How to increase vital energy

  • 2017

How many times have we wanted to do something and don't finish it or sometimes we don't even start it? On many occasions we imagine many things we want to do, we have projects to achieve but all that is postponed and deep down we feel we have a debt to ourselves that we have not given our best to achieve what we want, we feel self-translationed and we begin to believe That we are not good enough.

Among many reasons such as fear of failure, fear of not doing well, of others' judgments, lack of time, thoughts of unworthiness, preferring a position of comfort. But one of the reasons why we often don't do the things we want is for lack of vital energy .

According to Chinese culture, the vital energy, known by them as Qui or Chi, is the energy that animates the forms in the universe, it is the energy that feeds living beings, it is What gives life is the essence of life. This energy moves through the meridians of the human body that carry the energy to the different organs of our body. When this energy does not flow through our body diseases occur, the body's defenses are lowered, but we also feel lazy, it is difficult for us to interact with others, we have less money flow. On the contrary, people who have a good flow of energy are leaders, they have many friends, they have more money, in general they have abundance in all aspects of their lives, people are more attracted to those who have more vital energy.

How do we lose our vital energy?

We lose our vital energy when we have inharmonious thoughts and emotions as these wear down both our body and our mind. All those beliefs that generate suffering, anxiety, anguish, anger and other negative emotions, are polluting our body, consume the vital energy and generate blockages that lead us to suffer from diseases and feel exhausted. Obsessive thoughts wear us out as they cause us to lose a great deal of vital energy. Remember an episode in which you experienced a situation that generated great anger, remember the thoughts and emotions you had at that moment. Then remember how you felt later, surely you felt very exhausted.

Another element that influences the loss of vital energy is poor nutrition. The body requires food to generate vital energy, but there are some foods that cause our vital energy to decrease such as those that contain sodium, refined sugar, processed foods, fried foods, alcohol, tobacco, sweeteners, sausages and processed meats, but also a bad preparation of these, such as the use of the pressure cooker and the microwave. Foods that are too heavy for our body spend a lot of energy to be processed.

Inadequate breathing will cause us not to have enough vital energy. The human being takes energy mainly from food and the air he breathes. When we don't breathe properly, the body cannot absorb the energy of the universe

Do not sleep or sleep little. The sensory stimuli we receive during the day, the frequencies of the different technologies make it difficult to fall asleep at night. If we do not have a good sleep caused by noise, respiratory problems, excess in the amount of light,

Surrounding yourself with gossip people, who complain wears out, these people steal our vital energy.

How to increase vital energy?

Take care of your thoughts. What you think, that is what you become. That is why it is so important that your thoughts are positive, the higher your thoughts are, the higher your energy will be.

Some foods are difficult to digest, making you spend more energy, on the contrary fresh foods, legumes, fruits, vegetables and cereals are easy to digest and increase your vital energy . Avoid eating sugar and foods high in sodium.

Practice techniques like Chi kung . You will find several exercises that will help you raise your vital energy. You can also practice meditation and conscious breathing .

Sleep well . It is necessary to reach adequate levels of deep sleep to be required for the body and mind to rest. Avoid the lights in the place where you sleep, as this affects sleep. Put electrical tape on the bulbs of the appliances you have in your room, as these interfere with deep sleep.

Surround yourself with nice people, avoid the chaotic and negative people who steal your energy. They also maintain a positive attitude, for so will come to you people who are in your same vibration.

Author: JP Ben-Avid


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