The secret teaching of the Master Jesus.

  • 2017

In today's society, where all the information in the world can be easily obtained with just one click, most Christians continue to be surprised to learn that Jesus secretly taught certain divine principles that were not revealed to everyone. These principles are directly related to the metaphysical teachings that grow day by day in popularity.

The Truth barely revealed itself in New Testament passages and in them lies the key to supporting these facts without the possibility of error, opening many of the mysteries of the life and activities of Jesus and His Disciples, to become clear evidence, Understandable and positive of the secret teaching of Jesus .

About the facts

Here are the facts:

-That Jesus had many private and secret meetings or sessions with his Disciples and trusted partners is something that is implied in many parts of the New Testament. There is unequivocal evidence of this fact.

-That Jesus possessed some wonderful knowledge, secret, divine or spiritual - as well as semi-scientific - that allowed him to perform miracles and could pass this knowledge and secret power to others is also unequivocal.

-That the first Christian workers who constitute the foundations of the Christian religion were able to perform miracles or apply Divine or Cosmic principles in a new and different way to everything that had been applied before, it is evident when reading and analyzing the Gospels Synoptics and other parts of the New Testament.

- That the early Christian church was dedicated to two phases of essential activity: (1) preach, teach, apply, and (2) effect, cure, demonstrate - it is unquestionable.

-That the Christian church today no longer practices or demonstrates those principles of healing or resorting to divine and natural law to make extraordinary manifestations, but concentrates almost exclusively on preaching and postulating, indicates that today's Christian church has abandoned completely half of his great work or he has forgotten some secret knowledge possessed by the early Christians, which has not passed through the ages from priest to priest, cleric to cleric or from sect to sect.

These statements constitute fundamental keys to open the mysteries of the mission of Jesus the Christ while on Earth. As a result of careful study and extensive research, several conclusions can be obtained.

About the conclusions

1. - That Jesus the Christ had a divine birth and, therefore, was specially prepared - spiritually, mentally and physically - to receive, test and rehearse certain secret knowledge that would allow him to carry out a special mission on our Earth.

2. - That having been properly prepared, divine, spiritual, intellectual and physically for this great mission, it was also decreed that He should expand this knowledge and pass the special powers that divine wisdom developed in Him, to others who were well qualified and were worthy, so that they could carry out their mission through the ages and do " even greater things ."

3. - That during the first years of Jesus' ministry, He sought, found, trained and prepared those men and women of Palestine, Egypt and Syria, who would be spiritually and morally dignified and ethically qualified to perpetuate the knowledge that He brought to the Earth and the powers that had been conferred through His divine birth.

4. - That these people thus prepared and trained would constitute a secret group of adepts and fellow scholars, who met in secret for the instruction, test, essay and critical practice of the secret principles.

5. - That such a secret society was formed by Jesus and remained in continuous operation and action throughout the last years of His life and beyond, because it was not extinguished at the time of the Crucifixion and Ascension.

6. - That the men and women bound to this secret society by secret oaths were one hundred and twenty, the society not being limited only to its twelve Apostles or Disciples. This surprising fact is clearly stated in the New Testament.

7.-Like any other secret society that had to carefully keep its teachings, principles, list of members, and ideals and purposes against political or aristocratic persecution, this mysterious body of divine students had in Jerusalem several meeting places for continuous use, with branches for occasional meetings in outer districts.

8. That his principal place of meeting Tem p lo was well taken care of and well protected, that he was known by a secret name revealed only to the tested and tested members.

9. That the secret society also had passwords, signs, symbols and other signals through which the members recognized themselves to each other, and prevented spies or political persecutors from joining them or becoming aware of their secret work.

10. That when the members of this secret society were summoned by Jesus on regular and special occasions, they had to approach their secret place of meeting one by one with the greatest care and be guided by secret signs that changed from time to time.

11. That among the one hundred and twenty members were not only those who were later known as the Twelve Disciples and constituted the secret executive committee of this secret society, but also n others who were interested in the secret work of society, including Jesus' mother and his brothers and sisters.

12. That during the course of study and preparation for secret work, Jesus not only taught his students the secret teachings but also helped them to develop within themselves the extraordinary and spiritual power that he possessed, and that by having prepared them in such a way, conferred upon them the divine authority to use the special power they had developed, and to represent him and the Kingdom of Heaven through future centuries.

13. That among the one hundred and twenty secret students there were rich men from the country and a few who possessed influence and political power, and who later came to Jesus' aid In their hours of persecution and they carried out certain acts that they had promised each other in case of such an emergency.

14. That the parables and allegorical instructions that Jesus gave to the public, and particularly those of the public who followed him more or less carefully, were veiled and deliberately hidden secret truths that cannot be understood and properly interpreted today, unless one possesses a delineation of the secret teachings given.

15. That this special secret society may or may not have been affiliated with the Essenes, another secret society of which Jesus was very knowledgeable. In recent years the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls has confirmed the reference to the Essenes and their secret teachings that preceded Christianity and with whom Jesus must have been in contact. G. Lankester Harding, Director of the Jordanian Department of Antiquities, states the following:

“The most amazing revelation of the Essene documents that have been published so far is that the sect had, years before Christ, a terminology and practice that had always been considered uniquely Christian. The Essenes practiced baptism and shared a liturgical snack of bread and wine which was presided by a priest. They believed in redemption and immortality of the soul. Its most important leader was a mysterious figure called the Master of Righteousness, a blessed Messianic priest-prophet, of divine revelation, persecuted and perhaps eventually martyred. ”

“Many phrases, symbols and precepts of Essenian literature are used in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospel of John and the Epistles of Paul. The use of baptism by John the Baptist has led certain scholars to believe that he was either an Essene or strongly influenced by the sect. The Dead Sea scrolls have also given fresh impetus to the theory that Jesus may have been a student of Essene thinking. ”

16. - That each one of the secret teachings constitutes a spiritually applied and materially manifested divine law, and that each of them is delineated in almost perfect detail - hidden in parts of the New Testament - and can be armed for a complete and perfect understanding .

17. - That these secret teachings and practices are not found in the instructions of the Christian church today, and because some of these truths were discovered by societies outside the Christian church, the sects and cults that use this secret knowledge are perceived as rivals of the Christian church.

18. - That if the Christian church of today made itself learned in this secret knowledge, and spent its time teaching, preparing and qualifying certain devout students from each part of the world to practice and demonstrate this divine knowledge, it would become in the most powerful and powerful influence for peace, happiness, health and perfection on Earth. It could end most of life's problems and bring the kingdom of heaven over us with the gradual elimination of wars, hatreds and personal sins.

Without going to assess the acceptance or rejection that these statements cause in each reader, in successive articles we will deepen as far as possible, in this secret teaching transmitted by Jesus. And remember that we do not want to convince anyone, or make their beliefs falter, but only transmit a pinch of knowledge that brings us closer to the Truth.

SOURCE: " The Secret Doctrines " of H. Spencer Lewis.

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