath if we think it's necessary, or just stay there. The bodies are infinite, so it is very difficult to narrow down after the unit, our multidimensional farms. That is why it is important to know what they are, and that at the moment when it is necessary, they will be opened.

Once in this state, we fill the lungs with light and air, and slowly release them. We feel the tingling in our hands. And we ask, our Higher self, or our angelic self. That he adopt a human form, and we ask him to place himself, in front of us, to rest his hands on the soul of ours and fill us with energy.

We let this happen and we fill ourselves with light, and as if we could talk with him, we ask him what he wants from us. He usually answers us with a feeling, an image, etc., they are usually abstract things, such as pain, sadness ... etc. We give it to him in return, he will give us a gift, something that allows us to overcome that part of us that has already been withdrawn. We let peace settle in us, again and we breathe three times.

The hands of the Higher Self and the human self establish contact

with the purpose of exchanging energy.

We ask you then to stand behind us and to connect your chakras to our farms with a beam of light.

The Higher Self is placed behind the human self and sends cords of light from each of its chakras to the back of the chakras of the human body.

In the second stage of meditation, when you connect the back of the chakras with the front part of the chakras of the Higher Self, this will leave the contact of the hands and will be placed behind you. The reason is that the subconscious part of the chakras is located in the back directly behind the conscious part of the chakras, which are in front. For example, ahead the heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, and behind between the shoulder blades in the area of ​​the fourth to the seventh vertebra tor cica. In the guided meditation that follows, the location of each subconscious chakra is specified.

When your Higher Self connects with the seven chakras, you will feel a gentle stream of energy coming from behind the shape of your Higher Self, merging fully with the physical body. Once the merger is over, you will exchange gifts with your Higher Self. Then you will have to give your Higher Self something that asks you. If your Higher Self asks you the pain of your heart or the shame of not being good enough, or anything else that seems very poor to you as a gift, realize that when you leave the limitations, you reach more intimacy and you feel closer to your Higher Self. So something that you consider negative is a wonderful gift for your Higher Self, since what you most desire is a deeper and more affectionate connection with you. You can also ask for something more symbolic, like a crystal, a flower, or your hope, for example. Whatever it is, you must know that it will be what most reinforces your union at that time.

We allow the necessary time for this to happen, and with much love or gratitude we thank you. Until the next meeting.

We take a deep breath and begin to close our chakras, descending very slowly, we close them to everything that is not divine love, everything that is not harmonic, and we also close our aura to everything that Don't be love and light.

In the case of the exercise of Royal Teton or to speak with the teachers, from the golden light, we ask: on behalf of me I am invoking or calling ... Master Teacher ... etc.

Now, as you return, slowly go back, through chakras 12 and 11, at 10, 9, 8 and 7, and then descend back to your body on Earth and the Earth Star to take root. Be rooted, it means, that you see as a tube of light a roots or an anchor, each of you will know, is one to the core of the earth, and allows you to remain in your physical body.

Make sure you are fully rooted and return to your body before starting any other activity. They should already be activated and balanced!

How to return to the body, it is very simple, move your fingers, your feet, very slowly, even take a few minutes before opening your eyes and sleep, even if necessary, sleep as much as you need, if you have done it correctly, you will immediately see the results in your physical life, and your peace, in the face of changes, if you only want to start with the first 7 there is no problem on you depends Each to his free will. It is highly recommended to drink water after exercising myself while doing it, since water stabilizes our electrical bodies with which we have made contact, in it, and is very necessary for ascension.

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